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Danny Mac And Fraz Plus Dave...


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While I appreciate how skilled this guy is - I can't help but feel that he's merging Trials with BMX (not that it's necessarily a bad thing) which is taking away just a little more of the unique style in riding these bikes the way we do.

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he is, but when you watch him ride he combines so many trials moves into mad combos as well bmx type moves. silly hooks and gaps, but then the same gap 180, or a swiss squeeker thrown in for good measures. ive never seen anything like it.

having ridden several times with Danny, he always amazes which cant be a bad thing for trials and riding in general.

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he is, but when you watch him ride he combines so many trials moves into mad combos as well bmx type moves. silly hooks and gaps, but then the same gap 180, or a swiss squeeker thrown in for good measures. ive never seen anything like it.

having ridden several times with Danny, he always amazes which cant be a bad thing for trials and riding in general.

It's amazing, I agree. Some of the stuff he's done is incredible, I'm just not entirely sure how I feel about it (not that it matters). He's definitely taking the sport in his own direction which is great for him and perfect for recognition, it's just maybe becoming a little less like trials every day.

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In my opinion Danny is the most, or at the very least one of the most skilled, innovative and progressive riders in the UK today.

There are points of evolution in all sports that seem to redfine the boundaries of possibility and which focus around significant individuals.

In the past (and also currently!) the limitis have been pushed by the likes of Hans Rey, Ashton, Eddie T & Chris Akrigg (to name only four).

Danny Mc has joined, or actually may be leading, the list of top quality riders that are currently taking our sport in the right direction.

Hatts Off


Matt Barlow




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While I appreciate how skilled this guy is - I can't help but feel that he's merging Trials with BMX (not that it's necessarily a bad thing) which is taking away just a little more of the unique style in riding these bikes the way we do.

I agree with what your saying, however it is not a bad thing by any means. In my point of view it is making trials riding more interesting as everytime I see a vid of this guy he is doing something completely new and different and really opening new doors for trials/street riding to progress to.

To the average joe public I think this type of riding would appeal to them much more if they watched Danny doing a demo in the street compared to a 'pure' trials rider because the riding Danny does is so much more attractive to the eye and doesn't get tedious by constant hopping.

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I understand what your saying, im friends with danny, and his riding is awesome, i dont get awestruck by many riders, however danny is a nutcase. his riding is awesome, there is no-one more imaginative in the uk or possibly the world when trials is involved.

however i dont like how you have named only streetier riders as those who have pushed the limits, (i know you said to name only four) this is something you cannot do, imo, trials has many different variances, in the end we are all trials riders, and the respect for each other should be more than it is, however it doesnt seem that way. comments like yours, whether they are innocent or not, seperate out sport into almost different disciplines.

Trials is going in a positive way in a number of ways, however we are all one and should be moving that way.

anyway, when i see danny this weekend i might rape him in a tent. that whip to 180 drop is just incredible, and to do it off a 4-inch beam (see the pictures forum) is just plain messy.

i messed my pants......

In my opinion Danny is the most, or at the very least one of the most skilled, innovative and progressive riders in the UK today.

There are points of evolution in all sports that seem to redfine the boundaries of possibility and which focus around significant individuals.

In the past (and also currently!) the limitis have been pushed by the likes of Hans Rey, Ashton, Eddie T & Chris Akrigg (to name only four).

Danny Mc has joined, or actually may be leading, the list of top quality riders that are currently taking our sport in the right direction.

Hatts Off


Matt Barlow

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i dont like how you have named only streetier riders as those who have pushed the limits, (i know you said to name only four) this is something you cannot do, imo, trials has many different variances, in the end we are all trials riders, and the respect for each other should be more than it is, however it doesnt seem that way. comments like yours, whether they are innocent or not, seperate out sport into almost different disciplines.

Trials is going in a positive way in a number of ways, however we are all one and should be moving that way.

I did think that by naming those riders my comment might be misunderstood somewhat which is why I added "to name only four" as you noted.

I completely agree that "we are all one and should be moving that way".

However find it slightly ironic that you have done exactly what your post is warning others to avoid.

By classifying or labelling Hans Rey, Ashton, Eddie T & Chris Akrigg as "streetier riders" you are in danger of splitting trials into sub groups of street and comp riders.

I agree we are all trials riders.

Interestingly, I actually think if you were to name riders who could most adequately be the very definition of a "trials rider" because they have done all 'sub groups' (I know, the term we are trying to avoid!) of the sport at the very top level (Comps, street, demos, TV, magazines, speed trials, etc) it would indeed be Hans Rey and Martyn Ashton.

Ashton and Akrigg have been British Champion how many times between them? They are by no means only capable of tearing up the streets and are in fact two of the most rounded riders going.

Hans Rey gained international notoriety for his comp results before ever turning to demos.

The point of my initial post, and current post, is that Danny is very capable of joining the growing list of trials legends that have shaped our sport into what it is today.

We need riders like this to move our sport forward.

Long may it continue

Back to discussing how great Danny is...


Matt Barlow

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I personally think linking one discipline to the next does no harm - Each individiual discipline will benefit - It also allows more variation to moves, and makes it more open to the general public


While I appreciate how skilled this guy is - I can't help but feel that he's merging Trials with BMX (not that it's necessarily a bad thing) which is taking away just a little more of the unique style in riding these bikes the way we do.

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I was there!!

Sooo much better than team MAD last year! Really great show and the mini bike stuff was awesome. Me and my friend were just walking past and danny jumped on it and alllllmost pulled off a bunnyhop tailwhip :blink: haha! Then he goes and hop manuals this thing then comes back the other way and 360s off, but i guess thats all in the vid!

Great stuff guys (Y) .

.....they didn't film it! :

Edited by redsol
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A sport can only go for so long progressing in the same direction before it becomes mundane. Trials can only go for so long progressing to bigger sidehops or bigger taps before it becomes stale and, in my opinion, it already has. Thats why its so refreshing and inspiring to see riders like Danny progressing the sport in such a different way. His unique style is not conventional trials riding, certainly, but it is nonetheless pushing boundaries beyond the 'traditional' and in do so creating something that I think we all find incredibly enjoyable to watch and very interesting. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd much sooner watch one of Danny's vids than one of endless sidehops, gaps and taps.

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I agree whole heartly


A sport can only go for so long progressing in the same direction before it becomes mundane. Trials can only go for so long progressing to bigger sidehops or bigger taps before it becomes stale and, in my opinion, it already has. Thats why its so refreshing and inspiring to see riders like Danny progressing the sport in such a different way. His unique style is not conventional trials riding, certainly, but it is nonetheless pushing boundaries beyond the 'traditional' and in do so creating something that I think we all find incredibly enjoyable to watch and very interesting. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd much sooner watch one of Danny's vids than one of endless sidehops, gaps and taps.

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The thing with Danny is that his riding seems impressive even to people outside of the trials/cycling community. He keeps cropping up on youtube and other forums just because his riding is so impressive. The average person is no more impressed by a 9ft gap than they are by a 6ft one, but Danny's riding is just crazy for them.

On top of appealing to 'normal' people he probably is one of the most skillful trials riders in the world. He's not like Josh Bender or someone who is well-known by some 'normal' people but disliked within the MTB world. So yeah, Danny = ace.

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The thing with Danny is that his riding seems impressive even to people outside of the trials/cycling community.


Surely this is a good thing, I think it's good to see some new style pushing through.

Any trials rider can really appreciate this kind of riding as well, it's fantastic.

Possibly one of the most inventive riders in the world?


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QUOTE(deanie-b @ Mar 22 2007, 07:28 PM)
Possibly one of the most inventive riders in the world?


In no way do i want to slate Danny, he's one of the best and most controlled bike riders I've ever seen but you're pushing it with that sort of statement.

Compared to some of the bmx business you see what Danny is doing in that vid is pretty standard stuff albeit on a bigger bike. I'm not saying anybody could do it - you'd have to be facking good no matter what you were riding - I'm just saying I've seen equally (and more) inventive stuff done fairly regularly.

i repeat - not having a go at Danny, I'm glad he's out there showing the mtb world you're actually allowed to have fun with your bike rather than just forcing yourself up a hill and then going home to individually clean your bearings with a silken rag and complain about how heavy your titanium bolts are.

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That was pretty mad. Some of the stuff he does is soo unique :o ... Was that show at the NEC- Birmingham? I recognised the 'Hungry?' sign in the background

stuff on the 16" bmx is crazy haha


I thought that BMX looked a tad small :lol: .



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