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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Erm WOW you'v done this before lol after all that i kinda feel silly about not takin her back almost like im doin somthing stupid i duno weather i need time to get over her or im just kidding myself and should go back out with her but as you say she dose need to open up and tell me stuff boys are a little more simple minded than girls if somethings getin to me i come out and say it or i let her know clearly and no girl iv ever met will do the same. Kinda thinking i should go back out with her but there has been so so so many things i don't think ill ever let drop i mean this is just in the last month or so there has been many other things that have pissed me off and im sure i have i just don't do things on the same level as her and she know'd that. I duno if i can forgive everything but i duno if i can let her go sometimes it feels like this relationship has run its course other times it feels wrong and like i should be with her if that makes any scence at all.

Thanks once again :)

I just listen and give my opinions (:

I don't think you should be feeling silly about not taking her back, you know in yourself if it was the right or wrong thing to do, correct? I think you honestly need to realise if you do love her or not, before thinking about taking her back, because i know that if it turns out you don't love her after all, you've given her false hope by being with her and it'll be even harder to let go. She clearly does need to open up to you, but it's obvious from what you've told me that there is an emotional barrier there, stopping her from telling you what's really wrong, maybe she feels embarrased? Could it be that she's living in the past, as dodgy as it sounds? Maybe one time you had an arguement and she told you what was wrong but you didn't understand her problem? That's often a very major part of girls not being able to open up. I was with a guy for a year and a half and I didn't open up to him at all, purely for the fact that one time when I told him what was wrong and he just threw it all back in my face and laughed at me, I didn't tell him anything from then on. It's true boys are more simple minded than girls, because we girls tend to over analyse things, I know, my ex sits there and just tells me he doesn't want me right now, but I'll sit there, and I'll cry over it because I don't understand why I am so bad, is it my looks? the way I am? Perhaps cause I have too many 'guy friends'? Maybe he doesn't like my family? There's so much more to the female mind than alot of guys realise. You mention the past happenings would 'always be on your mind.' It's true, it's so true, my ex did something terrible to me, well, from some people's point of view it wasnt that bad, but it broke me apart because I have such low self esteem levels and everyyy dayyy it was on my mind, I used to lay awake at night and cry over it, that's how badly it played on me, and it'll be the same with you. If you get back with her you will constantly be thinking "what if she's with some other guy right now", or, "what else did she do wrong that she hasnt told me". And you will find you get that, you will. You're one of these people who find some things easy to forgive and forget, and others not so easy, and I know that her past is something you are finding incredibly hard to forgive and forget. It's obvious it's all playing on your mind a tad, and it's obvious you still feel something for her, or you wouldn't be saying you feel silly for not taking her back. If it didn't matter, you wouldn't be thinking about it. Despite my rambling, what you really do need to figure out are you true feelings for her. Obviously your feelings are mixed right now, but you need to decide if you want her, need her and most importantly love her, before you get back with her and realise that you don't want, need or most importantly love her, before it's all too late, and you just end up hurting and getting hurt more.

I wish I made more sense today.

-Hannah x

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How on earth did a girl penetrate our high fences?

Rule 1 of life: Never let your girlfriend find out about trials-forum.... if not your in epic fail

I would hate to see the missis's face if she read half my posts lol

Even when I was sat on his lap he would say 'I'm just gunna check the forum...' then spend 5 hrs looking through new posts and videos...

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How on earth did a girl penetrate our high fences?

Rule 1 of life: Never let your girlfriend find out about trials-forum.... if not your in epic fail

I would hate to see the missis's face if she read half my posts lol

or at least if she knows about TF don't for f**k sake let her know about this thread. I swear it got me in some serious shit at the start of the year.

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Even when I was sat on his lap he would say 'I'm just gunna check the forum...' then spend 5 hrs looking through new posts and videos...

Was there a video of him f**king someone else (including full ass shot) in trials-video's though?

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why no... I can't say there was...


i'm scared now.


Your scared try having him waving a knife at you breaking your garage door and attempting to destroy your bike all in one day....

oh good times coming round tomoz simps? haha

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oh good times coming round tomoz simps? haha

Not as bad as when i HACKtually stabbed rick... urm... working 10-7, guessing you can't get onto MSN at work? Only do my bike if you get time not too fussed about riding sunday but would be nice too obv.

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What's going on?! I look at a few pages of this 'girl trouble' thread, and it's become, I dunno, like a guide book on the perfect relationships, involving half page essays! Alot has changed in the last two days, and I'm not impressed, and feeling strongly about never entering this thread again! Sorrrt it out people!

Edited by James-M
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Girl at work the other day kissed me then afterwards said "shit, i've got a bf" turned out to be someone i know, thing is i didn't know.

She's now trying to pin it all on me and her bf is a legend but now f**king hates me :(

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Finally starting to make peice with the fact i split with my ex, i deserved it, i f**ked up, she hates me, some one else haes me.

lesson learnt dont f**k around ur gfs.

bad me *slaps wrist*

the heff. x

Edited by sexymike
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