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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Glen, why not tell her all this? Then spend time with her to prove that you're not a bad guy, and everyone else was bullshitting her.

If she doesn't want to know once you try to explain yourself, then she's not worth it.

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Glen, why not tell her all this? Then spend time with her to prove that you're not a bad guy, and everyone else was bullshitting her.

If she doesn't want to know once you try to explain yourself, then she's not worth it.

I was on the phone to her till 2 30 last night, i explained that what she has been told was complete bullshit cos i've spoken to the girl about 4 times in my life...

And there's no time, Dan, she's moving down to Brighton in a few hours. I'm gonna see her off (wanted to wake up really early and effectively have a day with her, but from like 5 am, as i have work at 11 30 today, it didn't happen because of the girl who had been saying shit, said don't) in a min, have a quick chat with her, then say bye. I've gotta go past hers to get where i'm going anyway. Which i think is what i'll miss so much, i used to be riding back from where ever, phone her up and be like, guess whos outside? Then we'd sit on her wall for 2 hours chatting shit. It was just awesome to chill.

2 minds about this, as much as i want us to be together, there's nothing anyone can do to stop her from moving, and from what she's told me, she's pretty much busy throughout summer until she goes off to uni in a year or so (don't think it's this september, maybe the next one...) so i don't be able to see her if i went down there. She's coming up a few times in the next few months but she's apparently arranged shit with her other mates, so again, will be busy. I dunno, see how it goes i guess. But i just wanna be able to see her more than once in a blue moon. I think i can safely say nothing will happen between us, so it's just a case of keeping contact and seeing her when i can...

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So I get told by one girl I liked that she liked me, but wasn't ready to go straight into a relationship. That was cool. Then she told me she likes someone else, and not me anymore, but wants to stay close mates etc. That wasn't cool.

Now she's in a relationship with this other guy. Ouch.

Hah. :rolleyes:

A thing like that happend to me, A chick and me were tight as and I liked her HEAPS and she acted like she liked me.

One day when i was txting her she asked me who I liked and I said I liked her and she said she like me, but then straight after that she said she didnt.

I was as confused as a baby with a M16!

Im way over her now anyway.

i heard its cos girls have no soul

I agree with that!

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2 minds about this, as much as i want us to be together, there's nothing anyone can do to stop her from moving, and from what she's told me, she's pretty much busy throughout summer until she goes off to uni in a year or so (don't think it's this september, maybe the next one...) so i don't be able to see her if i went down there. She's coming up a few times in the next few months but she's apparently arranged shit with her other mates, so again, will be busy. I dunno, see how it goes i guess. But i just wanna be able to see her more than once in a blue moon. I think i can safely say nothing will happen between us, so it's just a case of keeping contact and seeing her when i can...

Yeah, it doesn't sound like she's giving you many options here for seeing her again. Whether that's intentional or not is another question.

Another thing... what is it with guys telling girls they like them straight out like this?!?

"Uh.. Yeah, i really like you"

Way to hand over any control over the situation and effectively your own balls to the girl you like and simultaneously come across as being a wussy by giving away all your power. Girls are better than guys at reading people.... tonnes better. She'll probably know you like her before even you do. TRUE FACT. Girls don't want you to tell them because it says all the wrong things about you. Try it next time your out, go and tell someone you think they're gorgeous and that you really like them and you'll see how fast it stops everything you could hope to happen with her as she hands you out a massive dose of cold shoulder.

Imagine how many times said girl gets clueless halfwits telling her she's gorgeous or that they want her number. It happens A LOT! It's both predictable and boring and she'll immediately categorise you into the group of "clueless nice guy... will bore me shitless".

Don't tell a girl you like her!

EDIT: That wasn't a rant at you glen, just a global rant at something i've noticed from several people.

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Since when did you become a getting laid guru?

Not long ago to be honest, and up until recently i've been one of the worst people to ask for advice but now i "get it" and once you do "get it" you see other people failing in exactly the same ways i have. To be fair if you were being pedantic you could say i've been a guru all my life... but only in the ways that DON'T work. I'm probably one of the best people for spotting things that don't and will never work with women due to having tried just about all of them :P The only difference nowadays is that i know WHY the techniques and personality never works.

Truth is though for the past few months i've been looking a lot into human psychology and communication and a large part of it was because i was fed up of never getting the results i wanted. I did all the wrong things thinking they were right because it was socially drilled into me to do nice things for girls. What a load of shit, i mean really... come on. After doing some reading on human interactions and the reasoning behind basic fundamentals of human psychology like the reasons we have laughter everything just seemed to click into place and you look around seeing just how everything fits together like a well oiled machine.

I was out the other week with boumsong and we spent a little while just observing how clueless a lot of people really are. Once you know what your looking at as well you can even begin to predict which ones are going to fail miserably before they've even tried! :lol:

Sorry about the length... i'm in a chatty mood today i guess.

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And there's no time, Dan, she's moving down to Brighton in a few hours.

Sweet, hook me up, i'll keep her warm for you.

I joke, my girlfriend of 5 months probably wouldn't appreciate that, but i can stick this girl in an oven and keep her warm that way?

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No not yet, though i will be looking for a copy soon i guess... you've sparked some curiosity.

A lot of the stuff you're saying hints at having read it. It's a very good read and mega informative. Anyone on here who has girl troubles should read it too. Whenever I catch myself with girl troubles I just remember some of the stuff in it and suddenly it's all OK. Hence Leanne wants to move in and I get to say we should cool it for a bit (H) Good times.

Have you read anything that's helped you to 'get it' or are these all your own conclusions you've come to?

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A lot of stuff by a guy called David D helped enormously with stuff like social hierarchy's and dominant/submissive communication techniques then just general observations from being out and about coupled with watching classic human interactions in old films like the Maltese Falcon and a lot of John Wayne stuff.

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A lot of stuff by a guy called David D helped enormously with stuff like social hierarchy's and dominant/submissive communication techniques then just general observations from being out and about coupled with watching classic human interactions in old films like the Maltese Falcon and a lot of John Wayne stuff.

Yea I have heard a lot about David D but never read any stuff. I think that The Game is a really good one because it's basically an undercover reporter going into the PUA world and learning everything from scratch. Personally I didn't want to go down the PUA route so I discard some of the info, but it really helps with relationships and just generally interacting with people. Even helps in sales, weirdly enough.

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Yea I have heard a lot about David D but never read any stuff. I think that The Game is a really good one because it's basically an undercover reporter going into the PUA world and learning everything from scratch. Personally I didn't want to go down the PUA route so I discard some of the info, but it really helps with relationships and just generally interacting with people. Even helps in sales, weirdly enough.

That's what i like about the David D stuff, he focuses mainly on meeting people and getting around the barriers people put up to block them from having to deal with the same old repetitve confrontations all the time as opposed to branding it a get laid any time you want type scheme. I think of all of it the best bits were from his mastery series where he goes deep into human interactions not only from a sexual point of view but things like interactions within the workplace between you and your bosses and social dynamics between friends and relatives.

I know what you mean about it changing your everyday life as well. I went from being fairly socially unsure to starting up conversations with everyone and anyone now regardless of location. I feel a lot better for it now as well, which is great.

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I've never read any of these books, but I know people who do and I think I get the gist of them.

The only thing I have to say really is that they don't seem to take into account that people are not all the same. It all seems pretty mechanical, like you're playing a computer game with set responses. Not every girl will respond the same/positively to the methods the book teaches you. More importantly, I think, not every man/boy/trials rider is the same.

These books seem like they can help break people out of bad habits, and give a different perspective, but I don't think they should be followed word for word. I figure at the end of the day if a relationship is gonna work you've gotta be doing it without thinking, not following a manual. Anyway if you were gonna follow a manual I'm sure this one would be one of the best :


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What are the reasons for you being bad news anyway?

Being a clingy bitch?

2 minds about this, as much as i want us to be together, there's nothing anyone can do to stop her from moving, and from what she's told me, she's pretty much busy throughout summer until she goes off to uni in a year or so (don't think it's this september, maybe the next one...) so i don't be able to see her if i went down there. She's coming up a few times in the next few months but she's apparently arranged shit with her other mates, so again, will be busy. I dunno, see how it goes i guess. But i just wanna be able to see her more than once in a blue moon. I think i can safely say nothing will happen between us, so it's just a case of keeping contact and seeing her when i can...

Sounds like your making all the effort here man. You know you don't have to be best friends with everyone right?

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I'm with elding on this, you are a clingy bitch, you tell them all you love them, you get properly messy when drunk and cry or hit things. Seriously if any of my close mates were like that they'd get slapped to f**k, and I'd expect the same if I was like it.

You need to just chill and slow down, just let shit happen. If it doesn't work out then it wasn't meant to be.

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