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I'm So Freakin' Sick Of Pinchflats!

Scotty H

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I've just pinch-flatted for the third time in two weeks. It never happens near home and I don't like riding with tools. Are there any innertubes that are better than others?

I run 40 psi, by the way, and it still happens. It's those darn sharp concrete ledges! Well OK, maybe my lack of smoothness plays in too, but how else am I going to learn to pedal up over 18"? It never happens when I bunnyhop it... just pedal-ups. I'm riding a £4 cheap-o innertube that i got from my local crappy bike shop.

can you please tell me were to get good innertubes from and what are good ones?

(a "pinch-flat" is a different name for a flat tyre)

thanks scott

Edited by Scotty H
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what rear tyre do you run? if you ride stock get a maxxis dual ply and you should be fine, both the minion and the high roller are great and get it in 2.5 for extra protection. or get a DH tube. have a look on tartybikes they sell heavy duty DH innertubes. for mod then im not the guy to help sorry

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Why not try a motor bike innertube they help a lot because they are very thick and when changing your tube run your hand around the rim and the inside of the tyre and see if there is anything that could cause a problem with the innertube.


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keep one of your cheepo inner tubes that you split........cut out the valve, and then cut a slice out all the way round the inside.....then simply wrap it around your new tube.

its a bit fiddly getting it back in the wheel, but it will give you double protection.

its also not that noticeable in the weight side of things.

it works a treat

woody (Y)

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just try running a lower psi and carry on. Yes, it does get annoying but you'll have to get over it. I was having to replace inner tubes every 3 days which got very annoying. Whatever you're doing, just carry on with a lower psi and eventually you'll find you burst less and less inner tubes. Last one I needed was a month ago and it was about 5 months before that. Just keep going on with it.

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i've been using nokian downhill tubes on my downhill and trials bike, usually running 20-25psi on the trials and 20-35psi on the downhill bike and i've never pinched a tube. and its definitely not because i'm a smooth rider! as said before a lot of it is down to the tyre you run, in my experience maxxis seem to be about the best, but then i run 26" so it may be a bit different for you. all the doubling up on tubes and running silly high pressure isn't necessary, unfortunately it may mean you might spend a little bit more to start with, but you'll soon save more when you stop replacing tubes allthe time!!


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It always used to happen to me and still does the odd time. I changed my riding style to a smoother ride and also get an innertube that is the same size as your tyre so the inner tube doesn't move around as much. You could also get a tyre with thick sidewalls.

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40 psi is alot really.

Unless yourva very rough rider, it's goto be something to do with the rim. Take the tyre right off and have a really good look. Also, look on your innertube where the puncture is and then you'll know where on the rim too look.


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I havent got a rear puncture in about hmm 1.5 years due to this

Get a downhill tube (cant remember what i have, maxxis or nokian ? sommit)

Get a normal tube and cut her up, and stick that around your downhill tube

And there you have it, a so far invincible tube....

Hope it helps

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Ummmm.... Being 16 stone, a very heavy rider (and a little out of practice) I should know...?

James (who hasn't ridden in 2 years!) 4 step guide to less pinch flats!

Step 1.) Wide Rim: The wider the rim, the less chance you have because theiy generally have shallower braking surfaces. Try Phatso rims or BMF's (I've always ran one of these on the rear and never had any problems.)

Step 2.) Fat f**k Off Tyre (with a good sidewall): Obviously! The more rubber you put between the road, the tube and the rim the better! El Gato's are pretty crap as far as side walls go but they're as grippy as fook! High Rollers are practically indestructible (although u can occasionally rip the studs off if your not careful) but not quite as grippy (particularly in the wet) but generally it's down to personal preference. Just make sure it's at least a 2.3! <---[Magic Number]

Step 3.) Fat f**k Off Inter-Tube: I think this one speaks for itself. There are two main ones here that I use, you have the Hutchinson DH and the IRC DH. Now I don't care about weight generally so I run the IRC on the rear cause that's so much thicker than the Hutch but if you care about weight then the Hutchinson will do you fine. And they do come in a lovely shade of green :S

Step 4.) Finally... If you still pinching after all that, go and find your Dad's old mountain bike at the back of the garage, take that shitty 1.95 back tyre off it, cut the sidewalls off and put it inside your tyre. It will feel really hard so you will probably have to take the pressure down ever so slightly. I've always maintained the best pressure for a back tyre is anywhere between 23-32psi depending on preference and riding style.

Anyway that's that. Hope it helps!

By the way if anyone rides in Sheffield, like I said I haven't ridden in about 2 years since I came up here to go uni and really could do with getting out again so drop me a line.

That's all folks!

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good tips.

sadly - since he rides mod not much of that it is going to help him.

The simple answer is run about 8-12 psi in your el cheapo innertube , get a creepy crawler on a wide rim - try-all, hog etc. and try not to smack your wheel into things so hard.

I've only had one pinch in the last year and that was from a badly executed drop gap onto the pointy edge of a curb. It may be because I'm smoother than a brazilians bikini line but more likely its the combination of low pressure, wide rim and a big fat tyre.

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