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Everything posted by 26inch

  1. quite a good vid. Was that witney?
  2. zoo looks quite nice. However you cannot come close to understanding my hatred of anything related to 24bicycles. Wots the point of getting a light seatpost like the macniel when your bike weighs more than the earth itself.
  3. not a fan of the dual toptube. Mint garden though. How did you get hold of that many pallets.
  4. im afraid your seatstay wishbone will crack, ive been through 4 rhythms there. Dmr are good for warenty though
  5. stocks are just generaly better, although a 24 would be nice.
  6. 26inch

    Pashley Forks

    Give pashleys themselves a ring, they have a few sets lying around, dont know if they'll want to sell them though. or just here http://www.jejamescycles.co.uk/?pageTitle=...16&brandID= some of you are so lazy, all i did was type pashley into froogle
  7. higher bars and a shorter stem would make it alot easier. I dont know to much Zeniths but theres enough on here, have a look at what theyre running. The weight of your front end wont matter much unless its hugely heavy
  8. Im thinkin of buying a second hand frame. Its pretty cheap but the only prob is the headtube is slightly ovalised by 0.2mm. Do you thing that it would do ok if run with a deep headset or is it best avoided.
  9. get them to use boltd with 8mm heads as you cant crank the current bolts uo very well, alos an option of ti bolts would be nice.
  10. could try fileing 9.5mm off each end spacer and the axle at each end,not sure if theres room cant be bothered to go chech on mine
  11. looks real good, as long as postage aint too much ill be buyin that
  12. certainly go for 4x, it is loads stiffer laterally. As for 36h I dont see much point, 32h should be easily strong enough
  13. the monty, tensile and try all freewheels both have lockrings on the bashguard side so that they cannot loosen off. Any would be good from what ive heard
  14. why do people keep suggesting dirty long biukes with high bootom brackets. If your looking for a bike for ridding 'street' on not sidehops on brick walls you dont want somethin with 20mm bb rise. Anyway he already has a gu for that stuff Id go for a pashley, leeson, uk24 or iolo
  15. 26inch

    Kot Ms2?

    My mate had a rear disk one. They are pretty nice apart from the bb is a bit high for my tastes but they also have a tendency for the back end to crack on the seatstay, thats what happened to my mate's and apparently its not uncommon
  16. 23lbs which ait bad for an old steel pashley
  17. this happened to my mates viz hub. He had to drill it out, which meant the threads were un usable so he runs a qr. Unless you have a lathe its going to be imposssible to drill it straight as bolts are pretty hard. If you get hold of an opposite tap you may be able to get away with that method instead
  18. Cheers, you know of any other good spots, more round the towyn area as i normaly go on holidays round there.
  19. 26inch


    http://www.bikeforest.com/CAD/bikeCAD.html Lets see what you guys can come up with
  20. spot looks rad, nice pics to, where bouts in snowdonia is that?
  21. if everyone was aloud straight on they could do damage straight away (scamming etc) then just come back as a different user when they get banned. Anyway the couple of people i know on here got validated in about a month. All you have to do is not be an idiot and post topics like this, I mean its not goin to get you validated any quicker.
  22. I hate fluro parts and anyone that makes them. Also vario for producing the uglyest frame ive seen in my life. Gu frames are pretty gay too
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