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What Are You Thinking ?


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When you ride , what exactly goes throught your head?Sometimes (usually when I ride alone) I can really focus ,visualize and think myself into riding well.(by my standards.)Riding being pretty physically demanding, my mind kinda goes into instinctive mode,and allows the body to take more control.Damn,can't really explain what I mean by that.It's like sometimes when riding I concentrate on some tune or lyric in my head,and so seem to ride better ,in some zen-like way.I won't even go into factors like adrenaline, confidence or wanting to impress chicks :"> .I hear some athletes speak of "flow" ,but Trials is kinda more abrupt hop stop drop hop etc...What do you think ?

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I do the whole visualize thingy, seeing myself in 3rd person going up/over/down thatever, then seeing it from my own eyes.. Then just closing my eyes for a second, thinking "I'm going up/over/down, and that's the way it bloody is!"

A few seconds later, I'd probably have dialled the thing. I ride loads better when I'm 100% determined (read above) and not just mucking about.

Last second braking keeps the mind sharp. You shouldn't brake until the wheel hits the edge, that's the way to hold large ups on the backwheel...

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motivating thoughts.

'i can do this' 'i can huck this wall' etc....

yeah thats what i think.

and some songs and vids often flash thourgh my head.

if im trying something new, fairly big, and that im scared of, ill either; say f00k it, or (to a mate) if you do it ill do it, or if ido it you have to.

I think pushing each other helps.... BIG TIME (N) :- :D

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i normally have a golden oldie tune in my head. the girl i walk to school with told me that i am allways humming some sort of golden oldie tune, which i dont know i am doing >_< .

allways have some crazy random shit going on in me head though. thats even when i am riding.

if im doing a big line i just go blank, haha. seriously though, just think ah well may as well...which cant be good in a way.

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i just try and clear mind of all thought. its nice. that one of the things i love about trials. it free's your mind. its weird. like if i was angry i would go for a ride and huck.

but if i was in a calm mood i would stick to smaller things and get all technical.

all i know is trials am the best.

find you CHI


Edited by thechink
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There is no spoon.

But yeah, I find that just before a move I'll think about pedal-strokes, or if it's a sidehop positioning, then I'll be either a) up on top of the object/have completed the move, or b) I'll be looking for an emergency exit...

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I usually respect all the obs on my road in some what religously manner.

"Now you the rock, please help me with this..."

And I also know that if something goes sloppy it is my fault, not bike's or rock's.

If it happens to be skipping freewheel... then it is my fault that I couldn't afford ENO.

If it happens to be slipping rearwheel... then it is my fault that I didn't angle it probably..

Never hurt your bike!

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in some zen-like way.I won't even go into factors like adrenaline, confidence or wanting to impress chicks

(Y) I think after about 20mn I get into that mode, totally zen...blank mental, no lyrics but just the moves in my head before I give it a try. And it is amazing how you can just ignore passers'by when you are in that mode... :D"

I think it must be a stage when you reach a high on endomorphines released by your body :P . Quite addictive. One of my sisters told me one day, that after riding trials, I looked completely stone and absent minded. (Y)

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