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Everything posted by CC12345678910

  1. Just found this on YT. I figured If I ever did go no tubes I'd do this and use some of that farmer sealant/the bike version. What do we think?
  2. You must think you're Elvis.
  3. Oh yes. The difference is night and day.
  4. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/176773-how-to-modify-a-05-magura-hs33-lever-body/#entry2439065 Did you look at that ^ yet?? Basically use a racing line master for reference. Simply dont leave any sharp edges, radius off all cuts and corners, and do not leave any 90degree angles as thats why 05 masters crack in the 1st place, and it will cause it to crack again if you do. If the crack has already spread you can do it squarer like the clean brake to file away the crack, but take away as little material as possible to eliminate the end of the crack, because the master will snap off about 2-3mm above the pivot bolt if you do.
  5. That was actually my prime candidate - it seemed the best quality/claimed spec/value. Hey mabye I know something after all eh? Isopropyhl alcohol (must admit I cut and pasted that) is glasses wipes right? And you don't spread this stuff about? Every other piece of info i've found tonight says about using credit cards, spatula, business card etc that you poked fun at. But I trust TF to be the informative, no misinformation, no bullshit version of proceedings be it computers, bikes, or er, anything really. Cheers mush, I'll bookmark that stuff now.
  6. Alreet peeps. I'm in need of some thermal paste, for some first time computer fixing (hopefully, he says, sheepishly) on the fan/heatsink assembly of me Mam's lappymatop. A quick google gives a multitude of results, most of them ebay listings that could be utter toss for all I know, then some others that seem to be more expensive & poss. better but without knowledge i'm not going to see the justification, am I? I see 3 types of products for the most part; Silicone, Silver infused, sh1t with gold flakes in? In short I don't want to waste money on crap, even if it is as little as £1.99 a tube. What do you builders use then? Brand names would be a start, or simply what I should be looking for in a product, links if you feel like it. Cheers, Ciaran
  7. Worse than that, that spec is nicked directly from the mighty car mods turbo MX5 . They used the old turbo kicking about from the forrester build.
  8. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/189544-how-to-pad-rock-removal/
  9. This does not surprise me in the slightest... 1000 Vinnies made good sidecar, sprint and drag engines for a reason. Despite never even sitting on a norvin I'm of the opinion that this is the greatest combination ever conceived - I'll go take a photo to post of the classic bike guide cover with a Stile Itallia wideline rapide Norvin that made have a minor accident in tesco Out of all my dad's projects, his incomplete rapide in a '59 featherbed with a commando 5 speed and cush hub is the one I most want to get my grubby mits on. With prices the way they are it's the only vincent i'll ever get to work on. D**k'ed.
  10. Racing Vincent? Comet? Rapide? Shadow?? Do tell lad...
  11. Ahh Excels, that makes sense now. Yeah all my contact with old bikes has been around the 50's/60's/early 70's bikes racing at the likes of an Aintree club meet, the Pre-TT classic around the billown course on the IOM, or at the Manxgrandprix around the mountain course. so my style of bike I would build is based heavily on this. As such my idea of a good the ultimate front brake is something like a twin cable operated 8in full width radially vented drum, with 10mm thick CNC drilled dural torque arms, a scooped vented brake plate each side with twin actuator arms, 4 cams total giving 8 leading shoes
  12. Those brake plates look interesting. I take it those fins are creating turbulance for an air scoop of some kind, with some kind of mesh filter covering I presume? If not you might want to mesh them as bugs getting in there and becoming part of a ferodo blended smoothie is not conducive to braking performance Makes a hell of a mess too - seeing it being scraped off was effing disgusting! What are those rims too? My geek could fail me here but that backlip/square sidewall says some form of borrani replica?? They look luvverly anyhow.
  13. Get that silicone spray!! I've used a smear of vaseline in the past too but ONLY if you're using the standard magura piston. Racing line pistons can only be used with silicone lube like that I linked because of the type of O-rings used. Give the spring a stretch as well. Beyond that, you can lead a horse to water... EDIT: You know what, If you do sell up, I want dibs on it. I put money I'll make that brake a proper sorted piece of kit and it will run forever and ever. The 05 magura master my racing line replaced lasted for seven years in near constant use with little more than knocking the plastic TPA ball back straight once when it skipped a thread and a very occasional wipe and vaseline piston service.
  14. Youtube has a lot of stuff on it. The amount of times I've clicked not interested on my recommended videos tells me most of this stuff, is utter shit. However during the course of tonight I have discovered three things that may of be (poss. a meagre) interest to whoever is reading this. Not only have I discovered that duke video has an archive channel, but that on said archive channel I have discovered something (IMO) truly special - Joey hot lapping his RC45 at the ulster grand prix, Dundrod, 1995. Enjoy. The 3rd thing is that after I hit post, I'm going to open the video in HD, and watch the master at work whilst destroying the rather nice 14in asda meat feast pizza sat next to me.
  15. I use a Silicone based lube for car window seals from halfreuds in mine. Has kept it buttery with water since Xmas 2013 (only reapplying it at the end of last year for peace of mind whilst there was no bleed in the brake). Ditto my MTB forks for longer than that. Silicone really is the only stuff to use. The bore on my early model single bolt clamp racingline is still the same as the day it went on, the black anodising is completely unmarked or tarnished. The packaging has changed but this has got to be the same stuff I use. Rig up a way to blow out the piston with a track pump and get both the piston & bore smothered int stuff. Pop the piston back in a bleed away.
  16. Yeah the old black then orange 'mongoose' was spose to be a 90's(?) megamo like the one in this opening post It's definately a pro2 in the back, no question. Front one is/looks to be a shimano though. Will be for sponsor reasons as already said, same reason for the paint and sticker frame job on the old bike.
  17. To be given that much airtime and genuine interest and attension was a total gift. Definitely refreshing. There is absolutely no way anyone on british tv would have treated you with that much respect. Any of the talk show hosts over here would have shoehorned you into a strict disiterested 3min segment and spent half that time taking the piss, usually with an unfunny, moronic chringefest. It's not accident that i'm spending an increasing amount of time watching my choice of content online - something I didn't think would happen. It seems alternative sport may have a home in europe.
  18. Most likely. Had a mate do it and that ended juuust fine... not. It's one hell of an acid test that for sure.
  19. Yeah I had the works, hot grainy sand eyes, coca eye drops etc., NOT fun. The college tutors were proper c**ts and made a big deal out of it saying "we get one a year", to which I replied "You shouldn't if you did your job you incompetent slaphead lardarse" (honestly he was revoltingly fat - like lager swilling 3 fat rings & folds fat).
  20. Yes, yes you do. No 3am cocaine eye drops then?? You got silly lucky.
  21. Something something dark side?
  22. From yesterday in cleveleys with Matt I. Filmed from the top of my bag, cut using movie maker then put into photopad for a resize and minimal post ed - I fluked and the cam captured it very nearly as is (we'll see if this attaches or not). Yay it did, It's a bit noisy though. Eh dunno what happened there?
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeSc-QXNTlw&index=43&list=LL2x46hZA-EvH2RN2zm5VU-A
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