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James Quigley

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Everything posted by James Quigley

  1. Looks better with those bars. Bet it feels better too, I wasn't a fan of the flat bars.
  2. Send me (via PM) your old address and I'll pop down the sorting office and see if they have it if you like
  3. Where's the option for "it makes them look stupid"? I'm quite an old fart and don't get the whole 'fashion thing'. Maybe it's a youth thing this whole guys wearing make-up jazz. Personally I'm too busy to be that overly involved in my appearance(I'm aware of the irony of posting this), shower and a shave = done! Oh and I do think everybody in the above pictures looks stupid, Johnny Depp included. That being said, whatever floats your boat. (so long as you don't mind strangers such as myself walking past you in the street thinking to themselves "he looks stupid").
  4. I seem to remember a tv show that had Ross Noble on being taught how to ride his Gasgas by Dougie Lampkin or similar.
  5. At least the stickers are the colour of Fanta.......
  6. Pick it up, look at the address to make sure it's still legible, then post it. If the address is illegible, open it up to see if it's important/if there's a return address and proceed
  7. Has that Humvee got a Renault badge on the front?
  8. I'm going to say +1 for Becky Cook. Mainly because I apparently went to school with her (same year group) and shared a few classes but I have no idea who she is, so to ease my guilt of not knowing fellow trials rider, throw her some publicity haha.
  9. Isle of wight, but we're more of an island/county (albeit a small one) than a ''town''.
  10. I've has my rear rim for going on 4 years now, grind it every 3 months or so. No need for anything to outlast that really.
  11. James Quigley


    I'm nearly 25 and still riding, I ride with a friend who is 26 and only just started up again 2 years ago. If you want to do it and find it fun then go ahead!!
  12. You fool, hahaha. I have a powerball if you want it for when the cast come off
  13. This happened to a lever of mine, no matter what I did whenever I put the piston back into the lever it got stuck. Left it in the bottom of a toolbox for a year, looked at it the other night and it had a lovely sharp springy action. I realise this doesn't help you but I was chuffed haha.
  14. James Quigley

    Pompy 2nd March

    Pompy on sunday
  15. James Quigley

    Front Brake Test

    A quick vid testing my front brake that is for sale.
  16. Planet Earth Boxset, amazing!
  17. Angle grinder, metal cutting disc, file.......bish,bash,bosh! Mines an echo '07 (I think) and still no flats spots or buckles.
  18. I remember a vid of an engine block being cnc machined. That was COOL!
  19. Got this for xmas from the missus' parents of all people. I've loved Cod 4, World at war and MW2 but i've gotta say, I've only played the first few campaign missions and I'm not impressed at all. As far as online goes, I have never and cant see myself ever bothering with it. So yeah to some up I dont like the Call of Duty Franchise anymore.
  20. are you running a front disc? might be worth checking those bolts, also some discs have some play in the pads. These could cause a 'wobbly' front end.
  21. People not diggin' the carbon then. I like it which is what really matters, it's also a good scratch protector as I found out today when chucking my mates bike ontop of it in the car.
  22. Right trying to fit a CD player into a 1993 Vauxhall Frontera. Can not find the wiring info I need anywhere, the radio already fitted has been ghetto fitted using selotape. I have a standard ISO wiring block for the new headunit but the wire colours in the car are not a match! Vauxhall Standard wires: (notice the lack of a red) Green Green/Yellow Black/Green Red/White Red/White Blue Black Black White Brown/White Yellow Green/Blue The wires to my new HU: Yellow - Ignition Blue - 12v out Orange - Illumination Red - 12v Battery Black - Earth Purple + Purple/Black - Rear right speaker Grey + Grey/Black - Front Right White + White Black - Left Front Green + Green Black - Left Rear There appears to be 1 less wire in the car than I need. I have been searching for ages but cant find this wire colour schematic for the car anywhere. Please help me oh magical Trials-Forum,
  23. Hey All, due to the shocking weather and my GF being at work the other night I decided to respray my frame. So after a brief detour home from halfords the new colour (decided on an eenie meenie minee mo basis) is Blue! Also had a small length of 3M Doc Carbon Vinyl laying about so jazzed up the top tube.
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