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Dwarf Shortage

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Everything posted by Dwarf Shortage

  1. I'm getting inFAMOUS, and Dead Nation. inFAMOUS has a sweet campaign, played some at my mates, gain electric powers, fight zombies, woo. Dead Nation's a top down zombie shooter, has online co-op, meant to be pretty good. LittleBigPlanet I already have, amazing game, pretty sure you can do the entire campaign online co-op with 4 others, then after that you can make your own worlds, race against each other, etc. Wipeout HD is a futuristic racer sorta deal, I hated it on PS2, so, meh. Ratchet & Clank, if you've played any other Ratchet & Clanks, then leave it well alone (unless you enjoy the exact same stuff with the slightest differences), otherwise not a bad game... People complaining about the Welcome Back pack or saying they want yet more free stuff need to be shot in the face and buried in an unmarked grave. Also, soon to come we'll get a weekend of loads of free films from LoveFilm, 30 days of PS+, which means we get demos a week earlier and some exclusive DLC from PS store. Anyone who was already on PS+ or had a Qriocity music sub will get all the time lost and an extra 30 days sub. Got my e-mail through from my old account after about 3 days (Hotmail accounts are meant to be failing hard), got to the change password page and apparently it's already been hacked. Essay and a half! If I can remember the past year of college as well as this my exams well be getting taken to brown town.
  2. Dwarf Shortage


    Watching Ratatouille tomorrow, PSYCHED! Got The Godfather for the weekend, as well as Kill Bill 1&2 and Jackie Brown, scooooooore.
  3. Fair do's ha, was just wondering.
  4. Never has so little been so 'this' to so many. Max, you need a seperate 'Music' tab on your site for your epic finds.
  5. Remember to PEE all over your work kids! I want to do GCSEs again, A Levels are f**king hard Waaaaaaaah.
  6. Do you actually ride trials or want to in the foreseeable future?
  7. Is it Druff? De Lion? Glibbits? Singmonkey?
  8. Lulz first post. Welcome to TF williamhole98.
  9. It isn't, I run rear freewheel with fixed cranks and it's fine, some people prefer FFW, some prefer freehubs, as with a lot of things in trials, it's purely rider's choice, and what they prefer. I can't speak for any others but the chain tensioner I use (Trialtech Sport Long) tucks away neatly under the frame, making it a lot harder to hit. Mark W used the same tensioner on his Fourplay:
  10. Sprung, don't skimp on a tensioner, and don't attempt to achieve the perfect balance between tight enough to stay on your sprocket but loose enough to be able to pedal, it's gonna shorten the life of pretty much your entire drive train if it's too tight, and it's gonna mess your face up if it's too loose. I tried a few things before actually buying a tensioner, including spoke tensioners, the lucky chain length, etc. and after buying a tensioner and seeing how well it's held out I wish I'd got one sooner. I also ride a Phase 1.2, went single-speed after hitting the dérailleur whilst hopping up a bench, and it pretty much tore my mech hanger apart, so if you're going to stick with gears be careful hopping up stuff on the same side as your dérailleur. I run a Trialtech Sport Long sprung tensioner which is nice and hidden, changed my grips to some Trialtech foams, and got a Hope Pro 2 trials hub on the back, sweet as a nut. EDIT: If you want to go FFW*, you'll need a fixed rear hub, the singlespeed kit, a freewheel and you might even need some new cranks as I remember someone telling me the cranks on the 1.2s won't work with FFWs. You can go singlespeed though, you'll probably want a new freehub as the shimano one is dog. To go singlespeed with a rear freewheel, you'd just need a tensioner and the singlespeed kit, and then you just take all the gears off, put your tensioner where the dérailleur used to go, and boom, singlespeed. But yeah, the shimano has like 2 engagement points, so you're better off buying a new freehub - unless you're only dabbling to see if trials is for you. *Forward freewheel Some freehubs in case you're still none the wiser: http://www.tartybike..._hubs/c148.html
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2fhzEihrVg Banks of the Niiiile!
  12. That Penny Farthing is actually awesome! Nice BMX too, shame about the brakes
  13. It's fine if you leave it in, but if you're still up for getting it out, just smash it up inside the forks, focus on hitting the tab things and just smash away with a screwdriver or a mallet or something. EDIT: Gah, beaten to it.
  14. You didn't get Vegas working then? Decent video apart from the distorted robot fight music, you've improved loads, makes me want to get out and make a vid.
  15. How tall are you? http://cgi.ebay.com/...#ht_5078wt_1139 Also: http://shop.ebay.com...-All-Categories EDIT: http://cgi.ebay.com/Professional-YOSHI-Mascot-Costume-Adult-Size-Fancy-Dres-/370370607776?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item563bcefaa0#ht_2204wt_905 It's $230, BUT CAN YOU PUT A PRICE ON HAPPINESS?!
  16. Herbert was perfect haha, needs moar Bruce. Oh noooooooooooooooooooooo.
  17. I GUESS LONDON! What people have said about it not being smooth, I think it's the animations for the rider and the bike moving, not you playing it that looks jerky. That aside, it's looking good, definitely has the potential to be a decent game
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