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Status Updates posted by HippY

  1. my coworker is mental. He was working from 11-midnight, then went home. at 4:30 he called me if everything is okay, as he was reading the emails.

    1. FamilyBiker


      the amphetamines will wreck him in the long run^^

  2. Decisions were made. Leeds as first choice and Birmingham as second for uni

    1. bing


      Leeds leeds leeds

    2. HippY


      I was on a date with Dan, since then Im in love with Leeds :)

  3. I think today is the day when I will ride for 90 minutes (Tarty says to bed in freewheels in couple of hours.)

  4. I tried to put the chain on my bike, as th very last step. guess when my chain tool broke.

  5. im literally just need to remove a sprocket from my crank, and my new build will be ready....

  6. This André has a sense to find blacklisted traders :)

    1. André


      Option A: I believe in forgiveness. Option B: I like to live dangerously. Option C: I'm a dumbass....:) take your pick.

  7. Just ordered from tarty, first time since April. it feels good to getting closer to ride :)

    1. FamilyBiker


      and test my pads out of course,no?


    2. HippY


      I am going DD (as I already have both brakes) but I am keeping your pads close, in case I get £70 for a new magura

  8. That is it, I made a decision. I sell up my bike, as I know myself and I am not going to ride until April in the rain and cold. probably I will get a new bike in April, but I do not want to see it standing here all winter. Sale thread soon

    1. Pete.M


      Save yourself the hassle.

      Never understood why people sell up for winter, only to go through the effort of buying another bike next year. Plus there might be the odd occasion during that time where you decide you want to go for a ride.

    2. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      ^ well said that man :p

    3. HippY


      I wanted to go back to "pure" trials as I will never have freetime do to stunts as well. I am sure I will nt have any freetime at all :/ but yeah, career here I come!

      Cleric, I am too comfortable to ride in bad weather :(

  9. I was sitting in a Subway, bike outside. Men, women, kids, ladies, everyone checked out my bike in a long stare, whereas when I walk into the club only fat chicks check me out.... ny bike could get a gf quicker than me

    1. dann2707


      Lmao! Amazing hahah

    2. isitafox


      Don't knock fat chicks, they try harder!

    3. fruitbat


      and they want it more

  10. I have been studying 24/7 and working for the past 2 month with zero to none biking. its far from ideal in any way :/

  11. I come out of the closet.... I am not sure if street is for me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dman


      That's a whole different category if u ask me. keep at it hippy, do you ride with anyone?

    3. HippY


      With every street trials riderd from Northern Ireland. So yes, alone

      I will try a lower gear ratio,as now its 18-13 and it is too large i think... And it doesn't help..

    4. Paperclip


      18-14 would be loads better for trials based moves. You can ride anything on that frame. You just need some bike time, go find some cool spots and just session them :)

  12. I should get a new job

  13. Sorry dan, I know you are serious. but dibs on your nipples anyway

    1. MartMini


      Ooft, dont we all want Dan's nipples ;)

  14. its so boring at work, the next few hours will take an eternity

  15. 25 degree, sunshine, girls out there with nice and short clothee and here i am sweating like a pig

    1. TOMTRIALS123


      hehe. Same here but with 16 degrees

  16. I liked that jamaican spam. it was informative

  17. Some new threads in ChitChat went from "That is funny" to "hehh" and now they are at "4chan people would love it".

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HippY


      i do it for 2x 9hrs,at least I got money

    3. bikeperson45


      I was only referencing the period of time after my lunch break, if we're going to do a 'my job's worse' type of thing

    4. HippY


      oooooohhhhhh, I get it now. but still I feel like the wiping thread should be on 4chan

  18. This week`s plan: survive and clean bike

    1. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      manage to get a truck ride back home? ;) your omen looks lovely in real life btw!

    2. HippY


      just barely but did

      now it is dirty so it needs a proper wash to shine, but thank you :)

    3. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      waah get a better way there next time haha ;)

  19. packing my stuff and my bike up and getting ready for tartydays. i am a little bit nervous as I was not been able to ride a nromal one in like a month, and I have never been in England :/

    1. JJ Leigh

      JJ Leigh

      you'll be fine here :p

  20. packing up and getting ready for tartydays

  21. packing up and getting ready for tartydays

  22. I was eating burrito in a restaruant, and romantic song came in. i just ate like 5 jalapenos, with some hot soy sauce and had no drink, it was so hot that I was crying. i could look rather desperate, although I was just trying to survive my burrito

  23. i tried to double post but the forum engine does not let it :( :( :(

  24. I just realised that it will be tartyday in 3 weeks!

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