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Thumper Mk 2

Rich Pearson

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mate, clive hates the idea of making anything that rides even half nice......

normal leesons ride like hippos, richs thumper is the best riding leeson ive ever been on, and if im being nice, id compare it to a saracen xess.

the thumpermay look odd, but its a step in the right direction for leeson at least.

cars these days have starter motors, because people got sick of winding them up with handles on the crank.

one day leeson will catch on. itll be a while yet though.

in richs defense, his rear disc DOES suit him, although rich couldnt setup a rear V for shit, the disc just suits his riding style better.

good to see the bike suiting your style again rich!

look forward to a plymouth ride soon!

top job.

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I hate it and kris hates it and even clive hated making it.

That must tell you its bad.

I might attribute this to having just done an 11 hour shift and have to get up in few hours to go back to work, but how f**king dare you say that. How f**king dare you deign to tell me what is good and what is bad

Clive did not hate making it, if he did, he's lied to me on several ocasions. Clive Leeson is one of the few open minded people in the bike industry and is always ready to try something new, and he has always been happy to see his riders and the bikes he made for them do well. The fact that I beat some of the best people in the country on that frame at a recent hampshire comp is testimount to that.

Prawn may have his doubts about that frame and Leeson as a manufacturer in general, but at least he has the guts to say that it does work, and that he at least can spot good, well thought out engineering when he sees it.

As for telling ME its bad; do you think me and clive spent 5 months studying every other frame in the industry and what has been faulty with them, spent hours in the pub drawing on napkins a cigarette packets, looked at the design of long and low TGS frames from every possible angle, took input from some of the best riders and designers in the country such as Ali C, Fat Mike and Bigman to make something that he actually didn't like?

I don't know where you got your information from about this and on what grounds you're making this assumption, but you clearly don't know clive leeson; a man who would never HATE to create something.

I've never met you but I think that I'm almost ashamed to say that I ride a leeson seeing as someone as narrow minded as you does aswell.


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im just going by what kris told me on a ride thats all im not narrow minded at all and if you cant take a bad comment then why put good or bad comments welcome

What you wrote wasn't a bad comment it was a poorly phrased short minded piece of slander. I'm happy to take constructive criticism off people, I'm not happy in the slightest for people to stand there as Joe f**king Bloggs and give me their 10 pence worth of slating with nothing supporting it.

Seriously, don't bother replying to this at all, I can't be bothered with this in the slightest.


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Down with Deng

Up with origionalality (if thats a word)

Not really, as Deng makes trials a lot more accessible to people - imagine taking away all the Echo, Adamant, GU, Zoo! etc trials parts

The progression of the sport would be a little slower, and it would mean a lot less options (though of course someone would come along and make an effort to fill the void)

Up with original ideas though for sure, so long as there's SOME thought in them of course!

As for the D15C Thumper, seems good.

When I saw it at Prawn's (minus the disc, of course) I liked it more than on the pictures posted here, and I would imagine that it would be the same if I were to see it now. Still not a big fan of the appearance, though it seems to work, which is, of course, the main thing!

Different aesthetics and You've/Clive's got a winner Rich :)

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Not really, as Deng makes trials a lot more accessible to people - imagine taking away all the Echo, Adamant, GU, Zoo! etc trials parts

The progression of the sport would be a little slower, and it would mean a lot less options (though of course someone would come along and make an effort to fill the void)

Up with original ideas though for sure, so long as there's SOME thought in them of course!

As for the D15C Thumper, seems good.

When I saw it at Prawn's (minus the disc, of course) I liked it more than on the pictures posted here, and I would imagine that it would be the same if I were to see it now. Still not a big fan of the appearance, though it seems to work, which is, of course, the main thing!

Different aesthetics and You've/Clive's got a winner Rich :)

Hit the nail on the head there luke.

We are apreciative of what Deng has done for the industry and without the massive amount of work he's put into long and low frames trials would be a different sport altogether. We just wanted to create something similar with more customer care to it and a more homely touch. the tumper video is coming along really well and I hope when people see it it'll encourage them to think more positively about this expansion of Leeson's already outstanding track record of inovation in design.

Thanks for the comments, keep them coming.


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Frame looks odd, Disk mount looks odd, Trials bikes look odd.

So by my thinking its a propper trials bike, would much rather have a frame that looks fresh and new like this

than a deng bike which to be honest looks mostly the same at the moment.

Ino I ride a python but its going soon...

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I see Rich riding this bike quite a while back at a hampshire comp. rode it like a beast and was showing a lot of riders how its done. I dont know why leeson are slated so much.... I think they are great!

Lovely bike rich!

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