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2011/2012 Snow Watch!

trials owns

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Getting to this time of year again, Apparently its meant to be bad this winter, or are these lame rumors?

I've had people telling me it's going to snow by the end of October, but it's clearly not nearly cold enough yet. I remember last year it was freezing and it only snowed the day after I'd broken up for Christmas holidays, that was sad for me.

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Had snow on the ground the other day - didn't stick. Got 3 inches above 1000ft though! Went for my first skiing sesh of the season today!

I hate you so much, got new skis sat here, got new bindings in the post,sorting out boots next weekend i think, but still no holiday booked, I hate that you can just go hike up a hill and ski down. whereas i have a 5 hour drive or a 2 hour flight.

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Sorry dude! Ten minute journey, and I'm at Nevis range too, so no hiking either!

Where'd you head out to normally?

ive never done scotland, drove out to yad moss a couple of times. keep saying im going to do scotland, but it always seem like a mission for relatively crowded slopes etc.

really want to do 2 weeks in canada this season, but meh, who knows.

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Like me, although I tried boarding and really enjoyed it. Even on the ice, grass and bristles of the beginner slope of the Nevis Range, and no instruction, just trial and error (a lot of error). Want to get toe turns (or at least stop stacking them) next year :)

Think I might try going on the other slopes to actually ride snow next time. Although I found button lifts impossible on a board, so hiked it, was pretty sweaty despite the wind and exposure!

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Wasn't having a dig at you by the way... Just a few Highland folk were saying they have snow like it was unusual :)

yea, but given that scotland isnt known for its good snow record(or bad snow record if your a none skiier) to see photos like that in late october are quite shocking.

for comparison, andorra,well up from the height of the village(which is ski in ski out) middle of a slope, and this is the current picture of the weather.


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