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Would you do your best for the guy who is beating your son whole year long?

I feel focussed and not taking any serious and that bothers me a lot.

If it continues like this, I might brake with Koxx soon. I am not a fool...

spread the words... they may all know that Koxx isn't correct at all with other team riders than Vincent!



I find it funny they used to joke about this on OTN, and it turned out to be true. Sucks for Kenny I guess...

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Kenny know's he holds the world championship.

He is in some ways an arrogant fanny from interviews i've read. Having said that, if riding for koxx is compromising his ability, I know I wouldn't want to be riding a differant bike at each round at that level, then good for him. He is in a position to say 'give me what I want or im gone.'

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YES but Kenny IS the best in the world and what he speaks must be true. i dont think the news should be "spread" i think it is something that will hopefully be resolved.

Kenny to me is one of my biggest idols and after spending time with him in Marseille for the indoor competition it was clear to me WHY so many people look upto him, hes so down to earth and will talk to anyone and everyone. (which is hard to come by nowers days if you want a civilised chat/info from someone in the know)


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Yeah from what I've heard about kenny is basically what waynio's just said, down to earth easy to talk to. The fact hes on a forum and is willing to talk to "normal" people (i use that term loosely)

I think Iolo has the right idea. He can make the right frame ;) instead of being arsed around making the wrong frames all the time. I have a slight feeling that dominique is thinking that kenny is only one rider and, they have other rider greats such as tra, benito etc. Hopefully Im wrong though and yeah im sure this is all just a misunderstanding and it'll get sorted

If not, kenny could be riding for deng :P

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dont think the news should be "spread" i think it is something that will hopefully be resolved.

It's upto Kenny at the end of the day. When any sportsman starts telling the world that the equipment and people supporting him arn't upto scratch (I'm thinking Jenson Button and Honda for example) then one of two things will happen. Hopefully they'll go "Right, we'll show him, we'll give him some great equipment, then we'll see what he says!" Sometimes they go "Screw him, thinks he's Mr Bigshot...." and then they join another team...

I'm sure Kenny wrote that post very concious of the contents and the possible outcomes!

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Is it worth him going about it this way though? At the end of the day whether you like it or not KOXX does alot for their riders giving them signature frames / pays them, and looks after them. When you look at it both ways it would be a big loss to koxx but it would also be a loss to kenny. Personaly I think nothing will come of it.

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Is it worth him going about it this way though? At the end of the day whether you like it or not KOXX does alot for their riders giving them signature frames / pays them, and looks after them. When you look at it both ways it would be a big loss to koxx but it would also be a loss to kenny. Personaly I think nothing will come of it.

According to Kenny himself in that thread, which he wrote, about his experiences with Koxx, maybe they don't do enough? Unless you're Vincent or someone, maybe...

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According to Kenny himself in that thread, which he wrote, about his experiences with Koxx, maybe they don't do enough? Unless you're Vincent or someone, maybe...

Yer good point no one really knows how much they do for each rider. But do any other company look after their riders as much as koxx? The next company that does alot for their riders, just from my point of view would be monty. Thats another grey area though where you dont know what monty "really" do for their riders.

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no one knows apart from Kenny himself and Koxx.

therefore speculate as you must. i hope Kenny stays with Koxx as i can then get to arrange and see him/hopefully take a trip out to belgium with Ben Savage to ride for a week or so with him.

weather he rides for koxx or any other company i will still respect kenny for who he is and what he does best, and thats ride a push bike trials bike. i think he has spoken his mind.


the thing is NO ONE on here has the rights or is half as good as kenny therefore they cant see what he is really thinking,or what he really wants to do. lets wait for "REAL" confirmation of what happens instead of it being speculated, next news the "Koxx" Mafia will have been round kennys house and shot him down. another "Vincent hermance is dead" post. :lol: but hey, the fun of forums (Y)

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Well on the koxx days edition I got my 1st prototype (way too late). I changed it a little bit (cut of the headtube one cm) and rode with it for 3 months. I even won the 1st world cup in Spa with it... only problem was that they broke just behind the BB because they took away too much material.

So I broke a frame every 3 weeks.

I trained a lot with broken frames, which is very professional...?!!

so, it be. I got another 4th frame the tuesday before Gräz. They even changed the piece behind the BB (like my old model) so this wouldn't break anymore.

BUT... After putting the bike together and measuring the bike I noticed that the frame was 1 cm higher again (4,5cm now) and 1,4cm shorter. I kind of felt good on it in the beginning but I had no balance at all on it and made stupid mistakes.

I just rode Gräz with this bike because I had no choise, became 4th, does it surprise you?

So, in the week after Gräz I decided to take my old bike again. Very stable, high jumps, far jumps, but... I touch the obstacles much faster.

So next model I will take like a +2cm BB in stead of +1 now with same lenght as my old one (1080)

only, I am so sick and tired of having those issues with Koxx, they just aren't trying hard enough I think!

Would you do your best for the guy who is beating your son whole year long?

I feel focussed and not taking any serious and that bothers me a lot.

If it continues like this, I might brake with Koxx soon. I am not a fool...

spread the words... they may all know that Koxx isn't correct at all with other team riders than Vincent!



That's the whole post in case people hadn't actually read it. Don't have to be a mind reader to work out all's not well between Koxx and Kenny?

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yes? and?

the decision will be made by kenny, like i said, i know the kind of guy he is. he will make his own decisions, it would be a big loss for koxx, but like i say hes an idol to me, his ideas are inspiring, what he wants to do and where he wants to go with trials is better than what most other people can/want to do.


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Hmm the guy is clearly better than everyone else on the planet currently, and it looks like he really really wants to continue to be ... So if Koxx arent playing ball and busting a gut trying to help him stay ahead of the game and develop his bikes as much as other riders - then he should go - Im sure deng would have him .... :lol:

another deng brand fronted by kenny .... would stick deng up there in the world trials scene ...

seriously though - the guy is god - he should be worshipped accordingly, and spangled with a new shiny bike with perfect geo and inovation everywhere as he deserves

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Erm I don't know whether i should put this here, but i didn't see the point in starting a new topic for it!

does anyone know where i can download some videos of kenny?

I looked on the koxx website but they don't have a little section for him :S

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In most professional ( paid) sports the top rider/ player who is with the best company or one of a high standard states what they want and gives that company advise on it's products. In my opinion if koxx do not do this then they are not much of a 'competetive' company. I know that sales are a big part of the industry but the bigger companies really should strive to give the competetors what they want, after all, is this not prioity with any sport... sales should be a second coming.. maybe kenny in a round about way is sayin that they have there priorties wrong.

On the opposing view maybe koxx are trying to do there best by there team, but aren't hitting the nail on the head?


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the thing is NO ONE on here has the rights or is half as good as kenny therefore they cant see what he is really thinking,or what he really wants to do.

hey, the fun of forums (Y)

Nope, but we can all speculate to our heart's contents! Kenny is not the first sportsman to lash out at a team or sponsor, but he's a very smart guy. He knows what he's doing.

Like you say, the fun of the forums!

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yer i agree with what kenny is saying he deserves the right to get his shit sorted like the other top riders but with every brand there is always a second place guy look at thierry henry he moved to reebok because nike where focusing more on ronaldo and ronaldhino even though thierry henry atm is arguably the best striker in the world.

if i was kenny i would move copmany just make sure it has the potential to give him what he wants frame wise and pay wise.

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But where to? Deng would be shit for him as they just copy rather than innovate, also there is the cultural barrier there that isn't present with koxx.

Besides, does deng even sponser any compeition riders, or anyone other than CLS and NT?

Monty are the main rivals to koxx but again the chances of kenny getting a custom frame are more-so reduced moving from koxx to monty.

I now find myself unable to think of any other companies that would have any chance in hell of sponsoring him.


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