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Would A 29in Trials Bike Be An Advantage?


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If you guys had some loose cash to build a project 29in trials rig, would it have a significant advantage over a 26in? Your constructive views and comments would most appreciated. Personally, i think the extra 3ins of wheel height, would make climbing easier and maybe tapping up big stuff, if the bike weight and geometry is just right. apart from that i dont see any other advantage. Naturally the bike would look borderline weird, but that is hardly the point, or purpose of this topic. Problems in the geometry design would most likely be the wheelbase length, and gear ratio because 29in wheels travel further per revolution. What is your personal take on this guys?

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pointless the bigger wheels would tap easier but finding a geo that feels right would be hard and the extra wheel would make it feel heavy and sluggish to manuvor but balance points would be bigger i guess, i dunno if any of this helps

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maan if i win the lottery i am so gonna try this, just for fun, imagine a 29er control frame with drilled rims and shiz, sounds madting
(Y) Yeah, id 2nd that dude, but just as an experiemental project. i agree with everyone else that a 29in would look a bit stupid, but you can only but wonder. who knows, someone with money might just do it to turn heads at a bike trade show event. As i said before, the problem lies with the geometry, bike weght, and gear ratio (23t-16t might do it) to get that explosive power transfer from the cranks. i guess this topic is done and dusted!! :sleeping:

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everyone seems to be getting shorter :P so watch mods become stupidly popular in the future (causing Ali C to go emo + hang himself with a vee brake cable)

on topic:

29" trial bike would be ace, can't see the wieght being hugely different (mods+stocks don't weigh that much different) should be good for rolling down rocks + such

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Remember though, its only 1.5 '' larger each side of the wheel. But yeaa, go for it if you have the cash and fancy a laugh, make sure you can find some semi decent rims first though or else your screwed because thats 1 thing that would be near impossible to make.

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no that's an awful idea! - sorry but if it was that great it would have been done by now!

20, 24 & 26 inch is fine. Besides it would look silly!

Would you of said that if he mentioned about 26" because everyone actually started riding on bmxs and everyone rides mods?

It would be good for getting to rides. Stocks vs mods, the stock wins as it has bigger rolling wheels. Although it does depend on tyre pressure. Also you would be slightly higher up which is obvious but yet still an advantage.

Doesn't seem any more silly than that koxx mod/stock big/little mega bike thing.

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really? why?

Many people beleive human height increasing is due to natural selection, but this has been proven not to be the case. According to examination of human remains the height of humans didnt really change from the time of cavemen till the 1800's then all of a sudden we start growing. the answer for this? Well recent studies indicate this to be related to the nutritional value of the food eaten during childhood. From the 1800's the humans have grown in height in accordance with the abundance of food, with a dip during the world war era's (probably due to rashions), and modern humans seem to have a slower growth rate whcih is not yet fully understood. Maybe food nowadays isn't as healthy? Maybe theres a physical limit to human height that are genes aren't equipped to cope with. But take country cottages and such for example, the doors, roofs and windows are all far lower than they are today because the human race has grown an average of 10" over the past 150 years.

I like to think i'm at the forefront of evolution nowadays at a nice pioneering 6'5". To me 24" bikes is how i imagine mods feel to most people, a 29" bike would be ideal.

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