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The Angry Thread.


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I am so insanely pissed off.

Picking my parents up from the airport.

My mum tells me to meet her in the hotel drop off point. I get there, and a guys been hit by a car so it's closed.

Try to ring her 100 times, she doesn't answer.

Then she rings me up and starts having a go at me because I'm not at the drop off point for the hotel (for a collection).

So I told her to meet me at the arrivals collection point, she starts having a go at me saying that's not what she agreed she isn't lugging all of her bags there meet her at drop off for departures.

So I pull into departures.

She's started walking to the arrival collection point.

So I wait two minutes for her, she puts her stuff in the car.

Man comes along and issues me a fine for doing a pick up in the departure point.

Mum can't see how that's her fault for insisting that I collect her from departures because she couldn't be arsed to walk to arrivals.

So she refuses to pay the fine.

So the parking man auto issues my company car a £60 fine. Which will come in the post to my work.

A two hour journey home in absolute silence.

Pissed off to the max.

Edited by Pashley26
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Just tried to have half an hours play on my bike, if I'm only going to get the chance to ride the trials course I've made I'm seriously considering selling my bike. The land it's on is piss wet through, boggy and full of lumps and potholes so you pretty much have to stick to the pallets and sleepers and there's not much room which means everything is pretty static, sidehop here, gap, bunnyhop, another gap. Also it doesn't help that all the pallets are different kinds so putting them together doesn't really work and most are rotten so there's not many good enough to put on top.

Add to this the fact I'm a proper bitch about riding on anything that's not flat, I'll bunnyhop up walls off pavements all day but put a lower wall on some rough ground and I'm screwed.

Can't be f**ked with it at all today.

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Not got time to drive out there though....

I have a new possible plan though, talking to a woman from down the road this morning at the gym and she told me her husband is building a pump track at the bottom of their garden as we speak. Plan is, if I get on with the mod I'm building I'll sell my stock or swap it and get a streety 24 again then I can mess about on that. Not gonna make the mistake of going rear disc though as that's what put me off previously.

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It's sorted now with him giving me some money back but I came to fit them today and one of the brackets is missing. Supposed to be three on each and there's only 2.

I texted him now just saying that one of the brackets is missing and it appears he didn't like that as he's just called me and threatened to come down to my house hahahahaha my phone records calls as you know, and it's f**king hilarious!

So ten days later after nothing has been said or done or anything. I get this message tonight hahaha


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Pales into insignificance compared to yesterdays news, and everyone is still in bits over it...

But yesterday a new guy moved into our room at the hostel, I'm not sure I've ever encountered B.O quite like it, it smells like he pissed his pants 3 weeks ago and slept outside near an open sewer in them ever since. I could forgive him arriving at half midnight and saying a big cheery hello to my sleeping girlfriend were it not for that.

I can't f**king wait until Monday when I move out of this f**king place.

Although I'm sure you'll all be most upset to hear the end of my bitching about it...

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If you're ever planning on going anywhere for an extended period (months/years) save up enough money to just travel, do not rely on getting work because there is none, regardless of how qualified or experienced you are. I'm about done with Australia, I want out, but not until I've seen what I wanna see...

And Ross, it was Valium, he was anxious about an interview the following day and wanted a good nights sleep, it wasn't even like he was doing it for a good time :(

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If you're ever planning on going anywhere for an extended period (months/years) save up enough money to just travel, do not rely on getting work because there is none, regardless of how qualified or experienced you are. I'm about done with Australia, I want out, but not until I've seen what I wanna see...

The problem with Australia is that for about a decade it is the 'place to go' for a year of travelling/growing a top knot/being a wanker/expanding your horizons (just ask Jardo)

Nothing wrong with going there to do all the touristy stuff but I think that unless you fully submit to the above you're not going to have the experience as advertised.

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The annoying part is that we could have afforded to just hit the tourist spots and get out had we not had a longer term work plan and spent some substantial amount on staying in a sodding hostel while we looked.

This is a pretty nice hostel to its credit, I'd just rather not be here because of everything I've said about being here.

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