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Photo Competition: Entries Due 13/12/06


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simple take pictures of anything to do with the chosen topic post them in here.

The 1st topic shall be The Weather a nice easy one.

all entries in this post by 13/12/06, ONE picture per member, you can change your picture you post as long as its before the 13th, on the 13th i will gather all the pictures and make a poll, the winner shall be chosen from there, and then he/she will choose the next topic

Happy snapping :)

Edited by Davetrials
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Can I just say dave, would it not be better to save the weather topic for a few weeks till it snows etc???

i cant remember the last time it actually snowed at christmas?

who knows when its gonna snow, or where........thats just a hit and miss

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I've always wondered how you take photos of lightning..... no-ones is as fast as the speed of light :S

I'm guessing long shutter speeds, small apatures, and lady luck beside you.

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I've always wondered how you take photos of lightning..... no-ones is as fast as the speed of light :S

I'm guessing long shutter speeds, small apatures, and lady luck beside you.

Exactly, That one was I think F8 @ 8 seconds, took about 30 shots and got 3 with lightning in them.

i think the idea is you go out and take the photo as regards to the subject.

not just dig out an old picture from ages ago that matches.

otherwise there is no point to the competition?

I dont see anything wrong with using an old shot, if you have something that fits use it if you think you can get a better shot of the subject than you currently have then go out and take one. It's one entry per person so we wont end up with loads and loads of old photos. If Dave thinks different I will remove it and take another...

was that taken at night?

looks ace mate

Thanks :)

Not night, it was taken as the sun was setting so not a lot of light, it went from low light to dark in the hour or so I was taking photos.

Edited by dan_brisa
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Bali in indoniasia

when i went round the world i have some other amazin sunsets from austallia aswell but i thought this was the best

Good photo but I think the tree sorta ruins it, in my opinion, becuase the colours do not match. I did a crop down version for you. (not mine, granty's)



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People are posting sunsets, but is that so weathery? When i see the topic i think 'ooo winter weather etc' stuff to show the cold winter, but w/e

Am I not allowed to think of sun when weather is mentioned? When I think winter I think SHITE WEATHER!

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