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What's Your Ocd?


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For me, you know those heinz ketchup bottles that the white lid is at the bottom, well my family always have it the wrong way round so that the lid is at the top. I have to turn it the right way around, proper frustrates me!

Also our house door handle gets stuck horizontal when locked, I have to push it down a little so that its like in the normal position.

Does anyone else have these little pet hates/things that they have to do? Would be interesting to hear :D

Mr dan

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I am one of those people who likes to lay things out perfectly spaced out and in line with other things, if only occasionally.

I used to be able to overlook mess but recently I went the whole hog with it... and my room is noticeably tidy, even if it isn't perfect.

I might add that my actual OCD seems to be checking to see if I locked the door.

Edited by Revolver
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Light switches, lol. Most of the ones around my house are double light switches and I have to have them either all on or all off. Have to check a good 3 or 4 times that the alarms are on all the way around the house before I go to bed or I find it impossible to sleep. Salt and pepper grinders as well, ha! I've got odd shaped ones where the twisty bit doesn't align with the base unless you twist it to match. I can't stand it when the twisty bit and the base aren't aligned, I go nuts :lol:

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith
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I know what you mean sir. I just couldn't help but think ocd describes best what I'm thinking of, its not a pet hate. And people have understood what I meant so no problem :).

My next door neigbour has OCD, he checks his garage is locked for around 2 minutes, standing there pressing the top of the door then checking the lock by pushing that. He does other stuff aswell but I cba to write it out!

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I got my wife and her sisters all obsessed about having the volume on an even number when I said it once just for a laugh, is a proper pain in the arse now!

The only things I can think of is all the blowers in my car have to be set perfectly so they're not sticking out and the fins are all straight.

Oh yeah, and when I was younger I used to go to sleep with the radio on sleep timer and it had to end exactly on the hour, even if I couldn't get to sleep for say 25 minutes I'd press the sleep button and set it again for the same hour!

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Fabric softener, and ironing. Everything I wash has to smell super fresh, if it isn't, then it has to be done again (like if the washing stays in the machine too long after the cycle has finished the smell fades a bit) and be ironed perfectly. Including the sleeve creases!

This is probably the most poofy reply yet

:nerd: :nerd:

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As said before, checking to make sure windows and doors are locked.

Will walk round the house so many times checking doors I've already checked. Even drove off to work and had to turn round and go back home as I wasn't sure if I had locked the front door (even thoguh I already checked 3 times...)

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The 'locking things' one seems quite common! There's a local rider who's the same, even gets other people to check his car and house sometimes :lol:

I don't really have anything OCD-y that I can identify, but when I'm making a drink (orange squash for example) I always fill the glass, take a sip, then fill it back to the top again - I can stop myself from doing it if I want, but I think it's just become habit now :turned:

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Largely as above; volumes, light-switches, plug-sockets turned on when they have nothing plugged into them, also had the radio timer one.

Another I have is counting things. Anything countable* I used to count. About a year ago at work I was in the kitchen when someone came in and started filling the coffee machine with scoops of coffee. They then said 'oh I've lost count' and I was just like 'yeah you put 7 in…'

I just walked out as their eyes followed me, looking bemused.

*Not as bad as it used to be now, thankfully.

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People who don't organise the desktop on the computer annoy me. My dad is well known for it!

Folders called:

'New Folder'

'New Folder'

'Old Photos'


'New Folder'

'Music cover'

Things like that. Everything has to be perfectly arranged for me.

Folders, sub folders...thats the way to go!

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I have a thing about odd numbers, I really hate even ones, especially 2. It's like the number 2 thinks it's great but it's not because it's an odd number.

When I'm walking I have to step an odd number of times on one surface, if a bit I'm walking ons been re-tarmaced I start again from one.

If I'm on the toilet (excreting) if I tap one foot I have to tap the other to make it equal, but that bothers me that one did it after so I have to do a final 'powerful' tap with both at exactly the same time.

When I'm going to sleep I start facing the left knowing that in ten minutes I'll turn to face the right but if I start facing the right I won't get to sleep. Got to start from the left.

There's some rambling...

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