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Guild Wars


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Suppose this could be a MMO thread, but I only play GW. I have given Warcraft a go but it's too heavy for me.

There's finally a release date for gw2! After literally 5 years of guessing when it might come out. I only filled my hall of fame in gw to about 30/50. Got enough to buy my obsidian armor but just cant be bothered to go on. I hope gw2 isnt gonna be a flop though. so many people want it to be good. I would've been really keen to buy it years ago, but just dont spend the same time on the computer I used to.

The preorder is fairly expensive I think. Anyone got it?

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I played games loads when I was like 12-14 haha but now they hardly interest me... Got a highish spec PC last year but only used it to browse the internet really, played a little bit of tactical Warcraft 3 (super old version of WoW)... I don't understand how 40 year old men play these games??

I only find CoD remotely fun now, but it's getting boring after being 10th Prestige on Mw3. :(

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How is Guild Wars? I've never tried it. I played WoW for several years but it did get to be a bit of a life drain i never had time to do other stuff aha. I try to stay away from big games now or atleast games that i cant just hop on have a blast for an hour or so.

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How is Guild Wars? I've never tried it. I played WoW for several years but it did get to be a bit of a life drain i never had time to do other stuff aha. I try to stay away from big games now or atleast games that i cant just hop on have a blast for an hour or so.

People I know that play WoW are ashamed to let people know they play it haha, they say "It'll destroy my social life if everyone knew" haha.

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I was never ashamed of telling people I played it. I enjoyed playing the game, just because its not to everyones taste doesn't mean you should be ashamed of it. Its a well made game just that it is a real time stealer.

To get anywhere decent you have to put a lot of hours into it, and it becomes rather addictive which the social side of it only enhances i mean i believe my longest stint playing it was around 26 hours?

I just finally decided there are others things that i want to do and by not playing that game anymore I could do most of what I want to do =p

What I dont get is how playing cod is more acceptable then if people play WoW or GW?

Can anyone explain this to me?

Also what is GW like? I play a fair bit of WoW so is it the same kind of thing?

I think its a similar sort of thing but more orientated around PvP battles and i don't believe there are any monthly payments either which seems alright to me! =p

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Well to be honest if you think of WoW player, you'd imagine someone who'd spend at lot of time in front of the PC and ignoring family due to being in a "heroic raid" or something haha. But CoD is just lots of short fast paced battles and it's way less addicting.

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Anything with 'magic', 'staff's', 'mystical creatures' or 'elf's' ect; full on deserves to be burnt and smashed with a hammer and then released into space and the creators banned from everything in life.

I will never forget that report the BBC did on it last year and spoke to 'addicts', It was the most pathetic thing i've ever seen!

If you do that thing like in rolemodels..... i cannot really tell you what i think of you.

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Well to be honest if you think of WoW player, you'd imagine someone who'd spend at lot of time in front of the PC and ignoring family due to being in a "heroic raid" or something haha. But CoD is just lots of short fast paced battles and it's way less addicting.

But you can do that in WoW. You dont need to do a raid or a done everytime you go on. Most of the time I just do a quest or two that takes about 10-15 mins. But yes you can spend 2-3 hours in a single raid. But the same can be said when your doing a mission you can spend a few hours doing some of them. What is the difference?

Anything with 'magic', 'staff's', 'mystical creatures' or 'elf's' ect; full on deserves to be burnt and smashed with a hammer and then released into space and the creators banned from everything in life.

I will never forget that report the BBC did on it last year and spoke to 'addicts', It was the most pathetic thing i've ever seen!

If you do that thing like in rolemodels..... i cannot really tell you what i think of you.

Never seen that report can you send me a link? Should be a good laugh. I'm sure you can find somepeople that are addicted to cod. One of my friends was the same with halo. Would spend all his spare time playing it when he finished work till he would fall sleep. But apart from cod using guns and WoW using more magic stuff I dont see why its such a big issue.

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But you can do that in WoW. You dont need to do a raid or a done everytime you go on. Most of the time I just do a quest or two that takes about 10-15 mins. But yes you can spend 2-3 hours in a single raid. But the same can be said when your doing a mission you can spend a few hours doing some of them. What is the difference?

The difference is, on WoW it's retarded and you're constantly forced to be online. You can't log out straight away if you're being attacked and you have to wait until you're not being attacked before you can get off.

CoD, just press 'pause, save game' and continue the mission later on (or just leave it paused). Multiplayer online is just 'pause, leave game' and play another one of the millions of online games available later on whenever you want.

I hope you can understand what I mean?

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And die loosing pixel dosh that you just spent an hour trying to earn, and a trek from the graveyard or suffer resurrection sickness.

Most committed players would spend the extra 5-10 minutes trying to log off.

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I don't see anything wrong with playing games like WoW though I don't play them myself.

Actual re-enactment type stuff though deserves severe punishment and name calling.

I know a guy that used to do the re-enactment stuff. He came into work once with a broken arm, because that's how hard they actually hit each other with shit. He showed me a video of him just one bombing some guy for insulting him as well. Just because you've seen Role Models, doesn't mean you know what the re-enactment stuff is really like ;)

And on the WoW subject, I played for 4 years, made some good friends, but there are quite a few idiots, as much as people like CoD now, when I was a kid, I got called a nerd for playing that type of game, it's just acceptable now. Once the idea of what WoW really is (25 people all working together and fighting tactically to kill a dragon) people might like it a bit more. Especially with how shit like Harry Potter and Twilight is so popular now and has opened up the masses to magic and shit.

Just read something else someone said about WoW, about Res Sickness etc, yeah it is a time killer, you do have to put the time in. And it's most certainly not pick up and play. But the fact you're saying you can't log out while being attacked, shows how little you've played, at end game, in end game gear, something attacks you in the wild, it's dead within a few seconds. So it's hardly a big deal. You should never ever get res sickness either because you should just run to your body. Like I said, you need to put a lot of time in to get anywhere, but that's the same with anything worth doing. In the old school days, of 40 man raids, it was definitely worth it, 40 of you on TeamSpeak trying to kill a dragon is always cool :P

Edited by MonsieurMonkey
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And on the WoW subject, I played for 4 years, made some good friends, but there are quite a few idiots, as much as people like CoD now, when I was a kid, I got called a nerd for playing that type of game, it's just acceptable now. Once the idea of what WoW really is (25 people all working together and fighting tactically to kill a dragon) people might like it a bit more. Especially with how shit like Harry Potter and Twilight is so popular now and has opened up the masses to magic and shit.

Just read something else someone said about WoW, about Res Sickness etc, yeah it is a time killer, you do have to put the time in. And it's most certainly not pick up and play. But the fact you're saying you can't log out while being attacked, shows how little you've played, at end game, in end game gear, something attacks you in the wild, it's dead within a few seconds. So it's hardly a big deal. You should never ever get res sickness either because you should just run to your body. Like I said, you need to put a lot of time in to get anywhere, but that's the same with anything worth doing. In the old school days, of 40 man raids, it was definitely worth it, 40 of you on TeamSpeak trying to kill a dragon is always cool :P

But it's boring as f**k. I've got a friend who has 110 days playing time and I've had a go on the game myself so I understand it to an extent haha, I never used any chat program things because I'm deaf and have super shit hearing (can't hear at all without hearing aids). The game seems team oriented and it's a shame I can't try the game out to its full capability with teamwork, I just find it f**king boring. CoD is good for me because it's way more visual, team orientation isn't reliant on chat program's, it seems to be more down to skill, reaction time and that sorta stuff, you could argue that WoW is the same when it comes to using the right spells and shit to kill a boss NPC, or a PvP match... But I think WoW is quite a sad game to play, purely because of how cartoony it is and it's just boring. I've heard of people taking days of work to play it (I didn't go to a school some days as a kid due to playing Xbox, who hasn't?), so that's partially where some of the 'sadness' comes from.

But meh, just play what you like if you have fun doing it. Who cares, it's your life. Just don't take days off to play it cause that's just sad.

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