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Everything posted by 2sixstreet

  1. I've known a few guys with Lefty's. The big advantages were less weight and a much stiffer connection at the hub. Also, if you flat during a race you dont need to remove the wheel to change a tube. Disadvantages are as everyone said - cost if something goes wrong. Also, theres a slight problem with balance when on the rear wheel.
  2. I'll be there around then. Come and kick me in the head or summin. Got a yellow MET and black and white control.
  3. Yep can do. You need adjustable wrench and crank tool as well?
  4. Lovin that Schwinn but that roadie needs help.
  5. Its not a bad idea and one which I investigated not so long ago. It was abandoned due to lack of real estate in that general area. You would definitley need to secure it somewhere though as it would move all over place. When tension is applied to the top when pedalling the whole lot would rise up as it floats. Maybe a bit more friction but would work ok. Its not the simplest tensioner but let us know if you decide to make one.
  6. Cheers for the comments guys. Rides a lot like the Ali Bongo but lighter, longer and have more confidence on it. Yeah, another Control in Bristol
  7. Thats a beast, very robust. Is the guard over the jockey wheel really needed? Were the holes already in that plate which is part of your frame or did you drill it?
  8. That looks cool, nice and simple. Looks like you had fun cutting and drilling the stainless. Is it spring steel or just stainless?
  9. Am lovin that, looks sweet as. Perhaps black pedals though.
  10. Give your rim a good wash and then use tar or coca cola (wait for the coke to dry)
  11. What sort of drill are you using? If it has speed adjustment, slow it right down and apply a good pressure but dont go crazy. Let the bit do the work not you.
  12. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Bad Rating SummaryHad to remind him to post them as he forgot and then took forever because he didnt pay enough postage so were held at the PO until I payed the extra plus handling fee. Gave him opportunity to cover the extra postage but hasnt. Given By: 2sixstreet You were the: Seller Date: 1187200196
  13. You have recieved a new feedback. Below are details concerning the new feedback. Type: Good Rating SummaryAwesome to deal with, told me when posted and turned up quickly. Top work. Given By: 2sixstreet You were the: Seller Date: 1187199597
  14. It looks bad but I came out of it unscathed. Fakie off a low wall and next thing my crank arms were both facing down. Took one look, laughed out loud and starting walking...
  15. Thats cool, the first electric Control. Where do you plug it in on rides? Nice one Luke, has given it a lift. I think it needs racing stripes and a Ford badge though.
  16. A harsh critic methinks Bigmans is simple and effective and suits someone not as likley to smash it to bits. Mounting behind the BB has got me thinking though... (lateral head)
  17. Nice bike, wheres the pussy?
  18. Like a dog returning to its own vomit i've gone and made ANOTHER one. The 4th posted in this thread. This one is to suit pro2. Its a 2 piece with adjustment. The idea is borrowed from the b tension arrangement on rear mechs.
  19. Yes it is Bigmans old frame all you trainspotters.
  20. This still happening? Where u going to be at what time?
  21. Awesome pictures and riding. Have you considered using an spd setup for your right hand so when you bail you dont go down with the ship? I've seen it done with the cleat (or pedal) sewn into a glove. The mating part is secured to the bars. Snap it in, a quick flick and you're out. Not sure what setup you have now but it might be a more positive connection.
  22. An old trail trick that is tried and tested successfully (when miles from home and rims were much weaker than these days) is to lean the built wheel against a tree at say 45 degrees and jump on it to get it roundish - then finish off trying to true it normally. Might give you a better result before you throw it away.
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