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My Riding Makes Me Feel...


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Hi ive been rideing for around 2 years now and have currently just moved to mod and i realy dont like it so its making me feel like giving up so here is a list of what ive done on mod and stock and was wondering if it is good or bad:


front touch:43-44"

static gap:6ft 7

rolling gap:7ft 5



front touch:40"

static gap:6ft 9

rolling gap:7ft

sidehop:nearly 39"

so is this good for the lenghth of time rideing and should i move back to stock when i can afford it.

thanks in advance.


Edited by hulltrialser
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It looks like youve progressed to me! i think thats a pretty good level for 2 years riding.

Don´t quit just because you cant do some things as good as before you just need to get used to the mod, anyway you can do some things better. :shifty:

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Depends what you want from trials I suppose?

I've lost ALL skill I had with not riding recently due to injuries. I went out today scared of everything and still enjoyed the atmosphere.

If you want to get sponsered etc and be in the spotlight like CLS etc then quit.

Trials should be fun, no point if it isn't really? Not like being amazing will even make you half as rich as a shit footballer etc.

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I'll tell you what, I couldnt even ride like that after 4 years of riding let alone 2.

I think you should ride stock again, mod is good an'all but I didnt find it very satisfying. Stock is just way more fun to ride.

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ben, just pull your finger out....

dont let a depressing few rides let you think about quitting trials, for starters you will miss it and will just start up again but not as good as before.

Your a good rider, i know your not huge/tall and this doesnt help for riding stock (IMO) and you seem very comfortable on the mod. Your 'figures' look half decent, and like ali said i wasnt nearly half that good after twice that length of time. Its not all about progression, although that helps, its about having a laugh.

Dont let riding get you down, i had this problem with towler (one of me mates) today, he wasnt happy he couldnt sidehop a 38" inch wall today, so he got grumpy, it was the second time so i decided that id had enough, i pushed him, made him try new stuff, rode some rocks, mixed it up a little and he puched harder. Went to another wall 39"-40" and he made it 2-3 times. he enjoyed the rest of his day and hopefully he will carry on this way.

just carry on, ride mod, and have fun


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yer Ben pull youre finger out!!

stop getting stressed about not being able to do stuff knowone else does :P" lol

nah ive found if im struggling to sidehop a wall ive already done before it REALLY pisses me off but, the more i get pissed off the more i put myself in to a bad state of mind and it ruins my ride for the rest of the day, just try and be more chilled :D


vent youre aggression into power!!! grrrr :shifty:

and get a big bike again tiz more fun!!! and youre taps were awesome!! B) :P

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It looks to me like you're riding for all the wrong reasons. If you need to constantly look to others for reassurance about how satisfied you are, you need to reconsider your values in life aswell as whether or not you should carry on riding.


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if you want to quit because your not progressing fast enough then quit?

ive been riding 2 years and my figures are very close to yours apart from my 47in sidehop on le mod (Y)

if you enjoy riding keep it up and have fun!

if you dont just quit and do something else with your tiome?

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Every time you've been out on your trials, you end up going on a bmx somehow. (Y) .

So either pull your finger out and commit(and thats not commit suicide :- :D emo) to riding. But if your complaining about not progressing, and want reassurance, then ride bmx.

Otherwise stick with your mod and practise more! Make the commitment and come out on mod today!

Edited by dan_t-lite
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i'v been riding for 2 years now and all those nubers a way above my numbers. (Y)

If you don't want to ride, don't ride.

I'm shit compared to some, but i don't really care, because i enjoy it. (Y)

Edited by JT!
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Hi ive been rideing for around 2 years

I've been riding over 4 years now, and can't even get half of what your getting.


It looks to me like you're riding for all the wrong reasons. If you need to constantly look to others for reassurance about how satisfied you are, you need to reconsider your values in life aswell as whether or not you should carry on riding.


Basically, is what i would say. Ride to have fun, to socialize, to just generally have a blast. Let learning come second. Saying that, don't go out and not ride, go out, and push each other, don't push yourself to be the best, just because.

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Hi ive been rideing for around 2 years now and have currently just moved to mod and i realy dont like it so its making me feel like giving up so here is a list of what ive done on mod and stock and was wondering if it is good or bad:


front touch:43-44"

static gap:6ft 7

rolling gap:7ft 5



front touch:40"

static gap:6ft 9

rolling gap:7ft

sidehop:nearly 39"

so is this good for the lenghth of time rideing and should i move back to stock when i can afford it.

thanks in advance.


it all depends who you ride with, i ride with someone whos better than me and i bin riding a year and a half and feel i have progressed quite well.

ican :

tap 45"

static 8'5ft

rolling gap bout 9ft

sidehope 40"

if you dont ride with someone better than you your doing great and also find someone and you ll see your riding improve loads (Y) (Y)

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just plod through your bad patch...

get back on you real bike and ditch the mod.

ive been riding yonks, and i still cant fekin sidehop....that pisses me off.

i bust my ankle a few months ago, bought a new frame and cant ride for shit at the moment, its a proper slag!

just go out, enjoy yourself and things should start to pick up.

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Hiya dude, your list of achievements looks great to me (being a trials newbie waiting for a bike), and I hope I can do what you can in two years! (Y)

But the whole point of riding is to have fun! When I get my bike I will be practising backhops and getting up 2-3 foot walls and 3-4 foot gaps I would hope, which is nothing compared to you but the point is I will (hopefully!) be having a blast!

In fact the best times I have ever had on my bike were years ago on a bike that resembled a garden shed (19 inch frame or so when I was about 9 years old) learning to trackstand and wheelie and do endos (Y) It can be fun (not that you are at all) to be bad at something because you still have all those exciting new things to learn/improve on!

Just what I think! Now go ride!


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take a break...have a kitkat...


i think i should do that (Y)

my riding at the mo is making me pretty depressed lol

i think due to ..

no one rides as much as they did they've either got a shity mini moto or quit or grown out of it

and im riding the same places alot..

and im not challengin' my self.. iv got to that stage of to do something big(to me).. its all to do with my head and a little more less nurves lol

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f**k sake shut up you girl, number one you have good riders to ride with and learn off and you been only riding for two years, thats way better than i was after two years and i been riding over 4 years now, i wish i had some one better than me to ride with well any one at all would be nice, i get to ride with decent people about once a month, i gotta tech my self every thing i get to see some one do it once on a ride and then thats it ll go learn it, you can see them do it time after time

you got it good so shut up and ride ur bike and you will get past this (Y)

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