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Do You Class This Has A Trials Bike?


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Sure is trials, however you will probably rip it in half after about 10 minutes riding!

What makes you say that? Ever ridden one? Know anyone who's had one? I've never heard a bad review of an Orange Zero, just because they havn't got a 2" frame doesn't make them crap!

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What makes you say that? Ever ridden one? Know anyone who's had one? I've never heard a bad review of an Orange Zero, just because they havn't got a 2" frame doesn't make them crap!

Do you see many around today?

No, thats because most of them cracked round the bb area like the Zebedi frames did.

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Do you see many around today?

No, thats because most of them cracked round the bb area like the Zebedi frames did.

No, because everyone wants 'modern' bikes

So I take it you never have had experience with one?

I can't say I ever heard of one cracking (maybe because I've not been in touch with the scene for 6 years, I dunno :P) But I've seen these frames take some serious thrashing and are still going now! Talk to anyone who's ever had one and they'll rave about them!

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No, because everyone wants 'modern' bikes

So I take it you never have had experience with one?

I can't say I ever heard of one cracking (maybe because I've not been in touch with the scene for 6 years, I dunno :P) But I've seen these frames take some serious thrashing and are still going now! Talk to anyone who's ever had one and they'll rave about them!

Yeah, you're right... Everyone in the trials world wants a modern geometry bike. No street riders around at all. No sir.

And yes, i have had plenty of experience with them, thanks!

You say you've been out of touch for 6 years, and yet you're trying to argue they don't crack.

I've got some proto MAD forks in my garage that are still in 1 piece and are about 5 years old. I can pretty much bend the fork legs in with my hands so they touch. If i whakced them on my rig today, doesn't mean they're not shit forks!

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Yeah, you're right... Everyone in the trials world wants a modern geometry bike. No street riders around at all. No sir.

And yes, i have had plenty of experience with them, thanks!

You say you've been out of touch for 6 years, and yet you're trying to argue they don't crack.

I've got some proto MAD forks in my garage that are still in 1 piece and are about 5 years old. I can pretty much bend the fork legs in with my hands so they touch. If i whakced them on my rig today, doesn't mean they're not shit forks!

shut up

i dont want a modern bike its why ive gone for an old 01 t-rex

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I didn't say they don't crack did I? No frame is invincible! Just never heard of or seen one crack, please feel free to show me some (Y)

Quoted from Biketrials.com:

Used Product For

6 Months


strong,looks good



Similar Products Used

leeson clear 660,saracen x-ile+x-tort


this frame is hardcore and wel fun to ride, the chainstays are quite short and the front is long but not too long so u can still do bunny hops easily.the small(10inch)frame is well good i love them, im on my second bcoz i snapped the right hand chainstay near the bb and loadsa people have,but otherwise its solid

Used Product For

6 Months


Looks amazing... inspires confidence because its so damn beefy, and the downtube is gorgeous!


Manufacturing quality... Unfortunately the first one I owned came to me brand new with a Bent back end... they had misaligned it in the jig. They then replaced it with a 2002 model which performed fine until the driveside chainstay-dropout weld cracked

Similar Products Used

Pace RC250t, Planet X Zebdi, Echo ES2, Echo Pure


This was my first 26" frame I owned. It looked so nice and rode quite well, not as well as some, but well enough for me back then... it's just a real shame they didn't make it well enough. The first frame was just disappointing really, the back end being squiff from stage 1. On it's second chance a weld cracked, which isn't really on. Maybe I rode it too harshly, who knows, but 6 months isn't enough for £400 UK.

Used Product For

Tested Only




The size is too small, chainstay, too beefy, looks ect

Similar Products Used

Brisa, Echo, zoo ect


This frame is far too over priced and is not that strong.

Used Product For

2 Years or more


great balance, and stabality


weak chainstays.


the Orange frame is quite long, great stability and balance. one problem for me was the right chainstay that snapped, many others who have rode this frame have had this problem. it has lasted me for 2 and a half years and now sits in my room with the rest of my snapped frames, lol.

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I'm with Woody on this one.

The majority of old school trials specific frames (as in Pashleys and Zeros, or thereabouts) had faults like cracking, which is inevitable for products with no real background to go on.

Progressions have been made from them, and have helped to shape where we are today.

Just because something's old, doesn't mean it's bad, however there's a general (I use the term loosely!) trend for the newer products to be better, as there have been more previous examples to look at and learn from.

I've heard/seen a few broken Zeros. Yeah, they rode nicely, looked cool as hell, and were popular, but they did break from time to time.

You can't assume that because somebody has an opinion you don't agree with, that they are wrong, or that they don't know what they are talking about. This may be the case from time to time, but still...

edit; Just seen the above post.

Haha, Woodman, well played!

Edited by Monkey Boy
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Ok, words - eaten

But I'm sure even modern frames still crack eventually..? :huh:

Obviously new frames will always be better, lighter, stronger thats evolution, but it doesn't mean the older stuff is shit and not even worth glancing at! Give it 8 or so years, see how many bad reviews of the present Echo's and GU's and more modern bikes are floating around on the net..

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To say that old trials frames are shit is a ridiculous thing to say.

Maybe, it's got something to do with trials riders in general having a "Bodge it" approach to bike maintanence and care.

I can appreciate that modern trials riding is hard on a bike, but old bikes were designed to be ridden compeletly different ! And if you ride them within there limits they'll last as long as you want them to. I've been quite harsh on my Pashley, and my Fatty's but both are in spot on condition.

Riding an old bike with care is fun, and you'll get an attachment to it. Not like these new frames that you throw away every year.


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To say that old trials frames are shit is a ridiculous thing to say.

Maybe, it's got something to do with trials riders in general having a "Bodge it" approach to bike maintanence and care.

I can appreciate that modern trials riding is hard on a bike, but old bikes were designed to be ridden compeletly different ! And if you ride them within there limits they'll last as long as you want them to. I've been quite harsh on my Pashley, and my Fatty's but both are in spot on condition.

Riding an old bike with care is fun, and you'll get an attachment to it. Not like these new frames that you throw away every year.


Nobody said they were shit as such

Some of it is down to a 'bodge it' approach, but no more so than with newer frames

The thing is, the limits were different when those frames were designed/made than now. If you ride a newer frame 'within its limits' then of course it'll last as long as you want it to!

Not everyone buys a new frame every year, however with the second hand market as strong as it is, it's easier to change frames if you want something a bit different. It's a good thing.

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But I'm sure even modern frames still crack eventually..? :huh:

Obviously new frames will always be better, lighter, stronger thats evolution, but it doesn't mean the older stuff is shit and not even worth glancing at! Give it 8 or so years, see how many bad reviews of the present Echo's and GU's and more modern bikes are floating around on the net..

I don't think so. Zeros were notorious for ALWAYS cracking in the same place. It was a design fault - or at least a design oversight, since no one could really have forseen it. They tried to make the chainstays too short without using a BB yoke, so the tubes had a big kink in them and a small weld area at the BB. And they all broke. Nowadays, pretty much every frame has a CNC yoke there which pretty much avoids this problem.

People do destroy frames these days, but not as much. Also, they're destroyed in many different ways, different places etc. They're not let down by a design fault, just battered into submission by overuse. Which is fine.

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orange zero what a great bike :):)

id say it has done me fine:)

'been ridin it for a long time but now i have moved back to 20inch and got a t pro

and yes there is an almighty differnce bettween the two bikes:)

how much are they worth are zeros worth ???

i got mostly all oldschool stuff like..

old school fattys:)

oldschool xtr on front

rear 33

very oldschool front wheel hope on a mavic something lol

and a hope pro 2 aon a rhini lite rear wheel

but the let down of my bike is the onza t bird cranks:(


o wel i am looking forward to going back to 20inch and finally bein able to throw my bike around againlol:)


Edited by DANNI BOI
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Brings back memories. Zero with fattys will give you a 1010 wheelbase. I loved mine to bits, went through several. Just don't put a rear disc on them, those little tabs crack and break off really quickly. I had to have mine welded up with plates to withstand my hunk of weight :)

If you got it at a good price, it's a great starter bike and most of that kit will move onto a new frame without problem.

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