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4 Bolt Clamps, The Custom Ones

Wright Pads

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Right you lot just think, to do this remove you head out of your ass holes, ops sorry each others ass hole

Just to point out Luke this is the 2nd topic i seen you kill today!!!

Oops, sorry for spouting continuous bullshit and lies...

...oh, hang on, that wasn't me....

Oh, and killed another topic?

How have I killed either of the two topics which I think you are on about?! :S

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random irrelevant crap...

The Magura own are too soft, Dengs over steped the mark, why do we need clamps in 5+ colors and desgins form one f**king factory.

....extra sarcastic crap

Dude... they have silver ones ;) We dont need them but people buy them anyway, its their choice if deng can sell them fair play let him sell them, its hardly as if it affects you, unless your gonna tell us you store all the anodised parts deng produces before they're distributed around the uk because your uncle owns the dockyard their imported to and that deng wants them kept safe in some miraculous storage bunker thats under your house and thats protected with lasers, trip mines and stand-alone automated machine gun turrets.... or some shit like that.

They look a little impractical to be fair, I would rather have dengs nice round edged clamps than some random custom pointed-edged ones that i'll have a decent chance of bashing my ankle bone on at some point.

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They look a little impractical to be fair, I would rather have dengs nice round edged clamps than some random custom pointed-edged ones that i'll have a decent chance of bashing my ankle bone on at some point.

New frame doesn't have that option heheheheh

I can also run my 200mm mono if wanted!

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Dibn;t say it can't take his mounts, just i wouldn;t do my legs on the one said off that Vinco i posted!

They are really comen JT! I want stuff non Chinses from Dengs slave house if i can

You really are not doing the cleverest thing by slagging deng off, people will really start to hate you (Not like they already don't because you are an anoying little willy), But really do not slag deng off and i am pritty sure they are not slave's purely du to the fact that they are getting paid for doing it.

So yeah and btw the mounts look shit.

Peace out people.


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Deng is a twat! When i said slaves that people that work in his factory, and use all every part he makes on there bikes!

Only 3 people knew what i was onabout in here and tried helping and still can.

Rest just wasted your own effort in here and destoryed the topic!

Non of you even know me properly, fully full on in person in your face to say anyhting about. Oh yeah thats cos your all too chicken to of come to a shop of mine or have a beer with me which i offered to get you and so much more!

So till you know the true facts about me off of me i'd say you better shut up as what has been said has been tiwsted more than chinses wispers made in Dengs factory

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lol You keep slagging off deng.. you don't know him.. and if he such, and his products are rediculous.. then how is he rich.. he's got his head screwed on when it comes to business imo.

As for the mounts.. sounds like you just want to be different ' look at me i have special mounts' they will do exactly the same job as the others so just use them and stop making rediculous topics. you have formed a negative opinion on dengs products.. don't use em.. get the magura ones :huh:

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1stly deng doesn't have a anyhting thats properly CNC!

I've spoken to someone whom you all have spoken loads of here! Deng casts 95% of his parts then they get a cnc surface finsish! It's cheap, easyer for him to make.

I've been to the Pulo factory and have met Deng, also chated to him laod when it was just Echo and TRA was ridding for him!

I wanted soemthing differnt yeah! I'll get the look at me with other things but the mounts i wanted to be something differnt.

Darren my mounts are f**ked on mine, there really soft i've had to mode them but running a spacer out of a chain on each of the bolts so the bolt doesn;t sit inside the magura clamp! There dead basicly and i won;t be using them on my new frame.

I've the option of 4 bolt or mono trials and i've got my disc here but i want to have Magura as a back up etc! Soemtime it's nice to have noisy brake!

Umm i'd say Deng's empire sells more Echo and Zoo parts than any other! He sells a range of frames but componet wise from each of these brands it his biggest two he sells. He only gets the sales due to tha fact he make trials parts and not many others do!

I use the original Hi-fi stem and it's nice! Had to smothe off the clamp for the bars but other than it's not bad at all! Other things of his are shocking!

Anyway can we stop with all of your sny shitty little coments!

I'd like a set of these 4 bolts clamps i posted a pic up of and what a few other have seen and know of. I didn;t know there were some that ment you could loses the plastic clip aorund the slave! If Alic, Granthem etc could give me an update i'd be most greatfull, rest of the poster here haven't been

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Non of you even know me properly, fully full on in person in your face to say anyhting about. Oh yeah thats cos your all too chicken to of come to a shop of mine or have a beer with me which i offered to get you and so much more!

So till you know the true facts about me off of me i'd say you better shut up as what has been said has been tiwsted more than chinses wispers made in Dengs factory

I thought you didn't own any shops anymore Pete? Thought you sold them all and now you just test for all those different computer companies, most of which are in direct competition with eachother? And even when you did "own" these shops you refused to tell any of us what/where any of them were!

Everyone who's met you in person says you're sound so I'm not gunna judge you, but.... you're are such a cock on the forum.

1stly deng doesn't have a anyhting thats properly CNC!

I've spoken to someone whom you all have spoken loads of here! Deng casts 95% of his parts then they get a cnc surface finsish! It's cheap, easyer for him to make.

Contradiction straight off. But more to the point, if this was the case, we'd all be paying out the arse for his CNC'd parts. I'd rather have a cast then machined product for £25 than one which was machined straight from a block and costs £40 with large amounts of waste material (not good for the enviroment B) )...

On topic:

Could try posting on OTN? There's quite a few European riders on there. However if these mounts are custom I don't understand how you expect to aquire any? Surely you'll have to sort out some by ordering them to your own design from a CNC miller... Good luck anyway, they seem pretty exclusive to me!

Oh and to second Boumsong, what's this new frame? Is it that weird holey thing I've seen in your display picture on MSN?

Edited by Shaun H
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Nicely avoided the questions again Pete. Just tell us why you talk bollocks?

It's obvious you're a nice guy in real life, everyone says it. So why come on a forum and lie, not just little lies, but utter bollocks.

Wright Pads - do you actually make pads?

Wright Bikes - Was this a fantasy or did you once sell a bike from your garage and call it a shop?

I must admit, it winds me up.

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Are these clamps so you don't have to use the plastic cylinder washers?

What's the advantage of that?

Would it be better for holding the cylinder?

Would it make brake set-up easier to do?

I'm not having a dig in any way, I actually want to know. :)

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I suggest that a certain person in this topic should be ignored from this point forward, theres alot of bullshitting and abuse being posted and it souldn't be put up with.

p.s. just so everyone feels better-he can't ride for shit anyway, not that this in itself is a problem but when all you here about is amazing hop ups etc. and then a string of excuses for not being able to hop up a 2 foot wall (or even attempt to do so) it gets a little annoying.

I'm sure annyone from Plymouth will back me up on this.

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I suggest that a certain person in this topic should be ignored from this point forward, theres alot of bullshitting and abuse being posted and it souldn't be put up with.

p.s. just so everyone feels better-he can't ride for shit anyway, not that this in itself is a problem but when all you here about is amazing hop ups etc. and then a string of excuses for not being able to hop up a 2 foot wall (or even attempt to do so) it gets a little annoying.

I'm sure annyone from Plymouth will back me up on this.

I'll reply to Shauns and others posts when i have time.

Erm Simon when the hell did you last ride properly!!! You've barly been out with me and when you had i'd just had Simon tear my ankles to bits! You've met me kinda rode with me, then thats it. You don;t even know me just know of me! Oh and how long have you rode for? A lot logner than me! 2ft wall no problem, 3ft again no problem, 4ft i'm finding hard but thats due to not rididng much, my back is playing up, and Simon needs to do the full works on both of my ankles now as the displacemnt on them is massive.

Trials last time i checked was all about a laugh and a joke. If you wana take it uber serious fine go for it but i don't.

Till you really know me, from me not what the other inbread locals think, made up or have hered via chinses wispers i surgest you keep stum as you know nothing...you've not been there too.

I could dig stuff up on you rather easyerly

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