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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I told the girl I've been with for a few months now that I finished work at 7pm, i actually finished at 8.30 and she had plans. Meant we're not meeting and she's super pissed.

I'm quite glad I've been talking to her less now 'cos although she's a gorgeous girl and I really like her, she's not ready for a relationship which is fine by me now, looking forward to freshers week to get some year below action. wooop!

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finally got to have a decent convo with the missus 3 days before i see her for our holiday in nyc woop everythings sorted.. shes f**kin epic 11weeks and 4 days survived since she went to teach swimmin at some jew camp

Edited by munkee
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Went out with me (ex) girlfriend/best mate/ flatmate for dinner, ended up buying hers because im still in love with her. Went to watch N. Ireland V Scvotland, and it was a draw. Had we won I know I would have tried something with her so im kinda glad that didn't happen.

Walked her home and she text me saying she wanted to have a chat and stuff, I just don't know what to do. I totally love this girl to pieces but at the same time I allways end up stressing relationships so much that they fail (hence her being my ex)

I want this girl to be a part of my life SO much, she is literally everything I look for in a girl. Arty, gorgeous, caring, get's me, and again, absoutley stunning. It's not her looks that attract me to her. It's who she is as a person that makes me feel like I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I know I do, and she has told me that she would too, but that was when we were going out. I know that I am the person who made her decide that she wanted to have kids, she told me that she would love to have kids with me, and we even talked about names and all that.

It just f**ks me up (read as hurts so bad) that I don't know what is going on between us. When we are out they is touchy feely action going on, she even hit me in the cock tonight, right on the bell end like.


I am a f**k up allright.

f**k me im away to bed here before I start posting more shite

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me (ex) girlfriend text me saying she wanted to have a chat and stuff, I just don't know what to do. I totally love this girl to pieces but at the same time she allways ends up stressing relationships so much that they fail (hence her being my ex)

I want this girl to be a part of my life SO much, she is literally everything I look for in a girl. Arty, gorgeous, caring, get's me, and again, absoutley stunning. It's not her looks that attract me to her. It's who she is as a person that makes me feel like I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I know I do, and she has told me that she would too, but that was when we were going out. I know that I am the person who made her decide that she wanted to have kids, she told me that she would love to have kids with me, and we even talked about names and all that.

It just f**ks me up (read as hurts so bad) that I don't know what is going on between us. When we are out they is touchy feely action going on, she even hit me in the cock tonight, right on the bell end like.


I am a f**k up allright.

f**k me im away to bed here before I start posting more shite

Edited to apply to my own situation ;)

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What are using condoms for? You're from Essex.

Hahaha "and then we do it bareback, cos if i wear a johhny theres bare slack!"

No snapped 2 johnnys in 2days which is beyond a joke, i think the "sensitive" ones must be smaller than the normal ones... on the durex website it says length doesn't matter for the effectivness of the condom but width does, theres are designed for 10cm circumference, and mine is like 14... apparently trojan larges aint much better.... bad times

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sensitive ones use a thinner latex

Yea think ill give them away i really don't trust them and its not what you need. Luckily i noticed wayy before i came but still.... don't want the risk for her not me. Maybe ill stay away from durex, i mean the extra safe ones are alirght, but i may as well wrap a whole clingfilm wrap round my nob... got a pack of performa's which ive got on with before maybe ill try them next time with a bit of lube? meh! and then when i need to re-stock ill try different brands in just 3's till i find one that suits... thanks for your helps :)

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