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Video Of The Day @ Metro


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Now one guy has gone one step further and done it - whilst on a bicycle.

yea right, he could have atleast done some research and find out that there are already 1000's of riders out there

but it's good that trials is getting some attention, even if it isn't that good of an article

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We've missed a great opportunity here. Looking through the responses, there's plenty taking the piss out of the person writing it - who out of all the weird stuff on YouTube picked a trials video to publicise - saying what a bad job they'd done, and how stupid they are.

It just smacks of "Hahaha n00b!!11!!11! You know NOTHING of *our* little sport, don't you do research? Well f**k off." How come only person posted a link to more info, and no-one took the time to offer a constructive or informative comment which could lead to more interest in the sport.

Coverage on this scale is hard to come by at the best of times, so we should - as a community - take the opportunity to explain what the writer could not. A little love could lead to more coverage in the future!

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We've missed a great opportunity here. Looking through the responses, there's plenty taking the piss out of the person writing it - who out of all the weird stuff on YouTube picked a trials video to publicise - saying what a bad job they'd done, and how stupid they are.

It just smacks of "Hahaha n00b!!11!!11! You know NOTHING of *our* little sport, don't you do research? Well f**k off." How come only person posted a link to more info, and no-one took the time to offer a constructive or informative comment which could lead to more interest in the sport.

Coverage on this scale is hard to come by at the best of times, so we should - as a community - take the opportunity to explain what the writer could not. A little love could lead to more coverage in the future!

I thought I was fairly constructive :$

But I do agree.

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Ha! Oh my god, how can someone be so stupid? Was the person writing it an American!? :lol:

Trials would beat free running any day, besides you need more skill, look cooler, pull more birds, get loads of respect, get somewhere quicker.... I could write a page why trials is the best but i won't... ^_^



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Ha! Oh my god, how can someone be so stupid? Was the person writing it an American!? :lol:


Well what do you expect him to say if he has no clue about the sport???

Im sure you could write an article about every random sport you've seen?

Trials doesnt get publicity-People complain

Trials gets publicity-People complain.

Fair enough, complain about about it on here if you must, but dont go on his article and omplain, that going to give trials riders a good name?

Come on people


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Trials would beat free running any day, besides you need more skill, look cooler, pull more birds, get loads of respect, get somewhere quicker....

Yes, I often ride my trials bike when I want to get somewhere quickly. Similarly, I can't count the number of women I've pulled whilst out riding.

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cool vidio, is that Avimore in scotland where the lad is ridin, he is proper old skool, like an 'evolve' style of riding!


Yeah am almost 100% it is there. sgianach made it im pritty sure, Gordo is it youre?? also danny amazing

Edited by cal d
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LOL its getting into the media.. soon trials will be huge!! that same video was on the guardian website a few weeks ago no link though was told by a friend.. man.. metro=rubbish.. last time i am touching/believing anything on it

I like Olivia's comment:

Because she obviously knows...

that comment made me laugh out loud!!

i am probably better then a few of the free runners in london without even trying :$

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i am probably better then a few of the free runners in london without even trying :$

Totally. As long as you're in fairly decent shape, have a sense of balance etc. you can do a lot of it. A lot of the hard stuff is the trick moves, like back flips etc. which aren't technically parkour, as it doesn't keep the flow going.

Well what do you expect him to say if he has no clue about the sport???

Being a journalist myself, I wouldn't write something unless I'd looked in to it and got my facts straight. And I would expect the same of him/her. It's written more like a blog, and by some straight out of school office junior. Tartybikes.co.uk comes up at the very beginning of the video. A cursary glance there would point you in the right directions to information about the sport. It wouldn't have been hard to find out more about the sport.

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I don't see why we shouldn't give him a hard time tbo, doesn't take a genious to go on tartybikes(I'm sure if you browsed a few of their about us/ymsa links + googled uci or something you could find enough for a decent article) when the video has the web address on it.

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Yes, I often ride my trials bike when I want to get somewhere quickly. Similarly, I can't count the number of women I've pulled whilst out riding.

Perhaps it just me and my looks then mate but i've pulled 2 or 3 birds whilst riding. Had one girl come up to me asking how i managed to learn that, if it hurts when i fall off you know the usual... And she asked for my number afterwards.. :shifty:

Did go out with her once or twice... B) - didn't take my bike though, 3's a crowd.... :lol:

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give them a break its only the Metro website, not exactly the Financial Times :lol: It was probably written by the office monkey (well one of many) who only recieved bananas as payment. Anyone whos watched that video and wants to find out a bit more about this freerunning.... on a bike! can get on tartybikes.co.uk and find out more from there. Easy. There are far more pressing things in the world to worry about. Like how Gwen Steffani is currently on TV making my ears bleed via the medium of yodaling

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