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Papa Manual

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Everything posted by Papa Manual

  1. Actually it’s a scumbag English exam board that is screwing me around . I'm currently trying to claw my way into university this year. If you persistently try and explain your case then they will see that you're keen and be more likely to accept you.
  2. That's ok then. One either side would be best though .
  3. You're coming; it's definitely on. I expect no less. Who will I tickle tickle?
  4. We haven't really arranged anything yet, but there's a couple of Guernsey lads that live in Pompey. Failing that, we're floor hunting.
  5. Is anyone going for a spin on Saturday? We get off the boat at 6am..... haaa.
  6. That's what I was wondering. I reckon the name and contact details are on the other side of the ticket though. I received a £30 fine for hopping on to a pavement on a main road and going around a car that was stood still during rush hour. Yeah, technically it's illegal, but surely the police can apply some common sense to a situation.
  7. I think the novelty would wear off. Most people imagine the police hq to be a quaint little Heartbeatesque house with do-gooding coppers roaming around the island getting cats out of trees and shit. That's all bollocks. They're nazis (as you can see by the above). Well, to be fair, not all of them are - but most!
  8. That video made me want to ride. You guys are really pushing it! The standard of riding easily made up for the video quality, and then some.
  9. Just bring hand luggage with all your clothes and stuff then stick your bike in another bag for the hold. When they ask if it's a bike just say no. There's a few bike bits in there, but not a bike . Why should you pay extra when it's taking up the same amount of room and not being treated any differently? Boat is cheaper, but a bit of a mission in the end. It's £58 on the slow boat (8 - 12 hours) leaving Portmouth at about 9am and returning overnight to Portsmouth at 5pm. You can pay £15ish extra for the fast ferry (2 hours or something) but that's from Weymouth or Poole.
  10. Aurigny or Flybe are the only two. If you go down to Portsmouth, Poole or Weymouth you can get the boat with Condor Ferries and you can just wheel bikes on. No hassle of packing them up and it's cheaper. If it's all too pricey then I wouldn't bother; there's the tour to look forward to anyway .
  11. I've been running 18:13 on my Inspired since I bought it and I think it's great for rolling stuff. Recently I've found that it's holding me back when it comes to anything remotely trialsey. I can't gap as far as I used to, and I find anything requiring a bit of 'flick' quite difficult. I bought a 14t yesterday, looking forward to trying it out.
  12. Papa Manual

    Do You....

    Why don't you explain to the class why, Samuel.
  13. Simps/Skoze, you're welcome over. Mr Rowlands was talking about coming over this summer too. We've got the flat until September, so do it. Ample sleeping facilities are present .
  14. Cool . I think some of the lines in this video show off his consistency really well. It comes to something when Martyn Ashton starts creeping into small print.
  15. Kris Leeson rides trials again? I haven't heard anything of him since Fluid23.
  16. I thought you and Mr Kearns split... no?
  17. I've had a fantastic release just thinking about it.
  18. I'm curious as to why people are still voting.
  19. Tomm isn't being abusive, he's merely making a point which a lot of people (including me) would agree with. Moderators are allowed to have opinions too, regardless of whether you feel the same way. If you don't like what you hear then go somewhere else .
  20. You have to take into account that there are a lot of people on here who don't live in the UK. I don't think geographic location has much bearing on it. The only trials forum that comes close to Trials-Forum is the forum on Observed Trials; and that has half the member, proportionatly less of whom are active, I'd imagine.
  21. Nice photos. It's cool to see people having fun and not taking everything too seriously.
  22. Sorry man, didn't mean to sound like a fanny . (Why does the swear filter only work sometimes and for some people!?)
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