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New Kmc Kool Chain


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New, and at the same time a little worrying.  Managed to shear one of the burly side wall versions, so I think I'll steer clear of that.

Yeah, one thing that i don't mind been strong and heavy is the chain. Because I like to chew my food.

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I wouldn't have thought it would've affected it much in that sense at all? The strength of the chain across (As in going down the side plates to the next link, if you get me) wouldn't be altered that much. I think it's more to do with the side-plate shape that affects it. Like the Shadow chain stretches like a mo'f**ker just 'cos it's got that half-link style side plate, whereas this is just straight along so it should have more tensile strength?

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In my opinion, a chain is the last place you should be looking to save weight. The weight saving isn't exactly a lot anyway, and I bet the strength/weight ratio is now far worse.

I personally don't mind paying the weight penalty using a Kool over a standard MTB chain, as it inspires me with more confidence when riding. Would rather have 100g extra than some teeth missing.

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Yey, now the load between each female link has a big hole cut in it, so it all runs along two relatively small bits of metal.

Then, to top it off, they made it have hollow pins.

I can see it being ok for XC riders really, i wouldn't really trust it on a trials bike though. Saying that, i don't trust much on my bike at the moment (Y)

Also agree with UrbanLegend. Saving weight; yes, in a chain; no.

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Yeh i agree with tart and judders............

saving 21 grams with a chain is pointless surely teking that amount out of the chain is just making it weaker,surely everyone would prefer one that was abit heavier/stronger giving them more confidence that it will not snap.

Ive snapped a fair few of them chains ( Kmc ) but ive never realy changed to any other chain,just never seen the point,i came off pretty bad last time it snapped i posted a video off it on but i dont have it anymore.

That chain looks cool though,but just seems pointless.


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As said previously, i think saving weight in a chain is a little silly, i would sooner have a chain that i know will take emmense stress and still work fine, then a chain that looks good, but snaps when people look at it!

I could see these being good i the xc world, or even down hill and street riding, but not really trials.


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I love to make my bike as light as possible, but I still would never use that chain even if I was given one.

I have hurt my self too much from broken chains, its just not a place I am gonna try to save weight.

it does look prettly cool though

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I think its market is bmxers, who like things superlight. 21g is vertualy nothing, you can loose that much off your tyres when you skid. Worth a look though. :)

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