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Interesting View, Have A Read


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lets face it, they are really talking about religion, not culture. The drivers licence thing is a religious belief, not a cultural thing and the christmas lights thing is them being offended by the christian religion. I bet the majority of immigrants 'culture' is really only religious beliefs.

If people move conutry, they should leave that country behind. Sure, practice your religion, but if it's against the new coutries laws (drivers licence) or the new coutries traditions, (the xmas lights and 'in god we trust' moto), then its tough luck, you ditch your shitty religious dress, and you deal with the other people religions, they way the natives have delt with yours (by letting them have moske's and shit).

And don't say 'religion is culture' cos i don't belive it is. Culture is foods, music, lifestyles etc, not what god they pray to.

IMO, people coming to live in england, and not abiding by our laws, or complaining about our traditions, is damn right f**king rude, and out of order. If i saw some muslim complaining about our xmas lights, i'd have to try seriously hard to not knock them out, and send them back first class so their shithole of a country,

Life is so good over here, they take it for granted and use their freedoms to preach their shitty beliefs.

If they are living here, they should be seen and not heard, and thats being generous.

And to even things up, if i went and lived somewhere else, i wouldn't start slagging off all their traditions or getting a dodgy drivers license, i'd accept them for what they do in their coutry and try my best to fit in.

I'l prepare my self for a slating, but i don't give a shit, noone is changing my opinions. I've grown up in circumstances and teachings to make me this way, peoples bitchin' aidn't gonna change me.

Edited by RicH_87
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Rich some guy on the other end of the country complaining about christmas lights surely cant bother you that much...if it does, you got issues mate.

and quit saying all this 'ditch their shitty beliefs' band 'go back to their shithole of a country' because THAT is damn right f**king rude. Some immigrants might kick up a fuss sometimes but thats the same with everything. Quit whining and maybe you'll learn something about the world, instead of just thinking everywhere except the UK is a shithole.

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Oh and mark, how are skate shoes, trainers, jeans, tee's etc culture??

cultural dress is saris and turbans and stuff, not trade items.

instead of just thinking everywhere except the UK is a shithole.

when did i say that? I said the immigrants coutries, and they are shitholes, that's the whole reason they moved out in the first place.

if you ask most of them why they moved, a lot will say they had to becasue of violence and predudice and that they would go back if it was safer.

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Oh and mark, how are skate shoes, trainers, jeans, tee's etc culture??

cultural dress is saris and turbans and stuff, not trade items.

when did i say that? I said the immigrants coutries, and they are shitholes, that's the whole reason they moved out in the first place.

if you ask most of them why they moved, a lot will say they had to becasue of violence and predudice and that they would go back if it was safer.

not all immigrants are asylum seekers.

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Oh and mark, how are skate shoes, trainers, jeans, tee's etc culture??

They're American culture, aren't they? It's American culture - the way jeans became prevalent after being used as work clothes, etc. So we're borrowing American culture there, which is what I meant.

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Most of it's fair enough, but to the people saying we should expel all foreign culture, are you going to get rid of:

  • The majority of clothing you wear (a load of shoes, and general items of clothing are designed in other countries that we wear, e.g. skate shoes, jeans, etc.

  • A large amount of music we listen to (a lot of influence from the earlier blues/rock artists in America, as well as rap, hip-hop, etc)

  • Mannerisms we use in speech

  • A large amount of the food we eat

  • Our language and numeracy systems

  • etc.

I mean, fair enough, it is a bit shit that we're impinged on so much by other people coming here and saying we're oppressing them, but there's not much wrong with foreign culture.

Unless you're completely f**king ignorant, then I guess there would be.

The idea isnt that we wont accept other cultures and beliefs into our system; this country obviously does; its the, "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" situation, in that other cultures are welcome into a foreign land, on the premise that they will adapt as much to our culture as we will to theirs.

Where they worship whoever, we build them Mosque's, they take their veil off for an ID photo.

Fair enough I'd say. A land of freedom for a few minor cultural differences.

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I agree, why should people who have lived and fought for their country and the way they live move over for people of another culture when all they do is demand, not appreciate. Over here we give them a house, car and benefits for doing nothing yet they still say that we are racist towards them. Im not saying that every immigrant complains, just some. They need to get a grip. If they dont like the fact that we dont have as many places of worship (mosques etc) as they do to suit them in ther own country then they should leave and move back to where they came from. If we say black near them or whatever they say it is racist yet of they call us white they dont see it as offensive. I had to let it out as it pisses me off when they come over here and live a good life but still complain because it isnt like ther country, MOVE BACK THEN!

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It should be said that (to my knowledge and correct me if I'm totally wrong...) the white population of Australia are primarily the descendants of criminals exported from Great Britain a long time ago. After release they started setting up home over there and colonising the place, being utter b@stards to the Aboriginal people, treating them like sh!te and taking there land. Just thought I'd throw that in there...

Anyway, on the whole immigrant/racist thing, I agree with virtually everything written before this. I don't have a problem with a small number of people, who are in danger if they stayed in their home country, seeking asylum in the UK but once here they need to adopt our lifestyle to a certain degree and accept our traditions. Most people who know me know I think religeon is at the bottom of every major conflict in the world and is an excuse used in the murder of millions and millions of people throughout history.

Religeon is the problem, not it's ideas but the way people accept and use it to theeir own gains.

Ah well, good topic peeps!!


Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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I think people that dismiss all immigrants as tax-dodging benefit grabbing hospital bed stealing lazy slackers should take a look inside our own "great" country. You'll find there are plenty of British citizens with absolutely no desire to work milking the system for all it's worth - and I'd be willing to bet there are far more of these than immigrants or asylum seekers who are unemployed. I mean, let's face it - if you've come to all the trouble of getting here which really can't be easy, chances are you're not the type to just sit on your arse and let things happen. When are people on this forum going to realise that our tolerent society is our greatest asset as it allows skilled people from all over the world to legally enter the country and help to keep it a world leader in trade, research and technological development?

On another point - a lot of you seem amazingly keen to keep our Christian heritage and I agree with you. But how many of you are actually Christian? If you're not - why should you care whether this country is predominantly Christian, Muslim, Hindu or any other religion you car to name. Or perhaps you'd prefer it if there was no religion at all and we could do away with Christmas, easter and all the other religious festivals you all seem to enjoy celebrating. Or perhaps we Christians should persecute YOU for refusing to conform to the national religion of your own country. If you think this is unfair, perhaps you should consider exactly what the difference is between saying you can't be an athiest in Britain, and that you can't be a muslim in Britain. Not a lot, in my opinion.

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Well Australia is only the way it is because of the British. Surely it's native peoples are the Aboriginals?

Look back through history, countries change.

your avatar is ace.

yeah i agree with first statement. :D if u dont liek it f**k off back to your country and our soldiers will kill you over there.

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I have to agree with the post at the start. I got called a racist the other day in school for complaining when we wernt allowed to put a poster out of zoo magasine up in the common room because it mite affect a muslim girl! theres like 4 in our 6th form. our school is majorally white and i dont see why the rules should change for the few muslims in our school just to be politically correct. im sorry but its bollocks!. this is a white english country. if muslims want to live here then fine i dont mind but they should respect our customs and not be allowed special privliges because of their race. if they want to practice there religion then good its up to them but it should not have any influence on how this country is run. if they dont like it f**k off back to there native lands.

im not racist by the way. on a personal basis i couldnt give a crap what colour/religion someone is. a couple of good friends of mine are muslim and id never think to them any difference to anyone else. and my girlfriend is chinese( although her family has grown up here).

But when laws and customs(like flying a british flag at times of sporting events can be classed as racism) in this country have to be changed to accomidate people who arent even greatful for the accomidation our goverment (with the money some of you and your parents pay in taxs) provide for them i find that unacceptable.

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I have to agree with the post at the start. I got called a racist the other day in school for complaining when we wernt allowed to put a poster out of zoo magasine up in the common room because it mite affect a muslim girl! theres like 4 in our 6th form. our school is majorally white and i dont see why the rules should change for the few muslims in our school just to be politically correct. im sorry but its bollocks!. this is a white english country. if muslims want to live here then fine i dont mind but they should respect our customs and not be allowed special privliges because of their race. if they want to practice there religion then good its up to them but it should not have any influence on how this country is run. if they dont like it f**k off back to there native lands.

News-f**king-flash, not all "muslims" are from another country, you clown! Did you even think that the girls in your year might've been from England/the U.K., so "Going back home" to them would be from the same place as you? Having different views on the world doesn't mean they're a different f**king species, in the same way I ride mod and someone else rides stock - that doesn't change shit. For f**ks sake, why don't some people use their heads.

Always makes me laugh when you get people our age having a go at older people of a different skin colour and telling them to "Go home" when they've actually been in the country longer than us :D

Maybe all you English people should f**k off out of Wales then? Our lack of top-up fees and so on's gotta be quite a draw to you English people? Oh, no, wait, that's different because it's you not f**king them.

I didn't really want to post in here again, and an "angry mark" post at 2am's never a good thing, but some people on here are so f**king retarded (not meaning you solely here Chris, or you much at all really, more over others...).

They have different coloured skin, and may believe in different ideologies. This doesn't mean they've come here to f**k your family, take your job and your money.

Get over that f**king principle, you dickheads.

There are other people in the world in far better situations than you, and far worse. If you manage to actually not think just about your f**king selves for more than a few seconds, you might be able to realise that other people are - yes - PEOPLE TOO. Compared to some other people in the UK, the asylum seekers who come here to work are f**king angelic in comparison. The binge-drinking wankstains who f**k up people's lives on a weekly basis, for example. The people too f**king lazy to get jobs. The f**king wankers in their boy racer cars going out and crashing, raising everyone's insurance premiums, taking up NHS care, making it a more dangerous place. The f**king chavs everywhere. The f**king idiots around who don't seem to understand that not being an inconsiderate dickhead might be a positive alternative to just being f**king impolite to people all the time (yes, old people who don't even partially move out the way when people are walking towards you on pavements, I f**king mena you).

Now, perhaps, would be a good time to point out to the clowns on here who can't work out the difference between "Illegal immigrant", "Asylum seeker" and "Immigrant workers".

Yes, there is a difference :D

Illegal immigrants - someone trying to come in or who has come in, who hasn't met our fairly strict (holy f**k, I've used strict in the same sentence as "asylum policy". JUST BECAUSE YOU READ IT IN THE f**kING SUN OR MIRROR DOESN'T MAKE IT f**kING TRUE OR EVEN ACCURATE.) asylum policy.

Asylum seeker: Someone seeking asylum from their country for a variety of reasons.

Immigrant worker: A migrant, who is working. They can come from countries other than "Muslim" countries. Don't forget now kids, "American" people are technically immigrants here too, and go into making up the fact that Immigrants pay back all the taxes they take out in benefits from our system and ad another £2.5billion on top of that. That's right again, people - they actually pay back ALL the benefits they take out, and also give us an additional £2.5billion. Yes, there are people who cheat the system (please read the large, bold text above though about "I heard some darkie had a trillion mobile phones and 48 BMW's". However, what about people who cheat our system who are from this country? Someone I know who was the son of the mayor of the nearest town here used to claim Job Seekers Allowance whilst being given a lot of money by his parents regularly, and having a job. I wouldn't want to deport him to some war-torn country though ;)

As we can all tell, it's late, I'm tired and irritable, but to be honest, a LOT of people on here are complete f**king knobheads when it comes to ANYTHING to do with people who don't look exactly like them in skin colour or ideology.

f**k, I'm well gonna get flamed for this.

Ah well, life's for living :P

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f**k, I'm well gonna get flamed for this.

But Mark, you must remember that maybe they were born here, it still means they have a country of origin, yes they were born here so what, it doesn't mean they don't have relatives in another country, which you could say they belong in. Like I know this Irish guy at College, and he was born here, but I asked if where he thought was home and he said Ireland, he goes back there every so often to visit relatives etc.

But I think what gets most people is how they develop their own communities inside a community and then complain that they aren't being accepted. If they are fine with the country the way it is that's fine, but I hate the fact they think we should teach their religion's in our schools. If the school thinks it's ok to teach it that's fine, but they shouldn't be bullied into teaching it thinking they are impinging on someone's rights. They also shouldn't have more rights than a white person who's lived here for the same amount of time, but chances are their family's been here longer.

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grr grr grr rant rant rant *angry* :D

Everyone seems to be drifting from the point here, were not talking about immigrants who mooch; were talking about respecting a nations values and trying to fit in.

For example, my wife works with an Indian guy who has been born and bred in England, as have his parents, but he wont have white friends or do anything social with white people, because they dont conform to his culture. His religion is legally allowed to carry knives over 6 inches, where everyone else isnt. Things like this arent the actions of people who want to fit in, its the actions of people who dont want to be here.

Things like, "He's Asian, how come he had a nice car?" are silly, but when it comes down to, "He's a muslim, sikh, whatever, how come he is immune to that particular law or rule that the rest of us have to follow? In our own country!?"

I think it boils down to the fact that modernised, white countries are so keen to be considered as multi-cultural and pc, that a minority group can make outragous requests and be granted them for fear of being labelled a rascist country. Such as letting some religions wear religious clothing in school, and christians not. (some christians religiously wear a crucifix round their necks, no idea why, but arent allowed to in ). I mean how unfair is it that a sikh can wear his turban with his hair pinned up with a dagger, and i wasnt even allowed long hair???

If you go round someones house, you treat it how they would like you to treat it, anything else would be rude and disrespectful, and the same is considered here. In the countries of origin that some of these people come from, they have no such rights or freedoms, so you would think that the freedoms granted here would not be taken for granted. And people who have lived here all their lives who practice a different religion to others would make adjusments to it to conform with British law.

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News-f**king-flash, not all "muslims" are from another country, you clown............

f**k, I'm well gonna get flamed for this.

Ah well, life's for living :sleeping:

well thats not really what i was getting at. i just dont agree with having to change the way we live our lives for imigrants to our country. think of it this way. if we moved to pakistan or india there is no way they would allow their customs to change. but over here we have to otherwise we are classed as being racist. its a awkward subject as like you said some of these people have lived here all there lives, and i really dont mind if they have. all i object to is them complaining and expecting to be treated differently to the rest our the people in the uk. if they are pleasant, can hold down a job, respect our way of life and can live here without introducing conflict then thats great, but when they dont and expect british people lives to change to accomodate them when they are a minority in a country that they are not native to, these are the people i disagree to have living here.

at the end of the day this is how i feel. nothing is likely to happen as the goverment are to scared to do anything about it. so we will all have to live with it.

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If you go round someones house, you treat it how they would like you to treat it, anything else would be rude and disrespectful, and the same is considered here.

Asking them to ditch their culture would be like inviting someone to your house, then having a go at them for having a different accent to you, for looking differently to you, or for having a different sense of humour.

You wouldn't do that, would you?

Anyway, enough...

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Asking them to ditch their culture would be like inviting someone to your house, then having a go at them for having a different accent to you, for looking differently to you, or for having a different sense of humour.

You wouldn't do that, would you?

Anyway, enough...

I'd say being it would be like inviting someone round to live in your house and them saying they wont sit down until you change the seating arrangement in your front room, even though the arrangement suits everyone who already lives in your house...

Like what Snappel said really :sleeping:

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