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Is 50" Sidehop Gd Over A Wall


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thats rubbish my mum can do that,

in a wheel chair,

3 am in the morning,

after 12 pints of guiness,

on the back of black beauty,

with one arm tied behind her back!

lmao craig (Y) :)

Yeah hes obviously after attention that all i can agree on. If he did 50" then grats matey, get sponsored asap seriously. Then get a camera, film it and then show all the people who don't believe you that you can do it.

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Trials forum tape measure (Y) ?


Which one is this? 1 inches for the tape measure 2 inches for blaggin 1 inches for the tape measure 2 inches to prove how big my cock is? mayB mayB lol

And if your saying members cant ride then u plain stoopid for example aust (i think he posted on this thread) did a demo at the bike show and got to ride the prototype limey (or i may be sadly mistaken) then again there is travis in new members who is 1 of the best ive seen out 4 sure

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i think the record is somthing like 65" well so my friend said...(Y)

stefan perks...

Have you actually thought about a little thing called commen sence?

ok, go out and measure 65" and come back and tell me thats humanly possible. :)

and no I dont reckon you've done 50" for one minute.

50" is VERY big, theres no other reason that you couldnt do it because it's been done but theres no proof, if you really were that good you would know that 50" is VERY good. You dont need some people on a forum to tell you that it's good as you should know that. By saying so you sound like a full on newbie, a 50" sidehop dosent happen by accident!

Also before you tell me that I 'cant ride' or jealous or somein like that, I couldn't give a s**t if you can or can't do it, just cus someone else can do something better than me dosen't automatically make me jealous.

Show us some pics and i'll shut up

Rob :deej:

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people need to keep open minds, there is no need to challenge what zoosteve has said. comment on how he has said it if u like, but he doesnt need to justify himself to people who dont beleive him. afterall you can never know for sure.

What? If he didn't want feedback, why did he bother posting? If he has actually sidehopped that high, 1) why is he bothered that people don't believe him... and 2) was it only worth the effort if he told everybody about it afterwards?

its not my prob u lot cant ride

That's the kind of big headed 'look at me' attitude I've come to hate with 'young upstarts'. Like those silly pricks on rides that follow around the 'better' riders trying to copy all their lines and moves. It's stupid - people need to stop trying to prove themselves to each other.

Life's too short, ride for yourself. At the end of the day, you're not going to get a prize from TF whether you've sidehopped 50" or 6m. If I achieve something good in area of my life, I take satisfaction in it. Look for reassurance from within, not from your external environment.

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Yeah, one of his other ones was...

You'd think that having been riding long enough and hard enough to sidehop 50" over a wall (not a stick, a wall) you'd think he'd have some idea about bike parts...

Mr.Staples has been riding over 5 years now.....went riding in London with him and he snap's his lever, i get out the spare i had and the bleed kit and he says 'i don't know how to bleed a brake' so, don't matter how long you have been riding just depends on how much you take in, like alot of people on here know loads due to them beeing on here for years where as he hasn't. If you can see where im coming from (Y)


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okey ;) So why are you posting? If you cant prove anything and you don't care what we think about it. It's a bit weird though, "hey, i did a 50 inch sidehop today, yay!. It that good?" What is the point?.. Okey, i did a 10 feet static gap today, is that good?? Anyone can say that. Try do it again and film it, then people can say something about it..

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IM SORRY u guys cand ride that well have u tried stablizers it might help u guys if u dont believe me i dont care cos i know i can do it and i dont have to prove it

Like everyone's said, if you don't care what everyone thinks:

Why did you post it on a public internet forum?

Why did you ask if it was good?

Why don't you f**k off?

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IM SORRY u guys cand ride that well have u tried stablizers it might help u guys if u dont believe me i dont care cos i know i can do it and i dont have to prove it

The Law that is MrMonkey, The Royal Forum Protector, says that you sir are as clever as a broom handle. And how would stabilisers help anyone sidehop 50" over something, surely they would get in the way?

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