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tipsy Jock

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Everything posted by tipsy Jock

  1. I had a rear avid for a while, that used to flex around all over the place, i think pad wobble contributed a lot to that as well though.
  2. Hmmm, tempting, don't really know many people though, might try and drag the guys down from North Wales again Pete
  3. I just remembered something, Tunni upped like 6ft something There was indeed some amazing riding on show yesterday! Pete
  4. Its a Chris King, probably a Discotech or ISO.
  5. You do like those Pure's don't you.
  6. How many of these entries are cars that have actually been driven? I wouldn't consider anything to do with moving on drives, parking or driving a couple of miles as counting. My list is pretty small as a result lol VW Polo 1.4 CL- My car, girly but i love it! Audi A4 3.0 Quattro (03)- Dad's old car, nice but not a scratch on the current. Audi A4 3.2 Quattro S-Line (06)- Its amazing how different this one is from the above, a few suspension tweaks and a new engine and its a whole new car. Absolutely love it.
  7. A £100 a frame price hike is pretty substantial, especially as most frames are coming down to below £300 now. (And yes i do realise that these frames aren't steel and handmade). Saying that i still really like the Iolo frames
  8. Well after getting rinsed in Birmingham for parking (£12!!!), I thought surely a parking guide for the major cities could be useful. Trying to park in the likes of London and Birmingham isn't easy unless its a Sunday, especialy for cheap. First entry by Bigman stolen from the Brum thread Add away guys, Pete
  9. Your version of bad and mine are quite different! lol Yet again Brum was an ace ride! Was cool to put some names to faces from the fourm. I haven't riden that long for ages, i'm paying the price for it now though! Pete
  10. Anyone know of anywhere to park in Brum? prefably free!
  11. Looking forward to it, haven't been out on't bike in ages!
  12. Nice vid guys shame the only bit of me is my bikes front wheel in the background Stupid graduating from Uni lol I have to try and get back to Bangor soon! Pete
  13. Vdub Polo's are nice, bit girly but are seriously reliable. you could pick up a really good condition R reg 1.4 for around 1500-2000 or so. Also Fezza's are nice and simple, can get dirt cheap spare parts. Pete
  14. I'm coming up straight from work thursday specially so that i can go see Paddy The wheelbase is 1070-75 i think, can't remember. Oh and i'm not so keen on the purple but the gun metal colour is ace, its nice to have a non silver frame. Scratchs like a b*****d though Pete
  15. Thats the most massivly stereotypical utterance i've ever heard. He's got alloys therefore me must drive like a dick? wtf? saying that i'm not gonna deny that sometimes i can drive a like a bit of a loon.
  16. Whats the matter? you've had plenty of time?
  17. Tell me you don't pay £800 to insure a hair dryer?!? Accidents can happen at any speed, admittedly faster driving increases the chances of this. The reason that prices are high is because of the way the insurance industry works its hardly all Joe's falt is it?
  18. As he said, plus think of the money that could be freed up for the NHS (heatless thought but true!)
  19. I'm up the wknd after next, the bike wont be with me though I can bring the pitbull frame up if you want to take a looksey?
  20. Thats probably just for the passenger airbag in case you have a child seat in the front. I had a crash too and the air bag didn't go off, the impact was kind of side on like yours so maybe they need to be hit dead straight on? not sure
  21. Slam panel is the bit that your rad is mounted to i think?? its a fairly important piece Bad luck buddy, I have to say thats a really nice looking little car, not normally a fan of the blingin alloys but tis all groovy. Good luck with the fixer upper
  22. Totaly amazing, it normally takes me months to decide on frames, but i wanted this one soon as i had a go on a mates. tempting, tempting.... Hows the leg? Pete
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