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they dont give you a buzz

if youve never tried ecstasy you wont understand the feeling it gives you

i can not describe just how f**king AMAZING you feel and how f**king AMAZING everything is when ur on it.

It is verrry nice, I used to have a bloody good laugh on grinners. The main downside from my experience using them being, your not gonna want to go riding the next day like you would after a night spent drinking. So go to church instead or rehab or life drawing classes, anything to take your mind off smoking weed on a comedown, you'll be playing those midweek blues otherwise.


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Pure "E" - probably not. But you need to remember that drug dealers are in the business to make money, they don't give a f**k about the people. I'd be willing to bet that 99% of Ecstacy tablets have been mixed with something. These pills are a mixture of dangerous chemicals and god knows what other substances. If take one of those pills you're playing the life lottery, which simply isn't worth it.

Luckily for me I've never had anybody offer this kind of thing but I can guarantee without a shadow of a doubt it'll be a no every time. My life is good enough as it is and I don't need some pill to f**k with my brain to tell me I'm enjoying myself. I've got better things I can spend my money on.

Every single ecstacy tablet is mixed with ketamine and other substances such as carbonate soda, flour and some times even rat poisening they need to mix it to make it stick as tablets. if not it just crumbles.

MDMA is pure ecstacy and is a white powder similar to coke. ketamine is sometimes past off as MDMA, and that shit knocks you the f**k out, if you snort a line longer than your fingernail every hour.

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Every single ecstacy tablet is mixed with ketamine and other substances such as carbonate soda, flour and some times even rat poisening they need to mix it to make it stick as tablets. if not it just crumbles.

MDMA is pure ecstacy and is a white powder similar to coke. ketamine is sometimes past off as MDMA, and that shit knocks you the f**k out, if you snort a line longer than your fingernail every hour.

'join us next week on "Drugs - and how to take them" with Toby...'

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Every single ecstacy tablet is mixed with ketamine and other substances such as carbonate soda, flour and some times even rat poisening they need to mix it to make it stick as tablets. if not it just crumbles.

MDMA is pure ecstacy and is a white powder similar to coke. ketamine is sometimes past off as MDMA, and that shit knocks you the f**k out, if you snort a line longer than your fingernail every hour.

I think you're wrong.

MDMA is not pure Ecstacy, Ecstacy contains MDMA. MDMA is just MDMA, a seperate drug. Ecstacy is a drug that has a large percentage of MDMA.

The myth that people use rat poison is crap too, why would they use rat poison and potentially kill customers when there's plenty of safe white powders they could use?

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I THINK MDMA is ecstasy...

I always thought it was pure ecstasy and google seemed to agree. But im not saying your wrong just what I always thought.

Its a pretty popular drug here going for 30ish quid a gram with alot of users.

Dont really think spiking of drugs is so much of a problem any more but it was always any extra avalible substances at the time of making.

If its cheap and itll mix then well it was used.

Dealers are alot smarter now and yeah why potentially kill your customers.

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MDMA is just MDMA, an ingredient in Ecstacy.

Google may well tell you otherwise but that's all it is :)

The consensus is that ecstacy should just be MDMA, but there are various things that can be sold as Ecstacy

Edit, that was information overkill, its here:Bluelight

Edited by Elliot
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I think this is stupid why risk taknig a drug that could kill you i just think its stupid stick to beer.

because its bloody unlikely to kill you, and its a rather pleasant way to spend an evening.

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I think this is stupid why risk taknig a drug that could kill you i just think its stupid stick to beer.

Beer can kill you

crossing the road can kill you

dont be so naive, its one of the safest drugs going

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But beer you can control and you know your limits i think esctasy total waste of time no matter how good it makes you feel i know ill never take it pointless to me. And if its unlikely still a chance it can eh? dont care what odds are why take chance on something so little.

Edited by tom aky
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But beer you can control and you know your limits i think esctasy total waste of time no matter how good it makes you feel i know ill never take it pointless to me. And if its unlikely still a chance it can eh? dont care what odds are why take chance on something so little.

You don't actually know though, you're just coming in here putting your facts across when you don't actually know.

You're 16, wait until you're 18/19 or even 21 and then post in this kind of thread.

You ride a bike, you could easily have an accident on that... everything we do carries risks.

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drinking in your bedroom you're safe enough or at a mates or whatever but in town, if you have a few too many or get spiked who knows what could happen. ive been in a few crazy situations before, once woke up in an empty gay bar and was locked in haha, doesn't get much worse than that !

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Hahahahahaah i drink at friends houses before go out i wouldnt drink anywhere where chance getting spikked if i did be more worried about me mum killing me than being affected by the spike.

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Hahahahahaah i drink at friends houses before go out i wouldnt drink anywhere where chance getting spikked if i did be more worried about me mum killing me than being affected by the spike.

Thats cos you seem like a naieve little boy :turned: Before anyone says anything, i'm not really saying im not. Hence why i'm not running into a thread like this spounting uneducated 'facts' and arguments an shit.

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Point out where i put uneducated fact because thats just pissing me off now having a go at me casting an opinion and its my opinion so i dont give a sh*t what you comment on it if your going to be negative and dont call me a naive boy when you no nothing about me.

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Of course, the real killer is Cake. That's worse than all the other drugs put together.

One young girl took Cake, and puked up her own pelvic bone. Imagine how her poor mother felt. It's a f'cking disgrace.

RIP Bernard Manning :)

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Point out where i put uneducated fact because thats just pissing me off now having a go at me casting an opinion and its my opinion so i dont give a sh*t what you comment on it if your going to be negative and dont call me a naive boy when you no nothing about me.

I never said you were, just that i'm not :turned:

Edited by Max Quinn
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Hahahahahaah i drink at friends houses before go out i wouldnt drink anywhere where chance getting spikked if i did be more worried about me mum killing me than being affected by the spike.

You can have your drink spiked anywhere where people sell alcohol. There was a 'raising awareness' thing the police did where they went around pubs and put little cocktail umbrellas with "Your drink could've been spiked" or something like that on them in people's drinks without them noticing to point out how easy it is to get people's drinks spiked. So yeah, if you go anywhere out drinking you're potentially at risk from it. Equally, you never know what it could be spiked with, and if your drink was spiked, I believe you'd be more concerned with why the f**k you'd just woken up with a sore arse in an alleyway rather than what your mum was going to think...

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Hahahahahaah i drink at friends houses before go out i wouldnt drink anywhere where chance getting spikked if i did be more worried about me mum killing me than being affected by the spike.

You can get ur drink spiked anywere:S

i dislike this guy alot

hes 16 and has no idea about anything.

go on, tell me ur right and im wrong...

im not saying i do, but im fully aware that taking ecstasy doesnt kill you instantly like you make out.

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He thinks it's an opinion but it seems more like he's stating a fact.

I meant no disrespect with my initial post to you, but you are 16 - you won't know that much on drugs and alcohol until around 18 or maybe 21. It's nothing personal to you, but you just won't.

Instead of "Zomg drugs kill you" you should look into it a bit more rather than reading stories like "Ar mate, someone I know turned orange and melted inside apparently I heard somewhere I think"...

A lot of bullcrap is made up about drugs, media hype and anti-drug campaigns etc... Do some real research and then form an opinion.

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