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Right, Ive Had Enough Of Sweating Like b*****d !

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Yea I'm like that....

joe.. a guy in my year has the exact same problem, when playing football, in like december, frost still on the ground, everybody else in more clothes than you can imagain, and theres barry, in a t-shirt, sweating really bad, after about 5mins, and this is in goal lmao!

on friday,he went to the doctors, they took it seriously, blood tests etc, toddle down and make an appointment (Y)


Bumpppp, well summat must have happened to me in this last year, because I sweat sooo bad now, not even in particully hot weather, I put the shirt im wearing on about 10mins ago, went outside for a quick piss about, and the sweat patches are mahusive, I never smell or anything its just annoying, just wondered if anyone has any more ideas, pissing me off.

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Bumpppp, well summat must have happened to me in this last year

Haha, it's called puberty ;)

I sweat like a bitch, the most annoying this is that it's mainly my arse, so I end with sweat patches in the worst place :(

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I am the opposite, it takes a lot for me to sweat, and then its only on my forhead.

I see people with soaked t-shirts, I have never had that happen, I didnt realise people actually sweated that much!

I sweat really badly like that, i dab my t-shirt on my forehead whilst riding to get rid of the sweat, t-shirt is soaked by the end of the night :(

Might just do that... (Y) iT is quite worrying....just ask wally or todge on forum..they'll tell you how bad i got it,...i dont think its normal lol.

I think im going to go to the doctors about it as well (Y)

I remember at cleethorpes :lol:

dripping of the end of your nose.

cheers andy

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I sweat a shit load when i'm riding, but i guess its just normal. Its mostly along my arms and my chest... Its never enough to wet my t-shirt or anything but i never get like a massively sweaty helmet or anything... i've seen people push their helmets into their foreheads before and they had sweat pouring out the pads on their helmet.

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Generally speaking the fitter you are the more efficient your body is at controlling its core temperature. ie you sweat more. (dont think your unfit if you dont sweat that much, everyones body is different and has a different way of cooling its self)

Also the more body mass you carry the more you body has to work at cooling its core temp. So if you are over weight or have a large muscle mass you tend to sweat more.

Wear "wicking" fabrics that pull moisture away from the skin surface, and drink plenty of liquids. The more you sweat the more need there is to replace them. Small amounts and often is the best way, otherwise liquids can sit heavy in your gut and cause a stich.

I sweat a lot too, my body warms up very easily. I dont feel the cold that much though!

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All these ways of preventing sweating are ok if your not exercising, but if your are then you run the risk of over heating your body. Not good at all. Might feel something like trying to sprint on the spot in a sauna! :sweatingbullets:

Sweating is also a natural way of cleansing the skin, so try not to block the pores either.

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the 'special' undrarm you get from the chemist is called Driclor, it really is rather evil stuff and you itch like hell when you first use it. it has a mass of aluminium phosphate in it or something like that which stops you sweating. you start off apllying it every day for a week after showering then every other day until you only do it once a week and then stop all together until it starts again. i need to whack it on once every three months and it really does help. also find that vasaline intensive care anti-perspirant works very well. And finally, i bought a tshirt from lowe alpine at tk maxx which is a man made fabric and by god does it keep me cool, well worth it for £6 !!!!

Driclor, clicky clicky...

Not found a cure for my head sweat yet but last thursday i went and watched the footy, had 3pints of stella then went riding and it was hot and muggy and their was minimal sweatage.! (Y)

Edited by TomNewbold
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haha, would never of thought that having muscles would make you sweat more.

so it would be better if you dont go to the gym and work out on your muscles...

although i have abnormally large muscles and i do jack s***

ah well, i'l just rely on lynx for the moment

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haha, would never of thought that having muscles would make you sweat more.

so it would be better if you dont go to the gym and work out on your muscles...

although i have abnormally large muscles and i do jack s***

Although saying that, fat people seem to break out into a sweat really easily. I'd rather sweat more because I was fit rather than sweat more 'cos I was unfit...

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