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Onza Limey


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Steve Steve Steve Steve, you are not giving up on the hifi already??? are u not feeling comfortable on it? i always said u should have gone with a Limey, as the geo was very similar to that of your old XTP.

The one i have ridden, Austin Wrights felt VERY nice, i think it was one of those frames that if i did change from a high BB i would deffinatly get one, it was nice on the backwheel and felt a nice lenght, slightly longer reach than my t-rex, or so it felt.

Heres a pic of Aust's:



Edited by Bigman
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Its true i am giving up on the hifi! i really dont feel at home on it (Y)

I mean its amazing on back wheel, but thats seems to be it (Y)

I felt my riding was going some were wen i had my xtp, now its on a stand still!

I surpose i learnt the hardway, shame really :)


Ps: more coments welcome!

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Its true i am giving up on the hifi! i really dont feel at home on it :)

I mean its amazing on back wheel, but thats seems to be it (Y)

I felt my riding was going some were wen i had my xtp, now its on a stand still!

I surpose i learnt the hardway, shame really :P


Ps: more coments welcome!

Wow, im sorry to hear that..

Now for me, its tottally the opposite.

With my xtp, i was at a standstill not going no where....but with my czar...i just cant get enough of it....i wanna ride it all the time...seem tobe improving at everything i do.

Weird how some people dont like them (Y)

Anyways, i was looking at the limey before i got czar, tis most defo whati would get if i didnt get czar.

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well having ridden the first generation koxx LB 1065 for almost two years i came to the conclusion that i love nice long bikes...... so what did i do i went and bought a Revell at the bike show in april simply because I thiught it looked good in the yellow.

So after trying to ride it for a few weeks i pretty much gave up on it, only riding once a month or so (sad i know). my riding was going backwards while everyone elses was improving.

So last month i bit the bullet and got a limey, new bars, stem, bashring and stuff. took about two hours and i was back to usual antics.

So all in all well happy with it easy to get used to, nice on back wheel.

loves playing on natural

Recommend to any one, only thing i'm a little unsure what size rear sprocket to use with the super pro trials bashguard.



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whereas i personally think steves full of shit and hasnt given it long enough.....

STICK AT IT U TOOL! im not riding well on mine either at the moment.... but i can feel the potential for it to be WAY better than conventional frames once you adapt to the style of riding.... im LOVING mine.... gaps have got bigger, taps are no different, sidehops to back wheel are easier, its just BIG sidehops im having problems with atm.... although theyre no worse than the rex.... just not up to the level i was on my bt due to loosing the technique about 9 months ago when i got the rex....


EDIT: peggs, if you do say that, ill kick you in the teeth, and kill your family while they sleep.

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whereas i personally think steves full of shit and hasnt given it long enough.....

STICK AT IT U TOOL! im not riding well on mine either at the moment.... but i can feel the potential for it to be WAY better than conventional frames once you adapt to the style of riding.... im LOVING mine.... gaps have got bigger, taps are no different, sidehops to back wheel are easier, its just BIG sidehops im having problems with atm.... although theyre no worse than the rex.... just not up to the level i was on my bt due to loosing the technique about 9 months ago when i got the rex....


EDIT: peggs, if you do say that, ill kick you in the teeth, and kill your family while they sleep.

Do it any way hes sucha cocky lil sh*t (Y) (Y)

prawny babes, i have given it as much time as i can realy, im not getting anywere on it! if anything its ruining me, lol!


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prawny babes, i have given it as much time as i can realy, im not getting anywere on it! if anything its ruining me, lol!


i dont believe you... your just being miserable lately.... like ditching a perfectly sexy doublewide rim claiming its 'crap'

you cant afford a new frame! sort your life out, and just go ride it properly! and put the proper stem back on it! the std echo stem is FAR too low, that WILL make it feel nasty.....

now stop moaning and go ride properly you bitch

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EDIT: peggs, if you do say that, ill kick you in the teeth, and kill your family while they sleep.

Well too late i've said it cocknose :P

Going from 0 bb rise to +55 is a bit extreme and said i bet you wont like it....

At first it was nice, really noticeable but nice.

Now teds decided he dont like it, its gotta go and thats the end :ermm:

Changin frames and rims like theres no tomorrow :ermm:

Do it any way hes sucha cocky lil sh*t :- :lol:

Only cus you know im right :P

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My Limey is doing very well! :ermm:

Rides soooo nice! Everyone who has had a ride on my bike said good things about it :ermm:

From what i've heard about the Hifi, its abit of the "love it or hate it" thing.

I'll try and sort a pic of mine and post it tomorrow..


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