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Time for a serious talk about cannabis!

Dave Anscombe

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Why does the majority of the world not know this ?

Because the majority of the world don't toke, and don't actively seek information as an argument to legalise it.

The truth is being kept from people and i dont like that !

It's not, even the BBC have published articles as you've proved yourself.

anything to do with weed turns you into a lazy brain dead mong or a schizophrenic is the general perception.

True story, out of me and my mates who used to smoke every day, 3 of us started having panic attacks, and another was sectioned with paranoid schizophrenia and he was in a reeeeeeaaaally bad way, never been right since (not saying weed was the cause of that but 100% a catalyst!). I've heard too many stories to the same effect and it's the reason most people grow out of smoking it. Also my memory is f*cking terrible!

I was a workshy little fool when I was a stoner and felt the world owed me something in many respects and would also go out of my way to argue the case that weed should be legal. People like me back then really just make me cringe!

There is no profit to be made by a plant that anyone can grow

thats the reason why its not publicly known

Anyone can grow potatoes, 99% of people just buy them from the shop...

Anyone could grow tobacco, or brew beer, most people just buy cigarettes and alcohol if they want them, the "government can't tax it" argument is absolute nonsense.

you cant get addicted to cannabis

You can.

Get your head out of your smoke cloud, you're just another stoner convinced there's a load of propagander surrounding cannabis and a big conspiricy keeping it illegal - there's probably other reasons it's illegal but it does f*ck people up, I've seen it happen too many times to believe it's perfectly ok.

For those reasons, I'm out.

Edited by Jolfa
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Because the majority of the world don't toke, and don't actively seek information as an argument to legalise it.

It's not, even the BBC have published articles as you've proved yourself.

True story, out of me and my mates who used to smoke every day, 3 of us started having panic attacks, and another was sectioned with paranoid schizophrenia and he was in a reeeeeeaaaally bad way, never been right since (not saying weed was the cause of that but 100% a catalyst!). I've heard too many stories to the same effect and it's the reason most people grow out of smoking it. Also my memory is f*cking terrible!

I was a workshy little fool when I was a stoner and felt the world owed me something in many respects and would also go out of my way to argue the case that weed should be legal. People like me back then really just make me cringe!

Anyone can grow potatoes, 99% of people just buy them from the shop...

Anyone could grow tobacco, or brew beer, most people just buy cigarettes and alcohol if they want them, the "government can't tax it" argument is absolute nonsense.

You can.

Get your head out of your smoke cloud, you're just another stoner convinced there's a load of propagander surrounding cannabis and a big conspiricy keeping it illegal - there's probably other reasons it's illegal but it does f*ck people up, I've seen it happen too many times to believe it's perfectly ok.

For those reasons, I'm out.

i dont smoke weed ;)

the chances are you and your friends were smoking sativa rather than indica !

Edited by Dave Anscombe
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you cant get addicted to cannabis

Yeah you can, but you can get addicted to coffee, they're about on the same level. It's not a physical addiction but a mental one, ie addicted to the effects but your body doesn't crave it like with alcohol.

I'm with Dave on this one big time. It's very clear that cannabis can be used to treat medical conditions. I wouldn't go as far as saying it can 'cure cancer', but I'm certainly not going to say it can't. Problem is because the stuff is illegal there's a lot less testing done with it.

The biggest benefits I've seen with regards to medical cannabis is with people with things like schizophrenia, seizures, tourettes... in fact the list is endless. It's also better that any legal meds for the side effects of chemotherapy as seen not only with adults but with children too.

The fact that we have this medication, but it's against the law to give it to a 4 year old with brain cancer who's on high levels of chemotherapy and can't eat, drink or do anything other than lay in bed feeling like death, is a f**king disgrace.

What's even stupider is that hemp is also against the law to grow. Hemp looks like cannabis however it's the male type of the plant, and can not be used as a drug in any way shape or form. However it's illegal because it looks like the female, just without the buds. Hemp can be used for a bunch of things, even easy to digest protein. However (in the USA anyway) some guy who owned forests and made paper didn't want hemp being used to make paper so he made it illegal.

The entire thing is a f**king mess, cannabis should be made legal outright.

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The biggest benefits I've seen with regards to medical cannabis is with people with things like schizophrenia, seizures, tourettes... in fact the list is endless. It's also better that any legal meds for the side effects of chemotherapy as seen not only with adults but with children too.

The fact that we have this medication, but it's against the law to give it to a 4 year old with brain cancer who's on high levels of chemotherapy and can't eat, drink or do anything other than lay in bed feeling like death, is a f**king disgrace.

What's even stupider is that hemp is also against the law to grow. Hemp looks like cannabis however it's the male type of the plant, and can not be used as a drug in any way shape or form. However it's illegal because it looks like the female, just without the buds. Hemp can be used for a bunch of things, even easy to digest protein. However (in the USA anyway) some guy who owned forests and made paper didn't want hemp being used to make paper so he made it illegal.

The entire thing is a f**king mess, cannabis should be made legal outright.

the medical benefits are indeed a complete unknown as far as just what it can be manipulated to treat, from an alternative to opiates for pain relief to eating disorders it should undoubtedly be exploited for its benefits to medicine, after all, other illegal substances have.

hemp and cannabis are very different, hemp is grown for its fibers and cannabis for the trichomes (the bits that contain the cannabinoids). most strains of hemp have low to none thc (pretty sure this was started in america to stop stoners stealing a commercial crop or to conform with regulations) meaning it wont get you stoned. i quite sure some people in the uk have licenses to grow hemp in the uk for commercial purposes, like for the raw material not the drug side of the plant species (and i know of one place that has a license to grow for medical research).

i thought i read ages ago it was down to the cotton trade in the us as to why it was made illegal in the first place, there are plenty of quotes of old american presidents and the like who smoked weed before laws where passed. making it legal now would be a nightmare with no regulation, it wouldn't work, decriminalization for personal use and medical research is the way forward.

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Well at least the second page of this argument got a little better.

Yes, it should be allowed to be tested with. Illegal drugs have been used in all different parts of different societies for medicinal purposes, cocaine was given to US soldiers during the first world war and cocaine was even in the drink coca cola (around 1940 I believe) to heighten their senses and keep them alert.

That nasal decongestant you use? Well that's basically speed, or at least a polymer of amphetamine. Yes, nasal decongestant is amphetamine.

Those pills your nan uses to control her heart? Yes, why they are your grandad's viagra (beta blockers and viagra are essentially the same, I know it's not illegal but I'm just making a point)

So out of all these, weed is relatively harmless really.

Secondly, it should be decriminalised for personal use. It will free up the courts and the prison's for people who actually commit serious crimes.

I also think there's a good argument that the government should sell it, the same way it does tobacco or the same way Amsterdam used to (cry cry). The extra money from weed tax would certainly help propel this country out of the recession. Not to mention then that it will cut street dealing and associated crime, also because it would be regulated by the government they can tax it at whatever they decide. Also, kids won't be tempted to try something that is a legal drug and less stigma around the subject means people can be properly educated and people with 'addiction' problems can seek the help they need without fear of prosecution.

If the government did legalise it though, they should also force MacDonalds to deliver just like they do in other countries...

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How strange! Firstly, Iv'e only just started signing back in here and earlier today i was reading some comments i made in a topic regarding marijuana about 8 years ago!

Secondly, Jolfa.. i was thinking about you today and was about to contact you on facebook to see if you were around! Obviously i have some issues with my Golf and am too lazy to read the haze manual.. And don't use Facebook because im scared of uncle sam and his infinite army of demon-babies.

My opinion on the subject of discussion is that anything that helps you to relax you enough (physically and mentally) to allow the systems of the body to work properly; as in to let the flow of energy (In breathe. Also known as 'qi' or 'essential energy etc..) travel in, around and out of the body completely and naturally, un-obstructed by tension ( of the body or mind) could be of use in 'correcting' mutatations of the bodies cells and dna structures.

It's not unknown that there is a natural connection between thc and the corresponding receptors in the human body(brain) and the union can instill and almost 'override' the minds 'control' of thought; in the way of intentional or 'pre-concieved' thought as we usually use it. 'Forcing' it (the mind), (through the body-brains chemical state - which now involves thc etc..), into a more 'relaxed' or natural, infinite state or 'ressonance', which in turn brings the body into a more relaxed state.. bringing the mind into a more relaxed state.. bringing the body into a more relaxed state.. ad infinitum! Ala meditation..

However, this state can oppose and come into confrontation with our usual sense of existance as being seperate and finite. Resulting in paranoia/confusion and leading to very upsetting instances of dis-association/depression etc in individuals as their notions of reality/normality are shaken and confronted by the infinite.

I too have felt the extremes of paranoia/confusion/dissattatchment/questioning, arguably resulting from the (perpetual) use of marijuana. I experienced a severe confrontation with my sense of reality which resulted in severe confusion/paranoia and im not ashamed to admit, depression.

After seeking answers to the questions that plagued me at the time i now realise the issues i had are just as confusing/complicated/real and relevant wether i came to them 'stoned' or sober' and has lead me towards a much more 'spiritual' understanding of my life. It's not un-known that marijuana can provoke such thoughts in some individuals depending on their exisitng dis-position. Some people just get the giggles :giggle: But that depends on what you've bought/ been given.

I personally think the perpetual 'instance' or 'enviroment' that people are forced to take the drug in do not help create a liberating path, in that you are usually forced into seclusion and repetition if you like to take the drug. You may have your friends around, but eventually they can even become part of the box. I truly believe there are massive social factors involved in the negative cases we discuss. Which i'd argue arent that positive even if you removed the drug from the equation.

I personally no longer see weed as the 'crazy colour goddess' 'bringer of 'inter-dimensional knowledge' or whatever; like i did as a teenager.. But i do remember that at the time, in my particular state of mind and from that particular point of view it seemed to allow me to expand the horizons of my mind, in terms of ideas, thoughts and perceptions; a state which i now believe to be totally achievable without the use of any substances whatsoever.

As for it 'curing' cancer. I'm not sure that it does. Not physically/chemically, totally - everytime in every person. I have an understanding that cancer is a mutation of cells caused (naturally) by matter which does not recieve it's proper ( or prior?!) enviroment (as such) and that if its possible to 'undo' it is through the proper flow of q' through the body, 'correcting' the dna.

I'm not saying i'm right, but thats sort of how i look at it. Sort of like 'mutated' cells through evolution caused by a change in enviroment. I'm rubbish at science so maybe someone could add something more factual about what we know about how cancer forms?! My ideas are purely speculation most likely hindered massively by the fact that i do speculate.

Somethng to add is that there are thousands of types of marijuana, all with distinct qualities. Most of whats on the street, or at least was for the last decade was horrificly strong and im-balanced.. cultivated to have certain, more desirable qualities such as making you 'mong the f**k out!' :blink: (although as said before, it's more about what you choose to engage your mind in i think)

If only it wasn't illegal. simply because there's not much involved with it's production and it makes you ignore/laugh at beyonce spears girating boobies.

It's important to note that it might not just be about taxing a specific thing, it's also about collecting taxes throughout an entire production line.

Anyway, if nothing else.. weed makes you sidehop 'higher' :ninja: :ninja:

Edited by sharn
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Going to the whole why its illegal thing i believe it was to do with the cotton trade and also forestry companys that produced paper etc and that hemp would of put them out of business almost due to its diverse use's low cost low maintenance fast turn over. There's quite a few interesting articles on why its illegal you have to take some with a pinch of salt though as they are just stoners rambling but the points are the same. I also I believe the original ford model T was made out of plastic from Hemp oil as it was stronger and lighter then that of normal plastic of the same diameters.

after a quick search it was also originally made to run on hemp oil / natural oil not diesel or petrol.



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Whenever you hear something along the lines of "THE REAL TRUTH BEHIND [insert random word here]" or "THE TRUTH IS", you know it's bullshit. I'm sure it's cool to be the enlightened one but frankly speaking I'd rather stick with living in the dark and not giving a shit. If you need an excuse for smoking too much weed then so be it but don't expect to find people who will back you up on your wild theories on TF :P

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For the side of medical benefits, isnt it possible to remove the part of cannabis that makes you 'high' (thc? ) so you get the medical benefits with out being stoned?

don't know if its possible to remove it completely, but i doubt it. but its not just about thc as to what gets you 'stoned' different sub species and strains have different levels of cannabonids (thc, cbd,cbn ect....) most medical strains have higher levels of cbd than 'stoner weed'. but the different levels of cannabonoids vary from sub species/strains ie. sativa strains make you all giggly (higher levels of thc) and indica strains stick you to the couch and mong you out (higher in cbd) but as the 'value' of one cannabonoid goes up the others go down and vice versa. so a strain with low thc will tend to have higher cbd and so on..........there are hundreds of different cannbionoids.

Edited by trials hoe
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Why do people that blaze care if it's illegal or not? It doesn't really effect me smoking other than the negative stigma being a slight irritant. If you like it and it doesn't make you some tin foil hat recluse, smoke it, if you don't, dont.

Well I would use it if it was legal. But I'm sure not getting piss tested at work and losing my job.

The vast majority of pot smokers would like it legalized. The only users who don't are the one's selling it.

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Well I'm not selling it and I still couldn't care less. It's understandable if you get piss tests at work, but for the majority of people it's not gonna make a blind bit of difference. In fact, I'd probably rather it stays illegal so we don't have a ridiculously unproductive country, full of scitzoids that just don't have the frame of mind to smoke, but I can still have my spliff after work. Call that selfish but whatever.

Edited by Max Quinn
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True story, out of me and my mates who used to smoke every day, 3 of us started having panic attacks, and another was sectioned with paranoid schizophrenia and he was in a reeeeeeaaaally bad way, never been right since (not saying weed was the cause of that but 100% a catalyst!). I've heard too many stories to the same effect and it's the reason most people grow out of smoking it. Also my memory is f*cking terrible!

Dope really is a weird one. I've been in the same situation, and had friends also go off on one, others not really progress in their lives, or totally change their outlook on life and become quite strange in their behaviour (they have two styles of character), and some made it perfectly through life and raised a family. It's been an experience, and i'm never going back. All depends on what sort of person you are. Besides, like you said you cringed at your previous self, i almost feel the same. Allot of people make it through and it was a good experience for the most part for the majority i'd think. But i i also think we're lucky we never suffered from personality disorders, now those people are messed up.

As for the OP, i think whatever. I'm sure if it's actually useful, it would already become used in modern drugs. You gotta be pretty naive these days to believe everything is "hunky dory" or "all good."

As for legalising it, couldn't care less. Smoking tobacco is already frowned upon everywhere, so people doing stuff in their own homes is fine by me. Besides there's enough ass holes about, so if they come out the house with a smile on their face, great! But not lightly, if people are gonna smoke, the law isn't going to change their outlook on stuff i doubt.

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Well I'm not selling it and I still couldn't care less. It's understandable if you get piss tests at work, but for the majority of people it's not gonna make a blind bit of difference. In fact, I'd probably rather it stays illegal so we don't have a ridiculously unproductive country, full of scitzoids that just don't have the frame of mind to smoke, but I can still have my spliff after work. Call that selfish but whatever.

Would you rather have alcohol banned too, but you would still have a beer or two when you got home? Besides, legalizing pot isn't going to mean that many more people use it, but if it does maybe people will smoke rather than drink which is beneficial.

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Would you rather have alcohol banned too, but you would still have a beer or two when you got home? Besides, legalizing pot isn't going to mean that many more people use it, but if it does maybe people will smoke rather than drink which is beneficial.

No because I want to drink in clubs, pubs etc as a social thing, Cannabis isn't the same as that. I have no reason to blaze other than places I currently can even with it being illegal.

I think it will mean more people use it as well to be honest, and I don't really think people smoking rather than drinking is a good thing either.

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