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Good Films


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Naked gun series

Pink Panther series

I know they aren't new, but they are funny, Might be worth it if you haven't seen it.

Also District 13 looks good, if you haven't got it, but it looks more action.

or Jet Li's new film, think it's called Fearless or something.

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the station agent

garden state

ed wood

the dreamers

trading places

saving grace

matchstick men

the blues brothers

the blues brothers 2000

waynes world

waynes world 2

the godfather trilogy

the star wars double trilogy

lotr trilogy.

half baked

dazed and confused

the boondock saints


edward scissorhands

soylent green


anything with john wayne in it

bright young things

high fidelity

goodwill hunting


the terminal

off the top of my head. i'll make a proper list later

edit: not all comedy but you should see these films anyway

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The Big Leboski

That's a beast of a film, download it nowwwww B)

edit: also try 'Freddy got fingered', also hilarious. Not so much clever comedy; more sick, twisted and deranged comedy ;)

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every which way but when / nowloose, cant remember. I just remember a chimpanzee an orangutan called clyde who punched people. Its a very good film with a wikid storyline and some good old 60's style fighting.

Its every which way but loose ;) with clint eastwood (No he's not the orangutan). It was a funny film though, but i think the last time i watched it i was like 11.

Good films

*The Jackal is also a good film. Stars bruce willis and Richard Gear with russian mafias, assasination plots and *a big f**koff gun :)

*The die hard trilogy.



*Man on fire

*Beverly hills cop

*Lethal Weapon

Good Comedy

* Kiss kiss bang bang. Great film, and a comedy like you said.... some truly hilarious bits in it, very fast sarcastic humour... watching it a couple of times increases its hilarity as well.

*Without a paddle

*Nothing to loose

*Blue streak. Its average really, not great but has some funny bits if you can stand steven lawrance overacting for an hour and a half.




Should do you for a while :D

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hhmmm so many films to choose from.....

Kill Bill (only just watched that and its a pretty damn good film IMO)

Cradle to the Grave ( not comedy but a great great film)

White Chicks (comedy and i loved it)

Team America

Jarhead (again not comedy but a great film)

and yes, as someone else said the series of 24


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