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Comitted Any Crimes?


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we have done loads when i was younger, i used to go to a building site and ruin everything (pull down walls, smash the tracktors up, smash and electric box up [untill i got eletricuted ;) :) ]) used to do loads of things, i used to be a bad little shit! lol

Ha serves you right ;)

Ive never done anything bad that I can remember, sept the odd tresspassing

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I drove down a bus lane to take a short cut. It was the middle of the night and there was no-one around but I still got caught ;) Only a £30 fine though.

And most people on here will have taken/smoked/eaten something they shouldn't have...

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I got the police around my house for apparently throwing a 10" flick knife at people at a skate park.

Complete bull shit, It was my 3" lock knife for my cable ties. And no I wasn't throwing or threatening anyone with it.

Do they even make 10" flick knives?

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I drove down a bus lane to take a short cut. It was the middle of the night and there was no-one around but I still got caught (Y) Only a £30 fine though.

And most people on here will have taken/smoked/eaten something they shouldn't have...

I ate a sausage roll I wasn't supposed to once... :)

I got warned for 'tresspassing' with my mate, it was in this abandoned old hall thingy right next to a public road and footpath...

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broke in an abandoned house for some wood build a ramp

took shit loads of chocolate from that place in hanley market when i was like 8 and i didn't get caught (Y)

if breaking into your own house counts them i'm guilty lol

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i visited a school whilst it was closed and "borowd" some stuff. I gt caught but gt a warning. However hush those gums as the old bill can not find out .lol. they are usless, but i supose it dosnt matter cause they are usless bacon sandwhiches.

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oh ive done a few good uns in the past and supposedly derailed a tram with people in lmao

We only said you did it because you said that just before it happened you put some scaffolding on the track lol

Were piss funny though seeing a tram hanging off a 9ft drop (Y)

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has anyone done anything remotly interesting? iv also acidently set my mates garden alight will LOADS of petrol, there were huge flames and i mean HUGE. That was fun. Oh getting chased buy the police on my mini moto dirt bike and getting away. Now that was any adrenaling rush better than crack.

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more than likely with him (Y)


Shut up dan you hipercritical arse bandit. Go find a little boy to have fun with. Dont be such a wanker. And i was talking about crack the drug you smoke. I was adding an interesting sentence to a sentence which was more exciting than most peoples sentences about their so called girl guide "crimes".

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Shut up dan you hipercritical arse bandit. Go find a little boy to have fun with. Dont be such a wanker. And i was talking about crack the drug you smoke. I was adding an interesting sentence to a sentence which was more exciting than most peoples sentences about their so called girl guide "crimes".

I feel well stupid now, Ive only commited 'girl guide crimes'

You sound so cool aswell (Y)

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I feel well stupid now, Ive only commited 'girl guide crimes'

You sound so cool aswell (Y)

Cheers i give you an A* for most sarcastice person on the forum well done. And dosnt the title say comited any crimes. Not petty cr*p you did when you were 2 like, stealing sweets, and entering an abandon house dont blame me for you boring religious life.

Be free ............

.........................Smoke the weed. :D

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Cheers i give you an A* for most sarcastice person on the forum well done. And dosnt the title say comited any crimes. Not petty cr*p you did when you were 2 like, stealing sweets, and entering an abandon house dont blame me for you boring religious life.

Be free ............

.........................Smoke the weed. (Y)

No thanks. :D

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God children now a days <_< Their in there own little world.

What? He's a child because he won't smoke weed?

It sounds like sir, that you need to get f**ked.

Commiting bad crimes isn't cool, and you certainly shouldn't encourage it. A crime is a crime, whether it be stealing a chocolate bar or getting chased across fields on a chavmobile.

Personally, i've never commited anything. I must live a sad and miserable life heh.

Except peadophilia, isn't that right everyone that rides with me? :P Those that wen't to bristol ride a while back will understand. ^_^

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