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What Are People Tapping?


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Just because somebody does something you can't it doesn't make it cocky. Is you tapping 40" cocky for someone who can't tap at all??

If you knew Phil you'd know that (unlike some riders I could mention) he's pretty far from being cocky. I think you'll find 'practice' has a lot to do with it.

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Apparently the Cousts can do around 60inch, I haven't seen this but i reckon they could. They seem to glide up 50+ with no effort. How big was the white wall in London which Gilles tapped? Tarty filmed it and put a clip up. My personal best at the moment is 52" but i can tap 49 consistantly i think.


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Trials forum tape measure out some where here i can smell it :P"

i dont tend to measure how big they are in inches i stand next to it and see where it comes to (Y)

i was doing 50" with a push (in auz last year when i was learning to tap on my Ashton)

Now my 1100 koxx will probably do that most of the time, but i dont know what 50" looks like, i just ride upto something and try do it, i dont really measure it unless i do it and it takes me like 100 goes and i think jeez that took some doing i wonder how big that is. like the tap in auz i couldnt get it and iv got probably 20/30minutes worth of tyre tapping the same wall in which is 50"! but got it in the end then measured it approx 1,000 goes later and extremly tired arms managed JUST to get the tape measure out and measure it.


Does anyone have a tape measure that has these sizes missing? 53" 54" 55" 56" and 57"? if so please call me as iv probably got them. you can all have them back if you like?

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i did 54" in reading a few weeks ago, i almost had 57" to back wheel, it was only once and my brake didn't hold :P

i'd be surprised if aust can do 59" cos when he taps, he doesn't really go low, for the height, he seems to tap at the same height no matter how high the wall is. but if he can do 59" then fair play to him (Y)

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ye same thing if he can do it fair play.

but i think people are missing the point, dont be put off by what other people can tap and for this matter just go out to enjoy yourself and have fun! never ever take the TF tape measure with you it lies to you!GUARANTEED


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people are scared of hitting the wall stephen. the best way to go at it is this:


the wall is only a wall at the end of the day you aint going to die on it.

make sure the front wheel hits wather it be 5,6,4,3,2,1 inch below the top of the wall itself.

push bars up and forward and make sure you bend your arms and legs (Y) :P


you will then have tyre tapping to a tee. when i tyre tap now i try break the move down to show people how to do it, a bit like other moves such as sidehopping and stuff.

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I think my best is about 37" or something. Just under bar height anyway. On the other hand I can do switzerland sqeakers which are way cooler :P

Seriously though, only people who can tap are gonna answer in here, to brag mostly (Y) Don't be put off just 'cos you can't tap 45" or whatever...

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lol, waynio, give me my numbers back, i have 53 but need the others bigger than that, and isnt on tf tape measure, its a proper one i tell thee (Y) no but i do smell some shit as well, i accept people can go big, but im sure it gets to a certain point where is impossible,


well done to everyone but like waynio says, its about having fun, and also i personally prefer consistancy to the odd massive hop..


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my problem (apart from bad technique and being scared) is that when I land on a high tap, my weight is always way over the back and its really hard to keep it.

On huge taps, how do you manage to get your front wheel down and ontop of the object? it just seems to bounce me off backwards (Y)

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urm not to sure the highest i did was a foot over bar but i have got real crap at taps and got better at gaps i just cant seem to balence it out nowerdays i can do about 6 inches over bar :S

austin wright did 60" (Y) :P ^_^


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my problem (apart from bad technique and being scared) is that when I land on a high tap, my weight is always way over the back and its really hard to keep it.

On huge taps, how do you manage to get your front wheel down and ontop of the object? it just seems to bounce me off backwards (Y)

oh my god theres someone out there like me im exactly the same as you, i dont feel lonely anymore lol


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okay well i've been riding about a year and i can't tap. mind you in september i couldn't bunnyhop...

i can get up walls about stem height without using a tap, basically i don't know how to. so how high is the limit on getting up without tapping.

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Without tapping? It's the only way I know how (Y) Should learn to tap, might give it a go tomorrow...

Anyway, I can get 4ft pretty consistently (which works out as 10" over bar height), aaaaaaalmost got 50" in town - both without taps, obviously.

Someone said Jack Barnes can get 50" sans pedal stroke, which I can most definitely believe. That guy's a freaking machine...

A few years back, people wouldn't believe you could do some of the stuff "regular" (i.e. non-pros) are doing now, so I wouldn't say anything was impossible.

Apart from slamming a revolving door.

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my highest is 43" but that was a local wall that felt nice too tap. some times you can just feel the right timing etc.

this is two pedal strokes away, i know some people pedal at it, roll abit and then 1 stroke into tap, others bunny hop tap, some do 1 stroke etc.

ive no idea what i average at, only measure what i think is high, if i think i an get it ill just keep trying til im happy (Y)

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my problem (apart from bad technique and being scared) is that when I land on a high tap, my weight is always way over the back and its really hard to keep it.

On huge taps, how do you manage to get your front wheel down and ontop of the object? it just seems to bounce me off backwards (Y)

Ali, your bars must be too high, when you tap just before you actually tap and you lift up your front wheel, your body should be in the same position, leaning over the backwheel, arms straight, when you hit it, everythiong gets thrown forward, then straightened out once again, you lower your bars you can hit it lower and still have your weight over the front.


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