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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Haha, I only came on here for morale support while she was out the room, I don't sit browsing on TF when I've got a lady sat next to me!

Further to my last post, I didn't get any loving.. But far from being a wasted evening it was nice to have some female company to lie down next to and chat shit with. Being sat in a car with Simps for all those days didn't quite cut it!!

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Haha, I only came on here for morale support while she was out the room, I don't sit browsing on TF when I've got a lady sat next to me!

That's the problem, your supposed to give HER the morale support haha.

'Well ok then, you go retch your guts out, i'll just jam on the internet for a while'

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Chances are if you broke up before you'll break up again over the same/similar reason

But don't stay away from someone just because they're your ex

You or they (or both) may have changed.

Happened to me quite a few times with the same person but it turned out we hadn't changed and we split up again (and again >.<)

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At my GF's house right now, we've had a massive argument-exchange of complaints. All I can say is that if you're in a similar situation, watch some Norwegians doing jumps on bikes. I've gone through at least 15 TRA vids since the beginning of the argument and I've never been so entertained. Music is good in them too.

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At my GF's house right now, we've had a massive argument-exchange of complaints. All I can say is that if you're in a similar situation, watch some Norwegians doing jumps on bikes. I've gone through at least 15 TRA vids since the beginning of the argument and I've never been so entertained. Music is good in them too.

I love you Inur!

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My ex just split with the ugliest tw*t going, does it make me look bad to get back with her?

And she knows alot of my friends, so would i get a load of grief for it?

Is it even worth trying?, although she is more coming on to me than i am her.

What do you think?

If you broke up with her in the first place, there was probably a valid reason for that. So getting together again will surely result in the same thing?

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