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Status Updates posted by Jamie_Trials

  1. Coal is on my mind.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ItsMatt


      nice day down t' pit, put lad to bed AND AM GUNNA GET TINNED

    3. bing


      T'lad int ere, e's wi his muvva

    4. Jamie_Trials


      Ay lad my chimney might be a bit clogged but it done't take brightest bulb in't box to work out that he's as sharp as a marble

  2. Would love to be at radfest right now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HippY


      Well, what is the weather like

    3. TOMTRIALS123


      Its supposed to be warm but with 'heavy' rain

    4. HippY


      Im glad I am home until I have a motorhome of sort

  3. I really like the racingline pistons but £40 for one? Jokers

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BradJohnson


      The Racing Line slaves are not very good mate i'd save your self the heartache and the money. They are stupidly spongy!

    3. Jamie_Trials


      Haha, there's more than one type of rimtape mark. Cheers brad, they do look hot though :)

    4. BradJohnson


      My mate bought the full brake, we spent hours playing with it to try and get it to feel right. In the end we tried a set of Magura slaves hooked up to the Racing Line lever and it worked spot on.

  4. Still waiting for hashtag 2

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. onza pro series guy

      onza pro series guy

      hashtag hashtagg hashtaggggggggggg #hashtag

    3. harmertrials


      he doesn't have a hashtag 2, sorry jamie :(

    4. Blake


      has he binned it?

  5. Anyone got any heatsink maggy/vee adapters for sale? Even just the left one if you have one

  6. Anyone up north have a spare seat for radfest, would pay for petrol and whatnot.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jamie_Trials


      Aww man would love you to bits, let me know if you can <3

    3. BradJohnson


      I'll FB you in a minute mate

    4. SamKidney


      Awh yeeahh Radest radfesticles crew.

  7. Anyone have that link to the trials map?

  8. Frames almost done, can't wait to see the finished result

    1. Blake


      yay! more vids!

    2. Jamie_Trials


      Haha,just finished spraying it, lacquor next then its building time :D

    3. Blake


      Awesome, pictures when you're done

  9. Glad to have finally sorted out the steed

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blake


      You ever coming down hampshire way? :)

    3. Jamie_Trials


      Maybe if I or a mate gets a car sorted out :)

    4. Blake


      Good lad, would be nice to meet you some time.

  10. hehe thanks a lot, wouldn't be much use to me unless it was a decent one though :)

  11. No worries mate, chances are these days you won't find any other stems with the clamp size you want. Only really old stems come in that size these days. Good luck

  12. Yeah it's 31.8, sorry, forgot to mention

  13. I think I see where they're trying to put the banners ^ ^

    1. tomturd


      oops, my bad. fixed.

    2. Jamie_Trials


      In that case, I guessed wrong, thought you were putting two banners up at the top

    3. tomturd


      Nope, we try to keep adverts at a minimum :)

  14. Anyone have a Echo SL freewheel they'd like to sell me? :)

  15. add me on msn if you want to (jamie_trials@hotmail.com)

    thats if you want any more details etc.

    Or you could send the money through paypal to neil.moxon@sky.com and leave a little note saying what its for

  16. all the things on my fs topic that are at the bottom bit are for sale mate

  17. I hope you get anally raped

  18. hi jack,

    youve got the wrong guy on your freinds list :) thts not me

  19. oh cheers i will probs one day :P

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