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Muslim Protesters...


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regardless to the fact that there are some that arent bad, and many of them were born here. in my eyes they can f**k off back to there ancestors countrys. yeah they might do the shit jobs that us english are stuck up to do, but they cause some f**king trouble. yes i am racist but who can blame me when i was bullied by a group of 4 "coloured" kids all the way through high school & when i stuck up for myself they just " oh he called me nigger" & " its because im black". then i see stuff like this, which relates to me as my grandad, great grandad, dad, 2 uncles & an auntie have all served in the forces and one of them served in the war. i dont hate anyone, but f**k these lot make me angry.


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I don't think people should use this a reason to fire out the "f**k off back to your own country" BS

This article does piss me off, but not because they're muslims.

Christian extremists could have done this and i still would have been raging.

I just don't understand how anybody could want to do what they did regardless of religion. Armistice day is a day of remembering those who paid the ultimate sacrifice and have/still are putting there lives on the line for our 'freedoms'

Protesting is one thing but they knew what they were doing would rile up the general public, which now i think about it is probably why they did it.

Still, jeb-ends.

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regardless to the fact that there are some that arent bad, and many of them were born here. in my eyes they can f**k off back to there ancestors countrys. yeah they might do the shit jobs that us english are stuck up to do, but they cause some f**king trouble. yes i am racist but who can blame me when i was bullied by a group of 4 "coloured" kids all the way through high school & when i stuck up for myself they just " oh he called me nigger" & " its because im black". then i see stuff like this, which relates to me as my grandad, great grandad, dad, 2 uncles & an auntie have all served in the forces and one of them served in the war. i dont hate anyone, but f**k these lot make me angry.


not wanting to get too involved in a thread likr this but, some may see jakes post as racist.. And it is, but part of his family served in that war and fought for their country. No matter what anyone says, doing what they did is a disgrace. At the same time, its just life we have to deal with it. We cant just kick all muslims out of the country because of this and we cant find people out of every muslim that immagrates here and say you look dodgy, your not coming in.

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Leave this thread open, maybe some people might learn from it.

From previous examples in this thread, I doubt that.

Oh, and for the "Muslims should go home if they want to do things like that!" brigade, check these dudes out. You might want to put some kind of sheet down to stop your head from making a mess of everything when it explodes when you see white people doing exactly the same shit.

Are you going to tell me that those white, American, Christian protestors should find somewhere to 'go home' to as well? Or are you going to tell me that all white/Christian people are exactly the same as the Westboro Baptist Church? Somehow, I doubt that.

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Some of the facebook comments tonight have made me laugh rather hard. It never ceases to amaze me how people assume that extremists do this kinda thing because they don't like living in the UK. They do it because they're arseholes.

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The trouble is that there is good reason for protesting against the kind of propaganda that rememberance day serves - although there are obviously better and worse ways of going about it. This is not entirely true but certainly in part and specifically with regard to warfare (clandestine and overt) since the second world war. There are really two differing histories on military action since then. One of them holds that our actions and motivations are benign, almost heroic and noble and the other suggests a much more malign intent that's based on, as mentioned, imperialism. What latter means is that military action is used for national gain through the exploitation of other nations. I'm not motivated enough to give examples because if people are really interested in looking at alternative views of our nation and what's done in our name there are many online sources and books which will inform you. The standard procedure though is, of course, to just adopt what exists in mainstream discourse. It's a shame because wisdom and truth mostly seems to come from the sidelines.

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Your first mistake was reading the Daily Mail.

Your second mistake was forgetting that a minority doesn't necessarily represent a majority.

A fine example is the other leading headline about the student protest at the Tory party HQ. I'm a student myself and I was absolutely appalled at the behavior, I'm downright ashamed.

Did you watch it on TV? How did it make you feel? I'm pretty certain (with no actual evidence to back it up) that most of those kids were upper middle class Caucasians..

Makes you think, doesn't it?

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I got halfway through page 2 and got bored of the obvious. Then I saw Ben get involved and thought it could be more fun, then I got bored again. Then I wondered whether JT had got in here yet, has he?


Then stoke the fire with the fact that I'm here and ready to correct peoples grammar.

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I got halfway through page 2 and got bored of the obvious. Then I saw Ben get involved and thought it could be more fun, then I got bored again. Then I wondered whether JT had got in here yet, has he?


Then stoke the fire with the fact that I'm here and ready to correct peoples grammar.

Wheres the spelling bee gone?

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i dnot see why sellpnig msitaeks bthoer you due to the fcat taht if the fsirt and lsat ltteer are in the crreoct pacle the hmaun bairn is still albe to raed waht is wtitern?

cnut off you cnitnug fkwcuit.

Did that work, or are you still just a tniy lttile gril? :P

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End of the day.

its everyones choice, wheather to observe the two minutes silence or not, to remeber the lives of those lost in previous wars.

if anyone weather they are black,white,green - jew,catholic,jedi knight etc etc

yes burning poppies is disrespectful.

but they are called extremists for a reason,

People often compare Muslims to British, Us and them.

But last Time i checked, the Islam faith is a Religion, and "being British" is not.

At a push, Most White British Adults when asked about thier religion would say Christianity


Sorry but the Nazis where famously Christian, and often spoke of the Aerean race.

Burning a few poppies,

Compared to the 6 Million Jewish lives lost..

This Isn't my personal opinion.

And I would gladly share my opinion with anyone who asked (anyone who actually knows me knows I love my little rants)

But discussing them over an open, Public forum is just daft.

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