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Everything posted by CC12345678910

  1. **disclaimer for when I get hate - I do not claim to be an expert and there are people like tarty Adam who will know infinates more about the subject, I am just an observer of a friend who owns an M5, stating an opinion I have formed during his ownership** Only if the carbon technology used was more modern and wasn't the same as/remarkably similar to that used on the swingarm of my dad's 1996 Cannondale Super V 700 carbon. Like the m5 is. And said frame didn't have a frame design resulting in constant chainslap, a 124mm BB that AFAIK is only available using the FSA platinum it is specced with, or such tight packaging that any deviation (chain make or model, BB, hub etc.) from the spec monty specced it with causes clearance issues in every direction, or needed different cranks from a different brand entirely in order to clear the frame or slaves. Now, I think the M5 is a great bit of kit, and Adam I agree it is revolutionary, but in a market that is, as monty state, price driven, ultimately a niche and not got the investment of say road bikes or MTB because in trials there simply isn't the people numbers to buy the parts, I think a full carbon bike was/is a technology too far. It's my belief that the M5 is Monty's Veyron - A "look! We did this!" kinda thing. But so was that cannondale, and bikeapedia says that was a one year only model.
  2. I hadn't considered this/didn't cross my mind.
  3. Haven't monty always been more expensive than the competition around them at each price point?? And could never be described as good value in terms of price (in the UK at least) or full bike equipment either. It's the reason I didn't get a monty from the LBS some years ago (2006) and asked my 'rents for an (cheaper RRP and better equipped) Onza for my 1st bike. Even now I only give consideration to most Monty products if they are on clearance or come up local and second hand. It always speaks volumes to me about the popularity of monty stuff that it (seems to) stick to the shelf and has to be priced to move in the first place. Since this wholesale price increase will no doubt have to be reflected in the retail prices, does that effectively price them (further?) out of the market?
  4. I know, right? When they sold Onza the nice website seems to have gone with. This MS word created thing still works though, ordered some stuff through it just other week. Turned up next day like always. Aside from the rather off putting site, you've got to remember it's a well run high street style shop as well and the mail order seems business as usual.
  5. What goes "pesh-shiss-shoooooo-pish" followed by "BOLLOCKS!!" and a seething angry thread post? ME, after 'fixing' the road bike puncture half an hour ago and moving on to other garage pottering. Damn it Damn it Damn it! Now i'm just the ever so slightest bit grumpy, though i'm sure you'd never be able to tell.
  6. I know they're a catalogue part, so branded as V!Z @ £35 they are needlessly over expensive. Superstar components for example, used to sell them as the uno headset for £20 - same product, different etching. edit: just seen tartys have them on clearance - I'd say it's a good bet at that price or I reckon the FrenchID one is the same, thinking of having one of them meself to just put in the cupboard as I wont be able to find something that good at that cheap when I need one.
  7. I've fixed it now Also playing uncle acid at full wack through my plug in laptop speaker has just killed it!
  8. You might be into this then if it isn't on your radar already. EDIT: larl bugger didn't embed, sometimes it does on it's own, sometimes not EDIT 2: Ahh copy and paste, not drag and drop
  9. Dont forget about trialsaddict and rockandrollbikes. RnR in particular have saved me buttloads of cash over the years. It's not a one retailer market anymore!
  10. Just to supplement the discussion of religion is for those of blind faith and bat sh*t crazy, just heard the guy on the radio talking about this (ripped form @teamrockbelong). It's a bit lengthy but seriously just read it... BTW if you're into this 'devil music' lark, Teamrockradio is the absoulute nuts - check it out http://tunein.com/radio/TeamRock-Radio-s200662/or it's on DAB.. I've got the DAB hooked up to a 500w kenwood stack via aux and currently banging out the offspring
  11. This was on my Youtube news feed. It made me laugh. Enjoy.
  12. This. The bars should be turned away from your leading/preferred foot e.g. I'm right foot forward and turn the bars to the left. Trackstands are dead simple but difficult to explain. Try this Find flat ground. Stand with your feet on the floor and the bike between your knees. Turn the bars 90deg away from your good foot. Now push both down & forwards so the front wheel rotates backwards. Keeping up?? This is the balance point and motion you fight against with pedal pressure corrections. Now try it. Get up on the pedals with your good foot in the 6 o'clock position, nearest the ground. Now rock forwards and backwards on the engagement, rolling the front brake on and off to stop you freewheeling forward more than the couple of inches you should be using. Keep doing this till you can do it all day, my PB is about 20mins continuously brakeless. Edit: can do non handed with arms outstretched for about 20secs too.
  13. With that history an MG TF is perfect for her
  14. just a smear of water inside the grip, bang em on and leave to dry. but cos I'm impatient I use some well placed heat from a zippo. Also it's illogical I know but TT highrise are easier to fit in a two bolt clamp because of the greater distance between the bends.
  15. Between me and my riding group Ive been though every FW on the market too. Trialtech is same catalogue part as try-all (personally owned/blown up/opened up and inspected both) and rockman. There is this one on trialsaddict thats the same too. So is Jitsie, except jistie have improved the springing, the weekpoint in trialtech/try-all FWs. Jitsie is my favorite one at the mo, the one i'd buy if I needed a new FFW but thank f**k I don't and am fortuitous enough to run Pro2 EVO and Profile. I never want FFW ever again...
  16. This means i'm not so stoopid. Cheers.
  17. Bt 45s are what i'll be using when I get to that stage, direct equivalent to a TT100 but sticky. And I've been next to enough 70's TZ racebikes to say that they deffo look based on genuine yokes, but I couldnt tell you how well done they are without having them next to each other. I think you scored either way. Edit: some tasteyness
  18. Anyone reckon you could use one for in car audio/satnav somehow? Y'know, in place of an Ipad install? Or am I missing it's application completely? This is all waaay out of my relms of knowledge (in case im asking a stupid question, but I've truely no idea ok) but I'd like to learn, and I've found over the years i'll muddle though figuring stuff out on the fly and that seems to the way I learn.
  19. CC12345678910

    2 Hour Edit

    Could you do me a favour please? I stumbled across the song from the pedalbike vid on soundcloud about 2/3 yrs ago, loved it despite it not being loud and shouty, forgot it existed, recognised it the instant it came in on your vid, and it's gonna bug me cos cant remember the artist and title/mix name. All I remember is that's its by some bedroom remixer club DJ from america. Help please. Ta.
  20. you overlooked avid ones, they're ~10mm thick. Though them hayes ones look nearly the same, poss. are the same but i've not had both in my hand at the same time.
  21. Yeah you look good on that. Now do that so you ride up the pallet, stop in the middle. Now put your front wheel on the part of the pallete nearest the camera, and the back wheel on the furthest one. Repeat this so you end up on the center part again, facing the way you came, collect your balance and ride off. Then build that up so you can go through 360deg and ride off like you did in that ^ vid. Then get creative and cool stuff will start happening. This kinda thing is what others mean by 'that set up could keep me going for hours' - it's all about building up from one thing to the next. Keep at it, it's hard work cos it's boring but it will reward you in the future
  22. Exactly my point, I can tell apart the rider who metaphorically wanted to run before they could walk - usually lack control and use lots of sketchy correction hops and gaps.
  23. In that case the stem is fine but you still need some bars IMO. wouldn't bother with carbon, given how tall you are you definitely need trialtech highrise - they feel great on any set up, are a nice width and they have the right sweeps whereas onza rips are lacking in up and backsweep, are narrow and weigh loads because they're cheap grade steel. Also the set that came with my onza zoot complete bent in like a week... Get yourself over to trashzen and hammer the basics on the floor for a day or three till you aren't rushing any more, then go back to the stuff on the pallets and upload the comparison video in here - if you've truely put the work in, the difference should be night and day.
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