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Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Have really liked this girl for a while, then the other night at a beach party, she got on me, and i thought she might like me back.

She has been ignorin me for a good couple of days now, so i talked to her on facebook and she just said she just wants to be mates, which is fair enough, but has left me feelin like shit :(

I know there's nothin to say about it really, just felt like sharing haha

carry on being friends

she needs time

just happened to this girl i own now

we were talking about it and she just kept on saying lets just stay mates but then she gave in :)

Be mates for around 3 months and she should just give up

or just say close friends


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Girl i was interested in but wanted to just to be mates well the roles have just reversed and im pretty certain shes no interested in me but im not sure if i want her any more. We were on the beach last night and she was more flirty then i have ever seen her before and just generally touchy feely.


Now i have the power of grey skull :)

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Sounds like a pretty shit situation, no useful advice but I feel your pain brother. ({)

I decided to end it. Completely one sided but she just wasn't right for me. I feel like such a 'unt, especially as it all kicked off when her and her mum came to get my stuff. :(

Never ever felt this bad. I mean, i've been cheated on by a girl i loved and i was destroyed, but this is an all together different feeling ripping someone else's world apart, feel like the most out of order person in the world right now. :(

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Shit man, i actually havn't felt like this about anyone before, and she likes one of my best mates!

It doesn't help that we were gettin on each other the other night, and other stuff haha, and now i find myself givin her advice about what to say to my mate!

God i'm so f**ked up.

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Text from a mates girlfriend of a week "Random question just out of interest. If [insert mates name here] wasn't in the picture do you think you could ever be interested in me?"

How the f**k do you respond to that (bearing in mind im not Simps, I have morals :P)

My answer would be. Yes ( But me and simps are practially brothers, so my answer may resemble his also )

She blatenly wants your man stick deep inside. Do it!..

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I decided to end it. Completely one sided but she just wasn't right for me. I feel like such a 'unt,

I know how you feel man. I broke up with my ex last august, after 2 years. It was preety stable, no real problems but we went away for the week and all week I just felt more and more unhappy with what we had so I decided to end it a week or so after we got back. For a week or so I just felt such a b*****d as I properly broke her heart. It was all from my side that we split up as she was madly inlove but I just wern't interested anymore.

A year on it was one of the best thing's I've ever done. I realised after we split that I'd got sooo overweight, so lazy, crabby, snappy aand generally turned into a fanny. Been with the new missus 11 monthish and I couldn't be happier. We do such amazing thing's together, don't just sit about, we go out for nights, weekends we go places apposed to sitting in bed all day eating rubbish. My quality of life has just got soooo much better an I really couldn't be any happier.

Chin up Simon, if it wasn't what you wanted then why bother keeping it? May aswell just move on an get what you want in a relationship!!

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Chin up Simon, if it wasn't what you wanted then why bother keeping it? May aswell just move on an get what you want in a relationship!!

Yeh, she said that too, she appreciates the fact i told her and went through with it rather then me living in a relationship i ultimately didn't want to be in.

To be honest, i think its partly due to the fact that for once in my life, i want to be selfish about my decisions. Last night for example i went out with some mates, we was all heading in and some of my other mates were still out, so shot of to see them and ended up just chilling out and having a laugh till past 2 in the morning and now decided we might all head in tonight to go watch Kung Fu Panda. If i had a girlfriend i just couldn't make that decision to stay out, nor would i be involved in watching this film tonight.

It was the hardest thing i've ever had to do it, but i'm glad i did it. :)

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Have you got no loyalty towards your mates or something?

I wouldnt even consider it, plenty of girls about why shag one whos going out with your mate?

If you value your friendship, the second you're done making sex-wee you'll feel shite.

It's all well and good thinking that if he wasn't in the picture something might happen, but the thing is that he is and always will be because of it.


To be fair, I think it was just a question. I've got more morals then to go and shag my friends girlfriend, the debate was do I tell her what I honestly think or not (not really knowing where the conversation was going). Not wether I shag her or not.

Thanks for the advice though

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To be fair, I think it was just a question. I've got more morals then to go and shag my friends girlfriend, the debate was do I tell her what I honestly think or not (not really knowing where the conversation was going). Not wether I shag her or not.

Thanks for the advice though

if shes askin that she aint exactly happy is she? go pork her

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Im bored of my girlfriend. I got on another girl last night and she seemed like so much more fun, was having a laugh with her the whole night and lately my girlfriends become a bit boring, she comes round and sleeps thats about it lol. She's going to uni in september (we live in essex bearing in mind and shes going to york or exeter) so were definately gonna break up when she goes, would i be a knob for breaking up with her now? Just ive had a taste of what other girls are like, think i forgot lol but yeah, has anyone else had this feeling and then regretted it when they did break up? Or is it fair enough that im bored?

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Im bored of my girlfriend. I got on another girl last night and she seemed like so much more fun, was having a laugh with her the whole night and lately my girlfriends become a bit boring, she comes round and sleeps thats about it lol. She's going to uni in september (we live in essex bearing in mind and shes going to york or exeter) so were definately gonna break up when she goes, would i be a knob for breaking up with her now? Just ive had a taste of what other girls are like, think i forgot lol but yeah, has anyone else had this feeling and then regretted it when they did break up? Or is it fair enough that im bored?

poke her one last time then say 'you just dont do it for me nemore, i think it would be best if you left now'

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How do you resist the urge to rail female friends?

I have a really good friend, we would never work in a relationship and I enjoy her as a friend, couldn't imagine and wouldn't want anything more. I just get the urge to ram it in her every now and again..

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