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Justify Spending £200 On A Rear Wheel?!?!?!?!


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I really want to get a Hope Pro 2 Trials Hub and Try-All rim (or equivalent) But cant justify spending £200 on something that small (I also Need a Car)

Is anyone having the same problem or has anyone gone through this patch and bought/not-bought a wheel and been disappointed/Really Happy with their purchase?

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i could never justify it to my concience when i could spend the money on somthing else... picked up a Hope Ti hub on a ground ronnie in good nick for 65 quid posted! bargin! ran fine for a year and a half never greased never missed a beat for a year an a half when i sold the bike

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I recently bought a Pro II on DX32, and built it myself to save a bit of money

The parts are definitely worth the cash, and if you can't do it your self, a good build can make the wheel last much longer than a dodgy build

Perhaps get a second hand wheel - all ready for you, and much cheaper

Or second hand parts of course...

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i personally wouldnt spend that much on a wheel as i would want to use it on something else. i managed to buy an echo team 03 for 200 and thats a whole bike but if it was something that small its not something you notice is it. just get a mid range hub and then save the rest for your car thats your best bet mate

Edited by braintreetrials
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I've had a few nasty injuries as a result of something in my drivetrain dying, so I wouldn't really find it hard to justify the £200 on a wheel I knew wouldn't try and kill me. I'm not a huge fan of Hopes, but a lot of people seem to be so I'll let the majority win this time ;) Either way, with the confidence you get from it your riding will improve, with the performance of it your riding will improve (I went from a Dicta to an Eno and instantly put an extra foot on my gapping before I even got used to the Eno...), and lastly it'll just out-last a cheap "mid-range" hub. As a result, you're investing in something which is going to outlast the competition, so you won't be buying a second hub down the line. It's got a great warranty too, so yeah, all good.

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spending money on quality parts is a fact of life. You can spend £20 quid on an acs freewheel which will last a week, or £80 on an eno which will last a few years. Same with hubs and everything for that matter, i personally would, but not right now in your situation, yuo could save a bit of money a week/month till you can get it.

quality (and safety!!!) comes at a price


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200 beans is alot cheaper than a new set of front teeth!

Very true, Nearly died the other day on a 2ft bench, i kicked and nothing happened apart from a big bang! and nearly hit me head, luckily i wear a lid :D

spending money on quality parts is a fact of life. You can spend £20 quid on an acs freewheel which will last a week, or £80 on an eno which will last a few years. Same with hubs and everything for that matter, i personally would, but not right now in your situation, yuo could save a bit of money a week/month till you can get it.

quality (and safety!!!) comes at a price


I already have £600 but its just having to spend it, I hate spending! lol Edited by carboy280
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Those of us who care about our drive trains end up spending around £200 to get a decent set-up if it's FrontFreewheel or rear freehub.


Eno: £70

Try all rear wheel £ 110 new?

12T cog £10

that's 190 alltogether, for a mod.

A rear freehub requires more thought, research, and manufacturing processes than a freewheel so that's how i'd justify the extra expense (albeit a tenner)

Someone mentioned getting a cheaper hub, I could not advise against that enough! If you buy a good wheel/hub now, with care and attetion it could last you for a good ten years. it's more of an investment. Obviously you might want to change rim's along the line and such but getting a hope hub over any shimano one is definately a good idea, you could go for a standard mono, but then it's not designed specifically with trials in mind.

Buy a shimano hub now and you'll need another in 6 months if you ride proper trials, couple that with the price of a wheel build and you'll soon save money on the hope.

If I rode stock it would be front freewheel, but that would mean you'd have to end up buying a freewheel, fixed cog, fixed hub and rim, maybe even freewheel compatible cranks if your's wrnt allready, so that could mount up.

Go for the hope i think i've given you enough reasons?

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I dont ride stock but i have got :

Tryall rim on a Onza T-master hub

and a eno up front

i used to run a onza wheel build with a acs freewheel on it.

When i got my new bike the change it made to my riding was emense.

don't get me wrong, it was not all to do with the freewheel, but it gave me a lot more confidence, i also found a massive change in to the power i could put in to moves like gaps etc.

So i would say spend a dessent amount off money on i good wheel build and you'l never look back.


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I spent £300 on a profile wheel for my BMX

£230 on a pair of pro 2 wheels for my XC bike this week.

£200 for profile for my trials bike...

If you want quality then you have to pay for it, otherwise buy a shitty dewhore hub or summat

Edited by Si-man
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I recently bought a Pro II on DX32, and built it myself to save a bit of money

The parts are definitely worth the cash, and if you can't do it your self, a good build can make the wheel last much longer than a dodgy build

Perhaps get a second hand wheel - all ready for you, and much cheaper

Or second hand parts of course...

so it's not just me using a DX32

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so it's not just me using a DX32

The DX32 rules in any size!

I would happily spend that much as i would always take my bike over the car. But as you don't have the car yet i guess your not missing not having one. If you see.. But missing the confidence and thrill of a new product should easily edge you onto spending some money.

[edit] in saying/reading this, the actual topic is is stupid. Yeah i know most members get ratty about often over used "zoo or echo" topics but this one does seem silly. I guess soon enough you will find out wether riding or chavin' it up is for.

Edited by eskimo
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I plucked up the courage to buy a PROFILE MINI hub, a KOXX rim & SAPIM spokes that cost me £220 without a build (I'm a qualified mechanic though) and i would really urge you to buy a quality hub. The HOPE hub you mentioned would be a good balence between cost and quality. CHAIN REACTION CYCLES do a really good wheel building, good prices too.


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