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Andy King

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I bloody fell off last night :$ :( doing a stupid little gap, anyway on the way down i caught my thumb nail and it got ripped the feck off, i never realised how much it could hurt!

anyone else ever done this?

how long does the pain last for?


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I hate to break it to you but your gunna be out of action for a while.

I ripped my thumbnail off when i was young and i couldnt write for a month without it hurting so god knows how long you'll be out of riding.

Im sorry to hear youve done it aswell and i know how painfull it is but you just got to rest it for a while and hope for the best.


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I thought i was ard till this happened!!

i think i'll just let it grow back, and hope the pain stops quick!

Going up to the hampshire trial this weekend too! Ive been nominated to take the pictures now (N) thats just torture!! :angry:

Edited by Andy King
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I riped off a finger nail skating a few years back. It will be a good few months before it grows back fully.

You will be back on your bike in a week - week and a half though. Just make sure you wear the bandage thing they give you for the first week and make sure you use antibiotics so it doesn't get infected (Y) .

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I bloody fell off last night :$ :( doing a stupid little gap, anyway on the way down i caught my thumb nail and it got ripped the feck off, i never realised how much it could hurt!

anyone else ever done this?

how long does the pain last for?


pics or vids of it??

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i cut my thumb nail off with a apple corer 1ce :lol:

the apple core came out and whip took it straight off and went into my cuticle which kind of hurt

just wrapped it up with micropore for a bit and it was fine never remember any pain :huh: but then again i am actually hard :P

cant imagine too much problem riding vair soon

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on the mention of fingers being pwn3d this guy in my year had a door slammed on his finger today (and i mean SLAMMED) and it cut the end off :sick: he's geniunley solid and he was in f**king pieces bless him, no piks i mite try and get some of the blood on the wall though :shifty:

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on the mention of fingers being pwn3d this guy in my year had a door slammed on his finger today (and i mean SLAMMED) and it cut the end off :sick: he's geniunley solid and he was in f**king pieces bless him, no piks i mite try and get some of the blood on the wall though :shifty:

whoa :lol: that happened to a girl at a school in my town took the end of her finger clean off >_< not nice

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Hi, It will take quiet a while for it to grow back but you should be able to ride pretty soon. Once i broke my finger and my nail fell off as well and it took nearly a year to grow back which i thought was a very long time.

Get better soon, and pictures would be good mate.


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I did this to my thumb a few years back when i was lifting a steel pole, i dropped it and it caught my thumbnail and ripped it off pretty much.

Quick fix = superglue... puts the nail back on and seals it up so no nasties can get in. Just live with the constant stinging for like 3 hours... after that you'll get used so won't feel it as much, just a warm numbness really. It'll let you be riding within like a day maybe 2.

Eventually you'll have new nail grow and it'll push the old one off after about 3 months.

Just thought i should edit and say i accept no resposnsibility for anything that might occur after using superglue to fix yourself, i mean most of you people will be kids and you do stupid things at your own risk

Edited by Krisboats
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