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Hair Style/cut Help Needed


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Damn, has this topic been moved to New Members Chat?

lol should be :).

anyone with a skin head looks like a thug hah, and short back n sides looks really gay imo but most people will say my hair looks gay too, so meh, whewtever.


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lmao yr short bk n sdes m8

wid bit o gel on top luks f**kin buzin.

LOL, i agree with caleb.


lol should be :).

anyone with a skin head looks like a thug hah, and short back n sides looks really gay imo but most people will say my hair looks gay too, so meh, whewtever.


Mat why do you have to ruin EVERY topic with this " Oh yeah sick blud safe", shut the f**k up, you sound pathetic. My hairs long and f**ked up at the moment, I just stick hat on when im out, or have helmet on when riding and you can't really tell difference :P. But i do need to get something sorted, I've just got generally thick hair, thinned and styled i reckon ?

Or go back to old days, Grade 1 all over :P

Edited by Danny Kearns
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I've decided this year there's quite a large niche in the market for private school girls. So I'm gona have slightly longer messy looking hair an say 'yar' alot. Aim of the game is to get them all pregnant an bring disgrace to their family names. Whoop Whoop!

By the way, I'm not actually joking.


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see i really like having long(er) hair, but for pure get up late, turn into work as quickly as possible, out of work, shower, gym, home, tea, shower, and then either chill/ go out.

having long straightened hair is a ballache. so i generally shave it grade 1 or 2, and just leave it grow till i need to start sorting it out, and then shave it again.

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blatanatly got some extensions in. ahaha.

Nah, seriously it takes me like 5minutes normally to sort my hair into somthing half decent for school or whatever, and then 10-15 if im going out to some kind of special thing party etc. when I ride I dont do anything to my hair.

Also, I wash my hair before i sleep every night just because I also dont want the gunk and shit all on my pillow and on my face as it probs make my spots even worse!

to be honest Id rather take the time and look good, I would look like a complete tool with real short hair and when I have mediochrely short hair I do seem to look like a MASSIVE chav even with skinny jeans n shit on :/

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not being defensive just thought id try to inform:

1. i rarely straighten my hair, and if i do i do it in a manner to make it easier to style not for the straightened look, the only people who can pull that off are paul weller and tim burgess . . imo

2. crude clay, its reccomended by stylists for a reason it costs £15 a tub and will seriously last one person around a year, gel, putty, wax, fructis anything else that is marketted on tv for the mass market are usually all shite full stop.

3. i spend like 2 minutes if that on my hair before i go out on friday and saturday, i really doint care how the people at college see me as they are all morons and im not trying to pull ( nor am i in town but . . .)

plus to the guy who saifd straighten after applying product? im sure you shouldnt be doing that it will just fry your hair/ stink your hair should be dry or serum ed before straighetning

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Any pics of your hair?

My hair sucks, I just spend too long trying to make it look acceptable and have a good idea how I would like it to look, but right now its medium length which is the worst bit.

Edit: Il put a pic up when its how I want it :P

Edited by Tom_
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f**k that shit.

But yeah, I don't actually cut my own hair 'cos I have a feeling I'd f**k it up, plus I know I'd balls the sides up.

So who does it?

I get number 2 all over also but am paying £6 for the privilage of some queer guy doing it wrong now, so might buy clippers and get the gf or flat mate to do it.

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