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Wear Can You Buy Road Tar From ?


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You could make your own tar, if you could raise a pet dinosaur, wait for it to die, bury it and wait a few million years for it to turn to petroleum oil, extract it, boil off the gasoline and diesel and other stuff, and then use the tar. These other people just don't have any imagination.


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haha but i don't have a few million years ;) but thanks any way haha

You could make your own tar, if you could raise a pet dinosaur, wait for it to die, bury it and wait a few million years for it to turn to petroleum oil, extract it, boil off the gasoline and diesel and other stuff, and then use the tar. These other people just don't have any imagination.


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haha i have been looking on google for some one that sells road tar but on one seems to sell it no more


Damn that's lame then.

Us trials bikers should have been here when this tar spill happened:


They wouldn't have had to make blockages to stop the tar, we'd just put it all in a bag and take it home haha. :lol:

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haha i have been looking on google for some one that sells road tar but on one seems to sell it no more


Your best bet would be to ask anyone that's doing road works... Or builders.

Why not just get a penknife and dig out a big chunk of tar after melting it with a lighter, or do it on a stoking hot day?

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Tar sucks compared to a grind. Buy a block of bitumen from b&q if you're desPerate... Although you could get an angle grinder from there tOo..

Didn't know you could buy stuff like bitumen, cheers for that. I'll look out for it next time I pass by a B&Q. (Y)

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Didn't know you could buy stuff like bitumen, cheers for that. I'll look out for it next time I pass by a B&Q. (Y)

How do you think the people who use it for a living get it? I suppose they secrete it from their pores right? Shiiiiit.

Edited by JDâ„¢
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How do you think the people who use it for a living get it? I suppose they secrete it from their pores right? Shiiiiit.

I thought it was a speciality object/item that you could only order in big quantities from suppliers...

Sorry. :ermm:

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Tar is just just an excuse for a poor brake setup, go dig some tar up from the road is what I used too do saves money (Y)

In his defense, its really not a poor set up.

Try-All 2 bolt booster, Echo TR Clamps, and Heatsink CNC Yellows. Set up as square as you could imagine.

Its just personal preference.

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