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future orange 660

Blacklisted Trader
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Everything posted by future orange 660

  1. well he carries on telling stories though. god knows what his colleuges thnk of him. or he will say they dont have to like him because hes the boss's boss's boss..well a relation to.
  2. future orange 660


    so where do they look then? surely its easier to go there first.
  3. you just keep digging deeper. now really. who did it?
  4. nicest mod ever. fact. are those silver triton decals or is it showing though etched or whatnot through the paint? if not that would look sweet. good idea on the guard. i wonder who will do that next. also like the gussets. very good stuff.
  5. i remember a few years back people would delibratley land to bash alot. not so much now though. flowers though and a few bricks knocked out from walls which is annoyng because it makes it more difficult to ride. what is worse though is the waxing of kerbs etc by skateboarders. also pretty crap for trials as grip it makes it a bit sketchy.
  6. what the hell have you done. looked ok before with the blending of colours. looks awful now. nice one.
  7. the sl has a min breaking limit of 950kg and the standard one is 1300kg i believe. just wondered if anyone had actually used them
  8. are these chains any good. they do a gold colour one too and is this much better? also anyone use the ybn singlespeed chains?
  9. its something different. goes quick. can fit bikes in. much better than a girly hatchback.
  10. yeh well you dont need the others. i would keep a mod and stock. that mbk looks smart though
  11. can i ask why the mono rear and maggie front?
  12. but thats anodizing not corrosion anodizing hardens also. thats shy its harder to get off.
  13. compared to a few years ago... its massive! its growing at an extreme rate. things dont happen evernight though. people see riders..start riding...the process multiplies itself. it is getting bigger. without the publicity of other sports.
  14. yeh but then you can your dad in the shiz. i always make sure i check stuff now. i have had wheels built and stuff wrong spoke patterns etc. once i bought an xtr crankset. kept in box until new frame arrived and then found they were different tones of grey! wtf. so i had to take them back and get a new pair. always go there yourself.. and agree a price first. they should have phoned to confirm any extra cost though.
  15. fork me not bad a for a present.. must be about £1500 worth. yet it should look nice.. bit over the top on red though.
  16. 16:13 stock, 175mm cranks. may go 16:12
  17. alot of people simply cannot be arsed and would rather pay someone therefore they often dont need to.
  18. http://www.parkers.co.uk/insurance/
  19. the wf are world force branded. same bars though
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