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What Do You Think About This Ex Police Man Who's Been Killed?


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An ex policeman was up in court this month in the next week or so, with charges of holding several thousand indecent images of children. It's been documented in the news, and no doubt his local news and papers.

He has been stabbed to death over the weekend. Now, this will not be a coincidence, or it's highly unlikely.

This guy hadn't been found guilty... Sure, he may well have been guilty, but it wasn't yet proven. What do you think about the details of people that are under suspision being made public in the news?? If it wasn't made public, he would have gone to court, and maybe if he was found innocent, he could have returned to his life as normal.

John Leslie is another example. He was accused of rape, but was found completely innocent, but everyone knows all about it and it's very unfair to have everyone thinking he may have done it, when it was proven he did not.

Basically, should it be made public that someone did something, BEFORE they are found guilty? This guy was killed before he was found guilty...What if he was innocent...


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it's not about the stabbing, it's the principle of releasing details of a possibly innocent man before he has been proven guilty.

If you want my honest opinon, i don't really give a toss if he's killed once it's proven he is a paedo, but before it's been prove, i think it's a bit wrong that he's put at risk by having his information spilled out to the public when he may be quite innocent.

Imagine being caught up in somehting like this. You get arrested and are totally innocent, but your face and name are on the news saying you're accused of raping a child or something. If you did it or not, you wouldn't be welcome down the highstreet.

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personally i think you are bang on mate - deffo think these people that ARE guilty of posessing these images should be made public and also you should be able to know where they are (especially if you are a parent) so that you know your kids are safe or at least you can keep an eye on them if you know they are around your kids (i am speaking as a dad)

but at the same time i think they should wait untill they get the guilty verdict as as you say they could be innocent and nothing more come of it but they will be tarred with the same brush

there we go that is my view


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It's kind of dubious the way you infer that if he was guilty stabbing him to death would be perfectly acceptable.

Where on earth did you get that from? I've read it three times and I still can't see bongoloid condoning mob justice.

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it is the f--kin media, i might end up living in china solely for the purpose that the media dont publish a paper full of malicious lies.

but ive never heard of this story. was he not given any protection? like officers or anything looking out for him (at home for instance)

it shouldnt be made public until he's found guilty. even if was found innocent he'll have to be pretty stubborn and confident to show his face in public. especially with the fickle sun-readers probably pointing out the 'paedo'

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If you want my honest opinon, i don't really give a toss if he's killed once it's proven he is a paedo, but before it's been prove, i think it's a bit wrong that he's put at risk by having his information spilled out to the public when he may be quite innocent.

Completly 100% agree with that. If someone is convicted trialed, and then proven innocent and eveyone noes there lives and there convictions, imagine trying to walk around with your head up. If innocent you'd feel guilty and ashamed.

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Where on earth did you get that from? I've read it three times and I still can't see bongoloid condoning mob justice.

I'm actually glad you posted this. I was a bit peeved he said that, and re-read my post. I thought fair enough, maybe i typed it in a way were it could be read in that light, even though personally i didn't read it that way.

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No, but it is always gonna be difficult to keep things like this (and the John Leslie one ) out of the media

That's only because it's legal to put it in the media. If this wasn't the case, they legally couldn't put it in the paper. There have been media silences in the past and probably all the time that we don't know about. The odd one slips thorugh, like the recent one about the prince on the front line.

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If its illegal to report from within the court, it should be illegal to report outside the court - until a verdict is reached.

It's like when a kid goes missing, once some guy is accused the media have a field day; when found innocent they do nothing - that guy still has to try and live his life with 80% of the population still thinking he is the accused.

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it is the f--kin media, i might end up living in china solely for the purpose that the media dont publish a paper full of malicious lies.


Newsflash: Everything is OK - gooooo Chinese Government.

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I'll be honest i think the media is a bunch of bollocks anyway, they can take 1 quote but word it in a way which fits into their article. Especially with the crap papers which everyone seems to read... I genrally don't read anything but the Dear Dedrie. :giggle: i haven't heard this story but what excuse could you have for possessing child porn? And also, imo death is a fair punishment for the crime.

EDIT: after proving beyond any form of reasonable doubt that it was them, aka a court system or w.e.

Edited by Simps
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Basically it all boils down to the civil liberties that have, over the years been slowly eroded away (by labour?).

Innocent until proven otherwise.

This really is the most vital and fundamental pillar of the criminal justice system. There are many many many reasons why releasing information about a person not yet convicted of horrific crimes, or in fact any crimes..

The right to a fair trial; I guarantee by reading the news articles mentioned by John you will form a Bias.

The fact that he has been victimised for a crime that potentially he could be pardoned for.

I dont care about the bullshit of "Theres no smoke without fire" or "Its obvious he did it".

Before a crime goes to court there should be no publicly available information regarding the individual or what he is accused of (sure they can appeal for information but there is no need to give personal details of the accused).

If found innocent I believe that you should also have the right to have no details of the case publicised.

If found guilty then its no holds barred to be frank..

it is the f--kin media, i might end up living in china solely for the purpose that the media dont publish a paper full of malicious lies.



China Gazette Circa 1989.. "Tiananmen Square Protests; Tiananmen what now? Never heard of it.. "

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The problem is the power of the media. When it comes to these kind of allegations they should be kept under wraps and only revealed if a guilty verdict is given. I understand that families etc want to know about these cases but the potential for wrecking an innocent persons life is huge!

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It does suck how people are accused and then it's not published that they were wrong to accuse someone...

If I was accused of rape I'd quite like it if the paper then published that I, infact was not the rapist. (Unless of course I was, then they'd be silly to do so)

(Which I'm not)

(Just using that as an example)


(Dig, dig, dig, dig)

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If I was accused of rape I'd quite like it if the paper then published that I, infact was not the rapist. (Unless of course I was, then they'd be silly to do so)

Yeah but if they did retract the allegation, you can be sure they'd put it in tiny print on page 44. Nobody cares about normal people not committing crimes. People only care about scandal and sleaze.

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