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Films. Favourites, Hot Picks Etc


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as seen as we got topics discussin the best music/bands/songs etc and even one for games. thought id start one for films. so post your all time favourite films, good films, films you just seen you recommend other people to watch.

right here comes my list of films.

football factory

goodbye charlie bright

the business(anyone noticing ive got a thing for nick love films here)


donnie darko

lock stock and two smoking barrels



recently watched film, which will(well should be) a massive hit on dvd in 2007, as a cult film at least.is Severance.its absolutely mint. so post away with any reccommendations youve got for must see films

Edited by trials_punk182
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Trainspotting, all time favourite.

American history x

Ong bak

romper stomper

Any fighting films really, or violent ones.

I like watching films with people getting their heads kicked in.

Also like british films like..

Dead mans shoes

Essex Boys


lock stock etc.

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I watched Blood Diamond yesterday and that was pretty damn good (Si man, go see it, loads of gore like this one bit where the camera pans around and an african woman is running then a bullet appears out of her chest and kids get ehir hands cut off so they cant vote etc).

Then we get into the generic favourites:

Bond Films

Snatch/Lock Stock/Layer Cake

The Italian Job (original)

Sin City

Shawshank Redemption

The Last Castle

Black Hawk Down

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i'm not really a big film fan but here's some films i have actually made a conscious effort to watch again.

Vanishing Point (earlier version).

Garden State (before this film i thought that zach braff was a bit of a tit).

28 days later (i think it's cool how they managed to film it with such a huge lack of public).

BTTF Trilogy (just so clever).


I also love The Fly 1 and 2, and films like re-animator and total recall. Totally 80's style films, with awesomely funny special effects and gory props.

Plus all the cliche one like Shawshank, Donnie Darko, Waynes World 5th element etc...

Plus, i'm not entirely sadistic but i hate films with really cheesy happy endings (Employee of the Month/Road Trip/American Pie). I prefer it when the people actually die or something at least vaguely realistic happens.

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as seen as we got topics discussin the best music/bands/songs etc and even one for games. thought id start one for films. so post your all time favourite films, good films, films you just seen you recommend other people to watch.

right here comes my list of films.

football factory

goodbye charlie bright

the business(anyone noticing ive got a thing for nick love films here)


donnie darko

lock stock and two smoking barrels



recently watched film, which will(well should be) a massive hit on dvd in 2007, as a cult film at least.is Severance.its absolutely mint. so post away with any reccommendations youve got for must see films

just seen that last bit you wrote, all the films you mentioned are very good in my books but seveerence?

i missed the point to that film? horror and comedy clash didnt work at all.

just seemed pretty poor to me couldnt work out what it was meant to be, them birds have nice jugs though :turned:

also fat pants:dead man shoes, totally agreed excellent film

Rich:have you watched scrubs much? i find hiis character so funny, if you havent do, should change your mind about him more

Edited by Caleb
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i agree about severance, it was neither funny nor scary, and i still don't fully understand the plot. My mate bummed it because it had the guy from spaced in it, (his favourite film is Shawn of the Dead), but it was just a shit attempt at being a parody and very flat, in fact i'm quite proud i managed to watch it all.

However if you enjoyed it, fair enough....keep an eye out for Hot Fuzz, it's been delayed till march i think but if you like severance you should like that too.

Caleb: yeh i watched scrubs quite a bit during the first couple of seasons, (the same mate from above loves it) and i agree he can be funny, but a lot of it is the same humor again and again...kinda, if you've seen one you've seen them all. I saw an episode recently with the walkie talkies that was pretty sweet though.

Edited by RicH_87
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just seen that last bit you wrote, all the films you mentioned are very good in my books but seveerence?

i missed the point to that film? horror and comedy clash didnt work at all.

just seemed pretty poor to me couldnt work out what it was meant to be, them birds have nice jugs though :turned:

hehe, yea, was half way through writing it before, hadnt put the name in, walked off to answer the door, came back, and clicked post, was only later i saw that i hadnt wrote the name of the film in.

I dunno, when i watched it, i thought it was really mint, thinking back, some bits were a bit crap(i.e the head rolling round on the floor, and the eyes looking up+ the cheesy 30's,60's and 90's versions of the story at the start when there stuck in the lodge, and the rocket launcher) but every film has its crap bits, and first time round they didnt seem crap. also doesnt help that im a sucker for danny dyer,possibly even more now hes been typecast as the drug taking,violent,cockney chav)

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recently watched film, which will(well should be) a massive hit on dvd in 2007, as a cult film at least.is Severance.its absolutely mint. so post away with any reccommendations youve got for must see films

I just finished watching that film! its funny i would recomend you watch it (Y)

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Apocalypse Now and Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, are the two greatest films of all time.

i totaly missed your reply

uncanily they are possibly my fave films aswell

never will forget watching fear and loathing.

quite drunk, walked out on to my rear garden to meet a badger staring at me :mellow:

arc light !


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Beerfest is pretty damn amusing.

Van Wilder 2 : Rise of Taj, is also funny.

Hard Candy watch recently, a little weird but good :P

CHILDREN OF MEN, this is a film hardly anyone I know has heard of, it was in the cinemas and I think it was possibly the best film of 2006 it was really good reccomend this one deffinately. In short plot is that everyone is infertile and the youngest person alive is 18 and thats all I shall say.

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Beerfest is pretty damn amusing.

Van Wilder 2 : Rise of Taj, is also funny.

Hard Candy watch recently, a little weird but good :P

CHILDREN OF MEN, this is a film hardly anyone I know has heard of, it was in the cinemas and I think it was possibly the best film of 2006 it was really good reccomend this one deffinately. In short plot is that everyone is infertile and the youngest person alive is 18 and thats all I shall say.

didnt like children of men at all, thought it was gunna be good, but just wasnt, was totally unrealistic in parts, was trying to be funny in others,when it didnt have a place, looked super low budget in bits, and loads of it seemed rather low tech britain(like would fit if it was set in an alternative late 70's/early 80's). had a story, but didnt appear to be going any where, bits about the project where never explained, etc.

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Its not a film but its like one: Band of brothers its sooooo good. I got the box set for christmas and have watched it like 4 times through now.

Also saving private ryan

Waynes world 1 and 2


Lucky numer sleven

The shawshank redemption

Anchor Man, Dodgeball, bench warmers, the fourty year old virgin and many many more comedys

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