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Ben Geary

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Everything posted by Ben Geary

  1. I'm using a Kenda Kenetic at the moment and i'm quite inpresed with it, it's got good grip ... grips rails well and it's light weight and also the pinch protection isn't all that bad. Good tyer in my opoinion. It's a 2.1 by the way, i like a thin tyer up front.
  2. Jon, don't get a Mad. Get that Echo pure of Dan ko you was telling me about or that pitbull of Tunni ... if i was you i would probbaly go with the Echo pure. Sounds like a good deal to me. Meh ... it's your choice.
  3. I'm there if i have a new rim by then
  4. Neil .... that was just mad, the editing, Track, and Riding ! were all awesome. loved it all, some very impresive stuff going on there man.
  5. Sweet pics there Bessel, some awesome riding. Nice one.
  6. No wonder your life is dull, you keep riding Loughborough .
  7. I've ridden the Km1 and a Gu and if i was to pick out the two then i'd probbaly say the Km1, feels really nice and gets you straight on the backwheel really easy. There really flicky allthough Dan's stem seem'd a tad to high for me.
  8. Thats the best T-Pro i've seen on here with out a doubt. Very nice.
  9. Ben Geary


    Biggest load of shit i've heard of, I'm finding this problam aswell mate. I can do about 45" on vertical walls and about 50" on a slant wall, i've been practicing taps quite abit lately and i've found you've go to get your pedal strokes dialed propperly. You've got to go in with quite a bit of speed and i'm left foot forward so i'm trying to get it so i lift my wheel up with my right foot then follow it through to my left and then hit the wall, i normally hit the wall quite low and i do quite abit of speed, it's all about practice really, i've been practicing my pedal strokes on slant walls though as i find it easier to do, then i'll try it on a vertical walls to see how i feel. Practice makes perfect.
  10. This bike rides f**king lush !, if i was to get a Mod it'd be this or a Gu.
  11. Ben Geary

    Big Brother

    Yeah untill that Nikki said ' Eww jane i'm f**king eating, for f**ks sake' ... that Nikki winds me up thinking she's some king of queen. She's a Goooooooon !!!
  12. I'll probs be there, hopefully.
  13. I've been thinking of getting one of these tyers, is the wear rate on them good ? ... are they dual ply ?
  14. Odyssey Linear Slic cables are really good, i've ran a few when used to run a Rear V, they can take enough shit and give the lever alot more stiffer feel than normal Cables. There not majorley expensive either witch is good, and come in shitloads of Colours. There not on CRC though but still you can get them front your local LBS or skate shop what sell Bmx stuff.
  15. Well .... Basically I think i'll be getting a Moped when i turn 16 witch is quite away still but i might get one early, Basically i don't really know witch one to go for. I want one whats reliable, fast, and handles well. I'm not a newbie to motocycles or anything like that, i've been on shit loads of Motocross bikes it's just i don't want go and buy a shit moped whats going to be breaking on me like every month or so. Can anyone point me in the direction for decent one's. I've been on a few Yamaha Aerox's and i like'd the feel of them but like i said i mainly want is reliability, speed, and handling. I'm not looking to spend masses of money and i'll most likely be buying one second hand of Ebay or what ever. Anyone care to point be in the direction ? Thanks, Ben.
  16. Yeah Ronnies are really shit, I've said there good before but thats only when i had grinded it like 2 times and they were light grinds and after about 4 light grinds it just started denting like fook ! there's like 12 dents 3 witch are 3" long and some parts of the sidewall have snapped of, Those who have seen it will know were i'm coming from. I think I'll be getting a Hog for next rim, heard quite a few good things about them. Hog !
  17. You brought the Bike secondhand, obviously it's had a good raping.
  18. Your getting mad becuase a Member is saying: Zoo! Baby, you've got some issues mate, Just ignore it.
  19. Surprised Paul hasn't posted in this thread yet Shocker !
  20. Looks like you wrong , i've seen that setup before and f**k me it's good. It'll be my next set up fo sure
  21. God that was funny , Can't forget that bloke having a go at Adam Bessel Class!
  22. Beast !! that was seriously madness, them dropgaps, taps, hooks, sidehops are all mental as fook, the song was awesome and the editing was just class, really enjoyed it. Watched like 4 times now and i'm still shocked with of the shit going down in that vid, Crazy mofo. Also i don't know if it's me but at the start looks like your rim is smooth are you running a smooth rim, what rear brake setup you using. Cheers, Ben.
  23. Was a Great ride, really chilled out ... Shame the people who said they were going didn't turn up .
  24. Looks really nice, i'd get rid of all the stickers if i was you ... it'll loads more nicer and the stem looks fine. Looks mean.
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