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Embarrassing Moments

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This should get funny in no time, So yeah, Post up what your most embarrassing moments are!!

Got caught by my dad listening to Celine Dion full-on as loud as the computer went :giggle:

in no particular order.

Simpson helicoptering my face :$

having your GF's mum walk in whilst shes straddling your face as you lick the kebab.

totally forgetting you nailed a girl on the beach on holiday, whilst wearing a condom, doing a smash and dash as people were coming, then 20 minutes later going to the bog back in her hotel, only to not pay attention and fire a water balloon across the room.

full on singing to miley cyrus in the works yaris with the windows open, unaware there was a car full of big cool people in a convertible next to me.

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after climbing off the top of the ex girlfriend, following a very good shag, go to the bathroom to clean up, still at full mast, open the door with no pants on to find her 4 year old sat on the trap taking a dump. funny thing was at the time, I was embarrassed, but I remember thinking how can a smell like that come from a 4 year old. one for the history books

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having your GF's mum walk in whilst shes straddling your face as you lick the kebab.

Gf's mums are the best at one liners thou.

I was at my ex missus an her folks had gone out, we got down to it an didn't hear them come back. My ex was just about to come as her mum poked her head through the door an shouted 'when's it my go?!'.

f**ker. I couldn't speak to them for weeks.

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Gf's mums are the best at one liners thou.

I was at my ex missus an her folks had gone out, we got down to it an didn't hear them come back. My ex was just about to come as her mum poked her head through the door an shouted 'when's it my go?!'.

f**ker. I couldn't speak to them for weeks.


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Hard to beat Tom and Fishy, I recall having a few trouser issues in moments you'd rather they didn't occur. One was in church during a confirmation or something like that when I was still a kid. I was obliged to perform some sort of two-handed gesture in front of the altar and the priest which meant letting go of my trousers which had malfunctioned moments ago while kneeling (button fell of and the zip burst). All I remember is that the trousers fell right down in front of a full church.

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Made jam pasties in a cookery class in secondary school, ate most of them that evening and thought nothing of it.

Woke up early to do my paper round the next morning, and halfway round I sharted. I'm a trooper though because I finished the round before I went home for the clean up.

Also being young and foolish, failed a STD test and advised my dad to get tested also...

Not what you're thinking, you know just in case my jewel had touched the rim (of the toilet)

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